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District 64 eNews October 13th, 2023

Parent University Event Is Next Week

Next week, Dr. Justin Patchin joins us for the first D64 Parent University event of the year. Dr. Patchin will discuss student use of social media and technology, some problems that come out of that, and how parents can talk to students about screen time and technology. 

Parents in the community are welcome to come to Dr. Patchin’s free presentation on Wednesday, October 18th, at 6:00 p.m. in the Hendee Rooms (Jefferson School -8200 Greendale Ave Niles, IL 60714).

If you plan on coming, please RSVP here

100 Day Update

This week, Superintendent Dr. Ben Collins sent out his 100-day update to the community.

"I hope this letter finds you well. We have had a great beginning to the 23-24 school year! As I pass my first 100 days in this position, I wanted to share what I’ve been doing, experiencing, and thinking about. I am so impressed with the great work of our staff each day. Our students are truly lucky to have them. Your students have been heartwarming, brilliant, and hilarious. They will go on to do great things and they’re reflections of our strong parental and community network."

You can read the full message here.

Occupational Therapists In The Class

Building a knowledge foundation is so important for children, and here in District 64, we’re fortunate to have occupational therapists (OTs) who help ensure that all students are getting high-quality specialized support.

Lead OT Pamela Lemperis took us inside a classroom to show us how they help all students! She reviewed with Mrs. Carfagnini's Kindergarten Class how to sit at a desk, hold a pencil, and use scissors. 

It was a fun and helpful way to ensure students have the same knowledge foundation. 

WATCH: OTs In The Class

Falcons Rally For Raise Craze

The rain today could not stop the Franklin Falcons from celebrating a successful Raise Craze! Instead of a walk-a-thon outside, students packed the gym for a dance party.

The past two weeks have been filled with random acts of kindness as students and families helped Franklin's PTA raise money for activities, clubs, events, teacher grants, and an expansion of the STEM center at Franklin.

The fundraising goal was set at $30,000, and the Falcons smashed that, bringing in a total of $36,080. Even better than that were the 1,654 acts of kindness from Franklin students!

As a celebration, Principal Kristin Williams got her face painted blue AND her hair. You can view more photos here.

A (Virtual) Field Trip With Sue

Third-grade students at Roosevelt had quite the treat this week as they embarked on a virtual field trip exploring and learning about "Sue," the T-Rex dinosaur. The Field Museum hosted the virtual excursion as students learned about the famous fossil's history and got to answer trivia questions. Plus, they got to see a sweet 3D model of the T-Rex!

Sue is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, T-Rex ever discovered. As the Roosevelt third graders learned about all things Sue, there were no shortages of "oohs and ahhs." Did you know that Sue is about 40 feet long, which is a little longer than an average school bus, and is about 15 feet tall?

It was a fun lesson! Thank you to the 3rd-grade teachers Kate Glassgow, Suzanne Kaplan, Sandra Pumo, Dana Bielenda, and Kayla Bennett and their classes for letting me join in.

Preview of Oct. 19 BOE Meeting

The District 64 Board of Education will hold a regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, October 19th, in the LRC at Lincoln Middle School. There will be a closed meeting at 6:00 p.m., with the regular meeting starting at 7:00 p.m.

The agenda for the October 19th regular meeting includes:

  • Closed Meeting 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)
  • Board Adjourns from Closed Meeting & Resumes Regular Meeting
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Opening Remarks from The President of the Board
  • Board Convenes to a Public Hearing on Resolutions to Authorize Interfund Transfers
  • Board Adjourns from Public Hearing on Resolutions to Authorize Interfund Transfers and Resumes Regular Board Meeting
  • Spotlight on Lincoln Middle School
  • Recognitions - School Principals Appreciation
  • Public Comments
  • Resolution #1320 Authorizing an Interfund Transfer and Resolution #1321 Approving Accounting Transfer(s) to the Capital Projects Fund to Implement State Regulations
  • Review of Tentative 2023 Proposed Tax Levy, Adoption of Resolution #1322 to Approve 2023 Proposed Tax Levy, & Establishment of Public Hearing
  • Resolution #1323 Authorizing Commencement of Social Media Litigation
  • 2023 IASB Resolutions & Assembly Delegate
  • Approval of Recommended Personnel Report
  • Approval of Board Protocols
  • 5 Year Facility Plan Update and Tour of Lincoln Middle School and Washington Elementary
  • Consent Agenda: Bills, Payroll and Benefits, Approval of Financial Update for the Period Ending August 31, 2023, Second Reading & Approval of Policies from PRESS 110 and 112, Beyond the Bell Intergovernmental Agreement
  • Approval of Minutes: September 21, 2023 - Closed Meeting, September 21, 2023 - Regular Meeting
  • Other Discussions & Items of Information: Upcoming Meeting Agenda, FOIA requests (none), Memorandum of Information (none)
  • New Business
  • Adjournment

Upcoming Board Meetings

The following are the next regular Board meetings:

  • November 16, 2023 - 7 p.m. - Jefferson School
  • December 21, 2023 - 7 p.m. - Jefferson School

Looking to catch up on past meeting highlights? A summary of each meeting is available on our Current Board News webpage.

Please confirm meeting dates and times on the Board meetings webpage.

D64 Science Olympiad

Calling all D64 fourth and fifth graders! The Science Olympiad is on Saturday, February 10, 2024. What is the Science Olympiad?

It is a morning filled with science and engineering challenges in an Olympic-type format. Students in 4th and 5th grade work in teams to represent their schools. "Winning teams" receive first, second, or third place medals. All students receive a special Science Olympiad certificate and souvenir.

You can find more information, as well as the online registration form, on the District 64 Science Olympiad webpage.

Science Olympiad registration begins on October 16th, and the last day to sign up for this awesome event is Friday, October 27.

Dine To Donate








For Questions, please contact:  

Christine Erickson

Comments and questions may always be directed to the Superintendent or Board members through these links:

Email Dr. Ben Collins, Superintendent or contact members of the Board of Education via email links.

Park Ridge-Niles School District 64 | 847-318-4300 |


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