December 2023

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The President's Message

O Come All Ye Children

Jesus declared, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children” (Matthew 11:25 ESV). As Paul Kretzman stated in his commentary, “But to babes, those that are as ignorant of this world’s wisdom as little children, God has revealed the glory of the Gospel.” (NT, Vol 1, p65)

At Christmas time the Gospel is revealed to children as they hear the good news about another babe, another child - “you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger” (Luke 2:12). Not only do they hear it, but they also proclaim it at the annual Christmas program.

“Repetition is the mother of learning!” When our children participate in the Christmas program, they practice their parts repeatedly, not only at rehearsal at church or school, but with Mom and Dad at home. They also practice the songs they will sing, and all of this revolves around the Good News that God sent His Son Jesus, born as a baby in Bethlehem.

Christmas is often emphasized as a children’s holiday, and many hymns are addressed to children, reminding them that the real reason for the candy, Christmas trees, and presents is the celebration of the birth of the Christ Child. One of those hymns O COME, LITTLE CHILDREN – is a nineteenth-century German song, "Ihr Kinderlein, kommet". It’s not in your TLH or LSB hymnal but is a familiar song to many.

O come, little children, O come, one and all.

To Bethlehem haste, to the manger so small.

God’s Son for a gift has been sent you this day.

To be your redeemer, your joy and delight.

As our children participate in their Christmas programs, they learn about the infant Jesus who loves them. The result of children proclaiming the story is always the same – a church full of parents, grandparents, and other family members who attend to watch and listen to their child, their babe, proclaim Jesus who came as the Savior of the world to forgive the sins of all people. Everyone wins and everyone’s faith is strengthened!

Amid the hustle and bustle I certainly hope your children have the opportunity to rehearse for a program and finally, the chance to proclaim baby Jesus in church. It may be the only place they will hear, learn, and recite that Jesus was more than a baby, but also their Savior who loves and cares for them. Your attendance will not only encourage them, but you too will hear the Gospel message they proclaim. As the angel told Joseph: “She (Mary) will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1.21). Have a blessed Christmas!

He’s born in a stable for you and for me,

Draw near by the bright gleaming starlight to see,

In swaddling clothes lying so meek and so mild,

And purer than angels the heavenly child.

Kneel down and adore Him with shepherds today,

Lift up little hands now and praise Him as they;

Rejoice that a Savior from sin you can boast,

And join in the song of the heavenly host. - (from “O Come Little Children”)

Rev. Dr. Dwayne Lueck, District President

Labor of Love Million Dollar Campaign

Campaign Update

December is an important time to handle end of year giving and required minimum distributions. This year consider a gift to the North WI District Labor of Love Million Dollar Campaign. Some congregations and individuals have begun to respond, with gifts reaching $225,000 dollars as of November. The two-year campaign was adopted by voters at the NWD Convention in 2022, urging congregations in the NWD to help reduce the educational debt of NWD professional church workers. We give thanks for the gifts and pledges already received and encourage others to give. Learn more at the campaign website HERE or contact President Lueck to make a special gift.

Labor of Love Testimony

Our NWD professional church workers trust that God will provide all they need. God may be asking to work through you to make that difference. The student debt at our Synod schools can often be a lot for someone called to church work.

“I started my vocation as pastor with a total of $69,000 in combined student debt. By the grace of God we stand at just under $25,000 left to go.” Josh - NWD Pastor

Ministry Corner

Office Support Staff Gathering

Special thanks to all those attending the Office Support Staff Gathering for church and school administrative assistants. Participants were encouraged, networked and equipped in their role. The day was framed around the job description, exploring leadership best practices in multiple areas. Special thanks to Lori, Sandie and DJ from the District Resources office for planning a great event. Watch for the next event in 2025.

Across My Desk

NWD Stewardship

Below is a graphic of how the NWD stewards the undesignated congregational income sent by churches. Your gifts make a difference, helping to do ministry many of our congregations could never do on their own. The mission of the North WI District LCMS is to encourage, network and equip Lutheran congregations of the NWD LCMS to vigorously make known the love of Christ. Watch for a more detailed annual report in February or review the past report on the website under About Us/Board of Directors.

NWD Leadership Events

Registration available on the Events & Info page of

Contact the District Resources office with any questions.

Lay Leader Training - Register Now!

The annual Lay Leader Training event is scheduled for Tuesday evening, January 30, 2024 at St. Paul, Stevens Point from 6-8pm. This event is for congregational lay leaders serving on ministry boards and their pastors. Attendees will learn best practices and be better equipped to address the issues that arise in congregational ministry. NWD President Dwayne Lueck and his staff will cover Strategy, Finances, Policy, and Servant Leadership. No cost to attend. Registration is open at or HERE.

Team Ministry Workshop - Register Now!

The annual Team Ministry Workshop will be held on February 1, 2024, from 9am-3pm at St. Mark’s Lutheran, Wausau.

The topic for the day is Strategic Ministry and will be led by national leaders from Lutheran Church Extension Fund. The vision for the day is for ministry teams to be encouraged, networked and equipped with the specific tools and approaches used by LCEF to support congregational planning. Participants will participate in mini-courses to experience and discuss the deeper support LCEF provides. Group sessions in the morning will provide a big picture view of strategic resources, and the afternoon will provide mini sessions to dive deeper into the specific interests of each ministry. The hope is that teams will learn and apply some of what they experience that day. Participant teams should be those responsible for strategic direction, and could even include solo pastors and key lay leadership.

