Issue 10 - 2016/2017
May 2017
District 42 Toastmasters Monthly Dispatch
Welcome to the tenth edition of the District 42 Monthly Dispatch for the 2016/2017 Toastmasters year.
The release of this issue was delayed so that we could share highlights of the May 5-7 Spring Convention that was held in Calgary.
Explore the articles below to learn more about your District.
In this issue:
- Spring 2017 Convention Highlights
- Reminder | Hold Club Elections
- District Incentives
- Of The Year Awards
- District Opportunities
- And The Award Goes To...
- Newest Clubs
- Club Anniversaries
- Snapshot From The District
- The Leader Letter
Spring 2017 Convention Highlights
District 42 Spring Convention was held
May 5-7 at the
Sheraton Cavalier Calgary Hotel.
What an action packed program!
The weekend was filled with a number of educational sessions, keynotes, the District Speech Evaluation and International Speech Contests, and a leadership panel.
We laughed. We learned.
We were moved and inspired!
Thank you to our members for making this event a success!
By actively participating and supporting your fellow members you made a positive impact on the event. A special thank you to our Spring Convention Committee led by Joanne Smith, for their time and hard work organizing such a stimulating program.
And the District Contests Winners are...
There was plenty to celebrate...
Meet your 2017/2018 District Trio
On May 6, at the District Council Meeting, the District Trio was elected for the upcoming Toastmasters year.
Carolyn Kaldy DTM (outgoing District 42 Director) with your incoming District Leaders: Dunstant Taylor DTM (Club Growth Director), John Bauer DTM (District Director), and Catherine Secundiak DTM (Program Quality Director). Congratulations!
REMINDER | Hold Club Elections
Did you know that club elections are supposed to be held the first meeting in May?
Take the time to consider who will be a good fit for your club executive team for the 2017-2018 Toastmasters year that begins July 1.
Your club will be electing a President, VP Education, VP Membership, VP Public Relations, Treasurer, Secretary and Sergeant At Arms.
Click Here to learn about each club officer position (you'll need to log into
District 42 creates promotions to recognize and encourage clubs to reach specific milestones and achieve Distinguished Club Program (DCP) goals.
As we approach the end of the 2016/2017 Toastmasters year (June 30), here are some of the Incentives still available:
Round 2 Submission Deadline:
May 31
Club Fitness Award
A ribbon is earned by every club that confirms the following information for every member twice per year:
- Update Membership Roster
- Verify Club Officer List is accurate and up-to-date
- Submit Your Confirmation to District by completing the Award Form.
Note: Round 1 submission deadline was November 1, 2016.
May is Open House Month!
Hold an open house and earn an Open House ribbon for your club banner.
This month only | Hold an Open House in May to enter in a draw to win a $100 Toastmasters International gift certificate.
Beat The Clock
May 1 - June 30
A Toastmasters International Incentive.
Add 5 new, dual or reinstated members to your club by June 30 to receive a ribbon for your club banner
plus a 10-percent discount on your next club order from the Toastmasters International Online Store!
Sunshine Club Award
A Sunshine Ribbon is earned by club a minimum of two club meetings - one in July and one in August.
Deadline: June 30
Members Making a Difference
An individual award given to a member in a club who has made a difference in their club by promoting the club in the community, befriending guests to encourage them to become members, mentoring new members, planning the open house/demo meeting in the club, etc.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Maximum of 1 pin per club
- Should be tied to Membership Building/Membership Retention.
- The submission to the District should be made by a member of the Club Executive.
- Complete and submit the Members Making a Difference Form.
The immediate past club president typically leads the nomination committee in each club to select a:
Club members can submit nomination forms to the Past President. Once a decision has been made, the current Club President submits winners to the Area Director by June 15.
Call for Volunteers | Upcoming Trade Shows
Career Link 2017 - Regina
Thursday May 18, 2017
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Banner Hall - Evraz Place
1700 Elphinstone Street, Regina SK
If you are interested in helping out at the
May 18 Career Fair in Regina,
please contact Victor Lam at
Calgary Career Fair & Training Expo
Tuesday June 20, 2017
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
BMO Centre - Calgary Stampede Park
Palomino Room, 1410 Olympic Way SE, Calgary AB
If you are interested in helping out at the
June 20 Career Fair in Calgary,
please contact Geoff King at
Volunteers are needed to cover 1-2 hour shifts at our Toastmasters International booth.
Responsibilities: Distribute hand-outs, promotional material and giveaways. Provide attendees with information about the benefits of Toastmasters, answer questions and collect contact information. Time permitting, help run a mini-table topics session.
Educational Award Recipients
Congratulations to all of our Educational Award recipients from the month of April! A total of
51 awards were submitted last month. Click on the table below to see the list of awardees.
Congratulations to Our Newest Clubs!
Welcome to District 42's newly charted clubs:
Area D23, Offices of Critical Mass, Suite 300
1011 - 9th Ave SE, Calgary AB
Meetings: Thursdays 12:00 PM
Area A59, Cranston Residents Association
11 Cranarch Rd SE, Calgary AB
Meetings: Thursdays 7:30 PM
Area F20, Zedi Solutions
902-11th Ave SW, Calgary AB
Meetings: Thursdays 11:30 AM
Stay tuned for charter party photos!
Congratulations to 13 of our clubs
celebrating anniversaries this month!
See charter date listed beside club name.
Snapshot From The District
District 42 shows support for District 99
Our northern half prior to reformation last year, District 99, held their Spring Convention on April 28-30 in Edmonton. The theme of their event was "Hang on for the ride".
Carolyn Kaldy (District 42 Director) and Catherine Secundiak (District 42 Club Growth Director) seen here with Glenn Walker (District 99 Club Growth Director) at the D99 Convention.
The Leader Letter is a monthly email sent to all Club Officers and District Leaders from Toastmasters International. The email contains information and reminders that keep all leaders up to date.
Click Here for the most recent issue.