A message from Senator Lee
Budget negotiations are ongoing with the Governor and I am optimistic we will find a compromise in the coming weeks. In the meantime, we have been hard at work in the General Assembly. After many months of negotiations, the General Assembly passed bipartisan energy legislation (HB 951) that will get North Carolina to a 70% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2050 using least-cost generation so we do not have to sacrifice affordability and reliability. While no bill is perfect, I am proud we could work together to pass this historic legislation.

Best regards,

Senator Michael Lee

I was joined by JC Lyles, the Executive Director of Wilmington Area Rebuilding Ministry, when I honored WARM on the Senate floor for 25 years of service to our community.
No Patient Left Alone Act
The Senate unanimousIy passed and the Governor signed into law the No Patient Left Alone Act (SB 191). I was proud to co-sponsor this bill because I feel strongly that-- with protections in place to minimize health risks-- family members and loved ones should have the right to visit and comfort patients in nursing homes, hospitals and hospices.
Task Force 11 has made a tremendous impact along the coast and across the state. I am both exceedingly proud and humbled by the sacrifices members of Task Force 11 have made to help save lives during catastrophic weather events.
Hunt Lee Commission
In late August, The Hunt Institute announced the creation of the Hunt-Lee Commission. The Commission is named after Governor Hunt, myself and former Senator Howard Lee. I am proud to co-chair this Commission with former Senator Howard Lee. The goal of the Commission is to convene leaders from across North Carolina over the next year and reach consensus on actionable policy levers that can move the needle on education in North Carolina.

You can read the full press release and see the list of members here and check out this article from EdNC for more information about the work the Hunt-Lee Commission will be doing over the next year.

Senator Lee and Senator Lee at the Hunt-Lee Commission
Former New Hanover County School Board Chairwoman Lisa Estep joined Senator Ballard and me in Raleigh when she was unanimously elected to the State Board of Community Colleges.
As always, thank you for taking the time to read this email. If you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact my office. It is my pleasure to serve the people of New Hanover County!
The Office of Senator Michael Lee
(919) 715-2525 | michael.lee@ncleg.gov
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 523, Raleigh, NC 27603