The DEI Workplace Innovation Challenge is back!

Updated for 2024

This 8-week online learning experience offers an expanded focus from previous years, with an updated format and new resources. You will learn:

  • Week 1: Creating Thriving Workplaces
  • Week 2: Patterns of Oppression and Othering
  • Week 3: Patterns of Belonging and Thriving
  • Weeks 4 & 5: Workplace Focus
  • Week 6: Community Focus
  • Week 7: Collective Advocacy Focus
  • Week 8: Ways to Take Action and Continue Learning

“Inclusion and fairness in the workplace...

is not simply the right thing to do; it's the smart thing to do."

~ Alexis Herman

Whether you've taken the Challenge before or are new to it, we invite you to join us. We encourage you to engage a team from your company to take the challenge together and support each other in creating a more inclusive and diverse workplace.

This year's challenge includes:

  • 8 Weeks of emails (January 23 - March 15)
  • Weekly email prompts and resources
  • 4 Facilitated online dialogues 

Learn more about the DEI Workplace Innovation Challenge.

Register Today

 Thank you to our sponsors:

Bear in Mind: Mental Wellness in the Workplace

Igniting Joy in the Workplace Webinar

January 11, 2024

Are you ready to transform your workplace into a hub of joy and engagement? Join us for a dynamic workshop where you’ll discover the secrets to cultivating a culture of happiness and boosting team morale. In today’s fast-paced and demanding business world, creating an environment where employees thrive is not just a dream – it’s a strategy for success.


Heather Gunnell, Founder and Principal, InLight Leadership Group

Previously, Director of Employee Wellbeing at Dartmouth Health


Member News

Dartmouth Health supporting partners in our community

Dartmouth Health recently published a list of partner organizations and initiatives that support the health and well-being of the community. We wanted to share this resource with our network.

"The organizations strive to meet the civic, economic, and diverse health and well-being needs of our shared communities. Their focus includes the arts, children and families, girls and women, sustainability, and community health."

Read Article

Start 2024 in a healthy mindset with tips from Dartmouth Health experts on managing, reducing stress

Reducing your stress is an effective way to help your body fight illness, but stress comes in many different forms, so strategies for managing it can look different for everyone. Catherine C. Schuman, PhD, a psychologist with Dartmouth Health’s Cheshire Medical Center.  offers the following variety of tips for mitigating stress to help individuals find what might work best for them.

  • Spend time with people you enjoy.
  • Plan for healthy food that is easy to make or eat.
  • Drink six to eight glasses (48-64 ounces) of water per day.
  • Abstain from electronics within two hours of bedtime.
  • Allow for eight hours of sleep at night and use a consistent bedtime.
  • Plan for time outside, including activities such as walking, hiking and exploring.
  • Walk for 20 minutes a day, and if possible, before noon.
  • If you are used to regular exercise, make sure you maintain your regular schedule.
  • Allow time for quiet activities, reading, listening to music, puzzles, hobbies, and enjoyable activities.
  • Make time for activities that are fun for you.
  • Volunteer some time in your community.

Read Full Dartmouth Health Article

NHBSR Calendar


Measure What Matters 101 Survey The MWM Survey is designed to provide you with an accessible resource to help you consider your sustainability practices and goals, and to help us provide the resources you need to achieve them. Take Survey Surveys should be submitted by January 5, 2024.

Jan Start

Peer Impact Networks bring professionals together to drive transformational action in sustainability, human-centered workplaces, supply chain relations, and all functional departments across their organizations. Submit application.

Jan 11

Igniting Joy In The Workplace. Are you ready to transform your workplace into a hub of joy and engagement? Join us for a dynamic workshop where you’ll discover the secrets to cultivating a culture of happiness and boosting team morale. Speaker: Heather Gunnell, Founder and Principal, InLight Leadership Group. 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM, Zoom Register

Jan 17

Bear in Mind: Loneliness in the Workplace Learn more about this issue and steps to take to foster employee belonging and well-being. Speaker: Jennice Chewlin, MPH, CHES, Founder and CEO, Chewlin Group. 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM, Zoom Register

Jan 25

Caregiver Friendly Workplaces. In collaboration with UNH Center on Aging and Community Living. This webinar will focus on providing tools and resources for establishing Caregiver Friendly Workplaces as well as outline the need and return on investment for businesses. Register.


DEI Workplace Innovation Challenge seeks to speak to all levels of the organization from the individual contributor to management because lasting change involves all of us. Jan 23- March 20 Register.

Learn more about our programs on our website.

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