Below are recent projects the Board of County Commissioners has approved that have been funded by your tax dollars and are important to District 6 and Palm Beach County as a whole.
Historic Tax Cut: The new Palm Beach County commission working together to bring about an historic tax cut benefiting constituents for the first time in 16 years voted to cut the millage rate by 4.6 percent.
Annual Budget for Palm Beach County: The Palm Beach County Commission also voted to pass a balanced budget in the amount of $7.6 billion insuring programs will be funded and the county will continue to move forward.
Town Hall on Roads in the District: A successful town hall was held at the Seminole Ridge High School Auditorium. Residents came out to hear District 6 County Commissioner, Sara Baxter and County Engineer David Ricks answer questions about the upcoming road enhancements in the western part of the county.
Sports Field Synthetic Turf Project: The County will have synthetic turf installed on nineteen (19) fields at nine (9) County owned parks. These parks include West Boynton Park, Caloosa Park, Buttonwood Park, Westgate Park, Loggers' Run Park, Samuel Friedland Park, Dyer Park, John Prince Triplex and Glades Pioneer Park. The Furnish and Install Sports Field Synthetic Turf project includes, but is not limited to, the replacement of eighteen (18) existing grass playing fields and one (1) playground with synthetic turf. Contingent on budget availability, the project may also include new parking lots, concrete sidewalks/paving, scoreboards, bleachers, fencing, storage structures, modular restrooms and landscaping at the aforementioned parks.