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A banner that reads "Diversity Digest." It includes the ODO tree logo.

News and Announcements from UCSF Office of Diversity & Outreach

Graphic illustration with orange background and stylized office of diversity and outreach logo
Block of 10 photos in head-and-shoulder format of Chancellor Awards for Diversity recipients. All are smiling.

UCSF Chancellor Awards for Diversity 2023 recipients (L to R): Jaysón Davidson, Christina Stephens, Sydney Williams, Lara Moyu Fu, Laurae Pearson, Leah Pimentel, Greg Rebchook, Judy Rosen, Jody Steinauer, Sharon Youmans.

UCSF Chancellor Awards for Diversity 2023

Congratulations to this year's recipients of the UCSF Chancellor Awards for Diversity!

Each year, UCSF celebrates the exemplary service of faculty, staff, and learners

in advancing diversity in our University and in our broader community.

The awards bestowed annually include the Chancellor Award for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Leadership, Disability Service, Advancement of Women, and LGBTQI Leadership.

View the Awardee Videos
Graphic representation of Native American Heritage Month. It is golden brown with geometric design featuring the colors of black, red, yellow, and white, which can symbolize the Four Directions, four seasons, and path of spirituality.

November is Native American Heritage Month at UCSF

Join in events throughout the month to honor Native American heritage.

The Native American Heritage Month Planning Committee 2023 and the Multicultural Resource Center will host an in-person Community Dinner with catering from Wahpepah's Kitchen on November 15. Registration is required.

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Next Generation Faculty Symposium Succeeds in Diversifying Faculty

Stanford.Berkeley.UCSF Next Generation Faculty Symposium, launched by Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigators, has increased diversity in faculty in biology and biological medical faculty in Bay Area institutions. Jason Sello, PhD, UCSF Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, is a co-founder.

Read the Article

Jason Sello and Aaron Street speak at Symposium. Both are dressed in black jackets with white shirts. Jason Sello has arms outstretched and is smiling while talking. Aaron Street looks in his direction with focused intention listening. Attendees are seen listening in the foreground of the photo.

Jason Sello and Aaron Streets speak at symposium in 2022.

Dan Bernal in headshot style photo with dark blazer and white shirt. He is smiling.

Dan Bernal, Vice Chancellor of Community and Government Relations

Dan Bernal Announced as Vice Chancellor of Community and Government Relations

Former Chief of Staff and senior advisor on HIV/AIDS to Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi, Dan Bernal has served on the San Francisco Health Commission and, as a public affairs consultant, created a statewide initiative for financial aid for students who are first-generation or hold undocumented status.

Read the Article

Maternal Health and Images of the Body in Japanese Ukiyo-e Exhibit at Kalmanovitz Library

The exhibit, a collaboration between the UCSF Archives and Special Collections and the International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken), opened Nov. 1 and focuses on the experience of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as views towards contraception in mid-19th century Japan.

Ukiyo-e refers to a genre of hand-drawn paintings and woodblock prints from the Edo period (1603-1868) to the 20th century.

Learn About the Exhibition

panel of wood block print. Background is in gradiants of pink, white, and blue. Three figures of Edoo-period Japanese people with red long skirting are gathered, two standing and one sitting, holding one stalk of flowers each. Their belly area has a red soft diamond shape showing with a figure in the center.

Panel from “Realize One’s Parental Love,” 父母の恩を知る図, 1880. Utagawa, Yoshitora歌川芳虎


Photo of Mission Hub students in blue surgical gowns and caps in room with instructor. They are smiling with person in front giving thumbs up sign with hand.

Mision Bay Hub students gather with SFUSD Mission Hub Director Erik Rice (front, far right) in September.

Mission Bay Hub Grows with First Full Year Cohort

With an expansion to 53 students this fall from 18 last year and a full-time team, the Mission Bay Hub embarked on its first full year cohort journey in September. Science teacher Tess Carlson, English teacher Anita Feinghold-Shaw, and UCSF Pathways Coordinator Jessica Sanchez-Sanchez joined this year to bring innovation learning to life.

The Mission Bay Hub is an intensive program that UCSF engages in partnership with the San Francisco Unified School District to bridge learning in biology, technology, and other STEM areas in its Mission Bay classroom. This semester, students from Thurgood Marshall Academic High School, June Jordan School for Equity, the Academy-SF and Mission High School are focusing on Neuroscience with experiential site visits, job shadowing, and expert seminars with UCSF faculty and staff collaborators.

Learn about Mission Bay Hub

Upcoming Events

November 14

QTBIPOC Community Gathering @ Spark Social In-person

November 15

Culinary Medicine: Advancing Health Equity in Underserved Populations - Integrative Health Grand Rounds with Linda Shiue, MD, Chef Virtual

November 15

Strengthening Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism in Nursing - Grand Rounds: BCH Oakland Virtual

November 15

True Selves: LGBTQ Student Support Group Series Virtual

November 15

GME Grand Rounds: Decarbonizing Oncology - Navigating Emissions Reduction and Equitable Care Virtual

November 21

Equity and Justice in Education (EJE) - EJE Discussion Virtual

November 22

Digital Accessibility Office Hours Virtual

November 28

Research Seminar: Black Buddhist Approaches to Healing Intergenerational Trauma Virtual

November 29

Equitable Assessment: Developing Assessment Practices So All Learners Can Succeed Virtual

December 1

Inclusive Leadership Virtual

December 4

Med Ed Grand Rounds: Equity in Education with Kris D. Gutiérrez, PhD Virtual

December 5

Centering our Stories - A Community Building Space for BIPOC Staff Virtual

December 7

UCSF 2023 State of the University Address Virtual and In-person

December 8-10

SKY Happiness Retreat for UCSF Faculty and Staff Virtual

Don't want to miss any events? Always stay up to date with our events list.

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