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District 64 eNews November 10th, 2023

Preview of November 16 BOE Meeting

The District 64 Board of Education will hold a regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, November 16th, in the Hendee Rooms at the Jefferson Early Childhood Center, starting at 7:00 pm. 

The agenda for the meeting includes:

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Opening Remarks from the President of the Board
  • Spotlight on D64 Music
  • Public Comments
  • Approval of Maintenance Grant FY24
  • Approve Resolution #1324 Directing the Engagement of a Licensed Real Estate Broker to Sell Real Property
  • Approve Summer 2024 Construction Bids
  • Presentation of the 2022-23 Illinois School Report Card
  • Presentation of Draft Calendar for the 2024-2025 School Year
  • Approval of Recommended Personnel Report
  • 5-Year Facility Plan Update and Potential Construction at Lincoln
  • Update on Financial Projections
  • Update on Financing
  • Approval of 2023 IASB Resolutions
  • Consent Agenda
  • Approval of Minutes
  • Other Discussions & Items of Information

Upcoming Board Meetings

The following are the next regular Board meetings:

  • December 21, 2023 - 7 p.m. - Jefferson School
  • January 25, 2024 - 7 p.m. - Jefferson School

Looking to catch up on past meeting highlights? A summary of each meeting is available on our Current Board News webpage.

Please confirm meeting dates and times on the Board meetings webpage.

Roosevelt Veterans Day Assembly

Thank you to our special visitors at Roosevelt today, and thank you to all who served! The Tigers had an early Veterans Day assembly to honor, recognize, and learn from our nation's heroes. 

We had veterans in attendance who actually went to Roosevelt Elementary School and some who traveled as far as the Pacific Northwest to join the assembly.

Thank you for talking with our students! You can check out a photo gallery here.

The Roosevelt Choir will be performing at the Veterans Day Ceremony at Hodges Park tomorrow morning (Saturday, November 11th) at 11 am. In the event of inclement weather, the ceremony will move indoors to City Hall Council Chambers.

Special Classroom Visitors

Thank you to all of our veterans and active military members for stopping by classrooms throughout the week. At Field, TSgt Duvall visited his sons' classes, read a book about Veterans Day. Here he's in Ms. Otto's classroom answering questions about being in the Air Force! Students wrote him letters and lined up to shake his hand and say thank you at the end.

Fall Orchestra Concerts

We had two amazing orchestra concerts last night at Emerson and Lincoln.

At Emerson we heard the String Ensemble Orchestra (Field, Franklin, Carpenter), Concert Orchestra (Emerson), Chamber Orchestra (Emerson) and Philharmonic Orchestra (Emerson)!

At Lincoln it was the String Ensemble Orchestra (Roosevelt, Washington), Concert Orchestra (Lincoln), Chamber Orchestra (Lincoln) and Philharmonic Orchestra (Lincoln)!

Not only did our student musicians perform brilliantly but we also had some guest triangle players - Dr. Ben Collins and Mr. Max Hellerman - pictured below.

Pie-In-The Face At Field

The annual pie-in-the-face celebration at Field is must-see fun! 10 lucky students got to toss some whipped cream at their favorite teachers.

As a school, October’s focus was skills for learning - being respectful and responsible. Tons of Field CARES tickets were earned by students for demonstrating those skills. Then they all got together to celebrate as a school and cheer for their classmates…in this awesome way!

Watch the celebration!

Parent University - Participate In A Math Lesson!

K-8 Families, 

We are offering an exciting opportunity for all K-8 parents/guardians that pertains to our new mathematics curricula. On November 28th, at 7pm, at Emerson Middle School, we invite parents/guardians to engage in a lesson simulation with a D64 grade-level teacher.

You will sit in the seats as a student and fully understand what it means to be part of a math class with our new curriculum resources (Eureka Squared: K-5, and Carnegie Math (6-8))!

A teacher will offer a brief introduction to the program and then teach an actual lesson your child would experience this year. Space is limited, so please RSVP using this form. Be sure to click the appropriate math placement for your child.

If you are not sure of your child’s placement, please call your school’s main office. We look forward to seeing you there!

*Note: Students in 7th or 8th Grade Channels of Challenge or 8th Grade Accelerated Math are not utilizing the Carnegie resources. Therefore, this opportunity is not available right now for those parents/guardians. 


Samantha Alaimo

Assistant Superintendent of Student Learning

SBGR Parent Handbook Templates Included

You can find the Standards Based Grading and Reporting Handbook for Grades K-5 linked here. At the end of the SBGR Parent Handbook, you will notice templates for grade-level report cards - these have now been added!

This tool is to help you understand and navigate your child’s report card. You can also find more information on Standards Based Grading and Reporting on our website. The revised standards-based report card gives us a tool to accurately communicate your child’s achievement on the district-identified reporting standards for each grade level and subject area from first through fifth grades.

Kiwanis D64 Holiday Food Basket Drive

Help us help those in need through the annual Kiwanis District 64 Holiday Food Basket Drive.

A child’s smile means everything to a parent, especially at holiday time. The Kiwanis Annual District 64 Holiday Food Basket Drive is designed to do just that.

This year, we have approximately 150 families in need. 100% of funds raised are used to provide a grocery gift card to help families keep holiday traditions alive and well.

Donations can be made online or by check from 10/18/2023 to 11/30/2023. Donate online at or send a check to :

Kiwanis of Park Ridge, 19 North Seminary Avenue, Park Ridge, IL 60068-3037

We're Hiring Subs

Come join our awesome team in District 64! Some of the open positions include Substitute Teachers. Apply Online!

Substitute Teachers

  • $150 PER DAY
  • All grade levels and subjects
  • Technology training provided
  • Apply here

Comments and questions may always be directed to the Superintendent or Board members through these links:

Email Dr. Ben Collins, Superintendent or contact members of the Board of Education via email links.

Park Ridge-Niles School District 64 | 847-318-4300 |


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