In this Feb. 5, 2024, edition of District Postings:

  • Staff Spotlight: School Counselor and Therapy Dog Share Paws-itivity at Gateway Elementary
  • Superintendent Search Update
  • 2024-25 staff and family calendars and more

To see previous publications, visit OneOPS.

Superintendent Search Update

Save the dates for the next steps in our Superintendent Search.

Our Board of Education and search firm plan to announce finalists for the position at our Thursday, Feb. 8, 2024, public meeting. It begins at 6 p.m. inside the Teacher Administrative Center (TAC) and will be streamed at TAC is located at 3215 Cuming St., Omaha, NE, 68131.

Join us Monday, Feb. 12, 2024, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. for a community meet and greet open house with the finalists. It will be inside Buena Vista High, 5616 L St., Omaha, NE, 68117.

On Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024, our Board of Education will hold a public meeting to interview each finalist. We anticipate it will begin at 5 p.m. inside TAC. The meeting will again be streamed at

Since May 2023, your input has guided this process. It continues to. Responses to our May 2023 survey, October 2023 survey and fall community forum feedback helped develop our 13 attributes of an ideal candidate.

We will continue to communicate directly with you. After the Feb. 8 announcement, look for an email with information about the finalists and a reminder for the meet and greet open house. The latest information is always posted to

Please always feel free to share ideas, feedback, questions and concerns with our Board of Education members.

Thank you for your participation through the search.

2024-25 Calendars Are Now Available

The 2024-25 family and staff calendars are now available. View the family calendar at and select the English or Spanish tab. The staff calendar is on OneOPS, select the 2024-25 tab.

School Counselor and Therapy Dog Share

Paws-itivity at Gateway Elementary 

Students squeal with excitement as Sammy enters their classroom at Gateway Elementary. 

“I get really excited to see Sammy, and she wags her tail a lot when she sees me,” said Yazline Negrete, a Gateway Elementary fourth grader.  

Sammy is a therapy dog, supporting the work of Kelsey Buglewicz-Miller, an Omaha Public Schools counselor.  

“Sammy knows how I’m feeling and gives me hugs to make sure I’m okay,” added Negrete.  

Buglewicz-Miller brings Sammy to Gateway Elementary each Friday. They visit classrooms to read with students or sit quietly together. Sammy does it all with a twinkle in her eye and a wagging tail.

Read more about school counselor Kelsey Buglewicz-Miller

Next Level Learning Opportunities Available

Engage. Enrich. Elevate. Spread the word for Next Level Learning (NLL) 2024! Human Resources will open the application process to hire general education teachers, secondary English Language teachers and school counselors for NLL 2024, including staffing for Welcome Camp, JumpStart and Summer Bridge. Various elementary, middle and high schools will be hosting NLL, which will take place May 28 - July 3, 2024. View the NLL Sites and Merger document

NLL Duty Hours:

  • Pre-K + Elementary: 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
  • Middle: 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
  • High: 7 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
  • Accrual at Buena Vista, EL Super Site will follow the high school schedule
  • Alternative Programming: Will vary depending on the site location

NLL compensation is as follows:

  • Teachers: $40 per hour
  • School counselors: $40 per hour

These positions will go live on Omaha Public School’s internal hiring page TalentEd Hire ( beginning Feb. 2. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until positions are filled.

Elementary Educators

Please see the attached Foundational Skills of Early Literacy Workshop invitation provided by UNO. Educators can receive graduate credit or opt for the stipend instead. 

Board Digest

Monday's Board of Education workshop featured:

  • Legislative positions update and approval
  • Staff presentation about how Omaha Public Schools Learning Framework supports continuous improvement

Read more in Board Digest.

Personal Health Assessment

Your chance to complete the Personal Health Assessment (PHA) is coming up on Feb. 6. You will have the opportunity to receive your personal health report along with a $25 Visa gift card for completing it.

The health assessment is completely confidential – your health information is not shared with anyone on staff with Omaha Public Schools, at EHA Wellness or with Blue Cross Blue Shield. Click here for more details about the PHA.

For login directions, click here. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Brandi Rossman.

After you’ve completed your PHA, navigate to the current challenges and register to participate in the February Happy Brain challenge. Make at least one healthy-brain food choice and complete one act of gratitude or name one thing you are thankful for each day. Track your habits in EHA and complete the 20-day challenge for your chance at one of 600 $25 Amazon gift cards.

Recognized for Displaying Our District's Values

Omaha Public Schools celebrates staff all year long through a recognition program called 30 Ways to Say Yay! Staff are recognized at each school for their work serving our students every day while displaying our district values: equity, results, leadership, accountability and joy. #OPSProud

Ms. Montes goes above and beyond in her classroom at Blackburn to engage all learners and get them excited for math. She uses real-life experiences to make the material meaningful and sustainable.

At Fullerton Elementary, paraprofessional Mrs. McBride supports students in our EL program. She makes an effort to meet their individual needs.

Hale Middle teacher Ms. Galles is always willing to do what is best for students. Students in her class are always actively engaged in their learning!

Download Your 2023 W-2

2023 W-2s are now available online via ADP. If you have not registered your account with ADP to access your W-2, now is the time. The registration instructions to access your W-2 are linked here. For employees who set up their account last year, your same credentials will be used this year. If you have any questions, please contact the Payroll Office at (531) 299-0224 or

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