Attached you will find the list of district approved available resources from Section 6b in the MOU. These resources can help supplement the remote platforms for which you have chosen in Section 6a in the MOU. You MAY use these but are not required.

You may also use this list to help decide what you will take home on Monday during your scheduled supply pickup. Remember "less is more" in this time of crisis for our students.

A few pieces of advice for Monday:

  1. You might want to bring a wagon or cart to help load things from your classroom and into your car more easily. (there isn't another time scheduled by the district for us to return again)
  2. Only go through the designated entrance and exit directed by your principal in your email.
  3. The association has been told by the district that if the 30-minute window is not enough time for staff to label their laptops, gather their supplies, you make take a bit longer. They are adamant that you not go visiting other classrooms, or be there an extremely long time. (no more than an hour, the longer you stay in your classroom the more risk you put yourself and others in)
  4. Although Zoom is an approved form of online Face-to-Face avenue, please hold off on using it until training from the district. There are still some issues with privacy and limited internet access for students.

Click the button below for the resources
Dear Unit Members,

As we begin to count the hours and get ready to charge forward for our students and the community of National City, I want to say how proud I am to be your colleague in the classroom. I have already seen the immense effort by some to give our kiddos the best experience in an awful situation.

But I also want to remind you that the homes in which educators live in may look vastly different to those of our student population.

Please be mindful of the images below when thinking of how best to support EVERYONE in your classrooms, caseloads, or support groups. The expectation we may have in our homes may or may not be attainable with every child. We all care for our students, but in this time of uncertainty we just have to try our best to reach each kid in their own way!

Again, thank you for all your efforts, please let me know if you have questions, and you got this! Si se puede!

#WeAreNCETA #WeAreCTA #EquityforEveryChild

Yours in Quarantine Solidarity,
NCETA President