Registration is now open at or HERE. Lunch is included in the $25/person fee. Please register by January 25. Contact the District Resources office with any questions.

Managing God's Money

Earn exceptional interest while supporting the mission of the LCMS!

Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) is launching a 2.5-year term note at a fixed rate of 6.25%. It’s available to both LCMS individuals and congregations, is fast and easy to open and is also available as an IRA. Why should you consider this investment?

First, whether you have $500 (minimum to open an account – new money only) or much more to invest, this is an ideal way to preserve funds you’ve set aside, either as an individual or an organization, and earn a very solid rate of return on top of it. (For example, $6,000 invested now will mature at $7,006 after 2.5 years.) 

Next, this investment works twice as hard for you. Investing with LCEF means you earn competitive interest rates while making funds available for Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod ministries and individuals. For example, investments make low-interest LCEF home loans available to our rostered church workers, enable building loans that give new life to aging ministry facilities, and finance school expansions across the North Wisconsin District. If you take a CD out through a bank, it helps build another bank. If you take one out through LCEF, it helps build Lutheran churches and schools.

Through this limited time offer, LCEF is looking to raise over $100 million in new money because loan demand is very high; that demand means schools are being strengthened, churches sustained, and more people reached with the love of Christ. So, God be praised! Once LCEF nears that $100 million threshold, it will close this opportunity.

Please share this message with friends and family. Let people know anyone in the LCMS can open an account—individuals, churches, schools or organizations. It’s fast and easy, so don’t miss out!

You can start an account today at Should you have any questions, please call LCEF’s toll-free helpline at 1-800-843-5233 or contact me at 715-845-8241 ext. 102.

Yours In Christ,

Bill Jordan

LCEF Vice President

North Wisconsin District

[email protected] - 715-845-8241 ext. 102

Important News and Events

Upcoming Events... Find more details at

  • National Lutheran Schools Week - January 21-27, 2024
  • Lay Leader Training - January 30, 2024
  • Team Ministry Workshop - February 1, 2024
  • PALS Retreat - February 5-7, 2024
  • WI State Wide Youth Bible Bowl - April 6, 2024
  • Pastors' Wives Retreat - April 18-20, 2024
  • Adult Gathering - October 15, 2024
  • N/S WI Teachers Conference - November 4-5, 2024

Labor of Love Grants - Last Chance to Apply!

The 2023 Labor of Love grant application window will close on December 10. This is the annual application and gift process to reduce the educational debt of current called NWD church workers, happening alongside the district’s Million Dollar Campaign to ensure these yearly grants are funded in perpetuity. Labor of Love Policy & Procedures along with the application are available on the Financial tab of the NWD website.

Principal Jerry Jiter Retires

Longtime Lutheran educator and school leader Jerry Jiter has recently retired, last serving St. John Lutheran Church and School, Easton. Jerry graduated from Shelbyville High School and then moved on to serve at 12 different ministries through his career. He has seen many changes in his career: accreditation, the loss of Thrivent matching funds, the addition of the state voucher program, worker shortages, COVID, expansion of early childhood and more. Jerry was exactly what God needed at each ministry at that moment in time. He remains the man with a warm smile and gentle kindness, deeply respected by school families, staff and district principals. Well done good and faithful servant! 

2024 Requests for Seminary Graduates (Ordained) or Vicars

Congregations that are considering applying for a seminary graduate or a Vicar should contact the President's Office for additional information. The deadline for all applications is February 15, 2024. Please add this to your congregational voter's meetings for consideration so that you can complete the necessary documents in a timely manner. If your congregation is considering an Associate Pastor and would like to request interviews at either seminary, your requests need to be made by January 1, 2024. For more information, please contact Lori - [email protected] or 715-845-8241, ext. 103.

Calling from the Field

Often a commissioned worker or their district will contact us to share names of workers looking for a change. Most often those are teachers, principals, deaconess and DCE’s. We do not vet the list but will share those names with a call committee chair or ministry staff person. Contact DJ for help as you plan your search process.

Lutheran Summer Music Advent Calendar

Since the nineteenth century, households and congregations have marked the days before Christmastide with many kinds of Advent calendars. The season of waiting and longing for the “already-but-not-yet” incarnation of Jesus unfolds amidst waning daylight in the Northern Hemisphere, a time of yearning for hope, joy, and peace. Join Lutheran Summer Music, December 3-24, for our third-annual Musical Advent Calendar–a daily moment of music and reflection on their website:

Concordia Plans

Check out the Concordia Plans website for a wealth of information or visit the Concordia Plans page of the NWD website listing the main contacts for churches using their services!

District Finance Report

November 2023

  • November Offering - $119,730
  • November Budget - $144,725
  • Year-to-date Total Offerings - $1,426,013
  • Year-to-date Budget - $1,416,975

Encourage, network and equip Lutheran congregations of the North WI District LCMS to vigorously make known the love of Christ.

Contact the District Resources Team

President Dwayne Lueck - [email protected]

DJ Schult - [email protected]

Bill Jordan - [email protected]
