Our vision is a Canada without prejudice and discrimination – a country that celebrates diversity, difference and inclusion. CCDI is proud to share with you its latest initiatives, events and resources dedicated to driving the diversity conversation here in Canada.
July 2020
Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion stands in solidarity with Black, Indigenous and people of colour in the fight against systemic racism and injustice.

The killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery have all been forceful reminders of the fact that Black communities continue to be victims of violence and structural inequality.

We recommit that we are an ally of Black, Indigenous, and racialized communities and advocate for the complete and total dismantling of systemic racism. We will continue to speak out against discrimination of any kind wherever and whenever it occurs.

We value our position as a thought leader and a hub via which conversations can be had and solutions designed to drive inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility for all groups in every Canadian workplace.

We have developed a comprehensive program of offerings to address workplace racism and encourage you to access them here .
Upcoming events
Virtual COPE: Inclusive leadership for an anti-racist workplace
  • For individual practitioners and people managers (English): July 3 (sold out)
  • For diversity & inclusion practitioners (English): June 7 (sold out)

CCDI Webinar: Let's talk about privilege

Virtual COPE: Inclusive leadership for an anti-racist workplace
  • For individual practitioners and people managers (English): July 8 (sold out)
  • For the general public (French): July 14
  • For diversity & inclusion practitioners (English): July 16 (sold out)
  • For leaders (English): July 23 (sold out)

CCDI Webinar: The struggle of the caregiver - Is your workplace supportive?
Virtual COPE: Inclusive leadership for an anti-racist workplace
  • For individual practitioners and people managers (English): July 29

CCDI Webinar: Busting myths - Challenging the myth of meritocracy

Virtual COPE: Inclusive leadership for an anti-racist workplace
  • For diversity & inclusion practitioners (English): August 5
  • For leaders (English): August 10

CCDI Webinar: Cultural competence

**Please note that event details, including login information, will be send to the registrant one day before the event.
Blog: The truth behind ‘reverse racism’, it’s not racism
We are witnessing a global anti-racism and anti-Black-racism movement that has the momentum to turn into a social revolution in Canada. A crucial component to the success of this movement is understanding what systemic racism is and what it is not. The current dialogue indicates that there is a lack of understanding about the terms being used and what they mean. Read more...
Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI)
Our very first one-on-one Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI) was delivered on Friday, June 12 with great success. We’re responding to a growing appetite for self-assessment by bringing the IDI® tool directly to you as an individual.

If you’re a leader, D&I practitioner, human resource professional or simply seeking to develop your cultural intelligence, please click here to learn more and register now.
Inclusive leadership for an anti-racist workplace
The theme for the 2020 Virtual Community of Practice events is Inclusive leadership for an anti-racist workplace. This session will build on the key principles and attributes of inclusive leadership that were discussed during our spring 2019 Community of Practice events, with the application of these principles to creating inclusive and anti-racist workplaces. Learn more and register...
Available for pre-order!
A message from Michael Bach regarding his upcoming book, Bird of All Feathers: Doing Diversity and Inclusion Right .

"These are exceptional times. The video of George Floyd’s last 8 minutes and 46 seconds are etched into the mind of people around the world. His senseless death, along with the killing of others like Chantel Moore, Ahmaud Arbery, Breona Taylor and countless others, has led to a global demand for change, with a focus on the dismantling of the systemic racism that continues to see lives lost.

I wrote Birds of All Feathers as a call to action for employers on how they can create inclusive workplaces where all people are able to succeed. I was tired of excuses like “we don’t know where to start”. So now the answer to that questions is, “you start here!”

My book isn’t going to end racism. That is, at best, idealistic and at worst gross hubris. But it’s a start. In order for us to dismantle racism, we need employers to ensure they are creating safe spaces, where people can bring their whole self to work, and succeed. We have to start somewhere to ensure that George Floyd’s death is not in vain.

All lives won’t matter until #BlackLivesMatter."

Learn more and order your copy here .
Inclusion guides
An inclusion guide is a practical, actionable tip sheet which CCDI offers to its Employer Partners, clients and external stakeholders on how to achieve inclusion in the organization for different audiences: for leadership, for the workplace, and for practitioners. Learn more...
Welcome to our new Employer Partners
CCDI in the news
Upcoming observances
Western Canada (Calgary) 
2605 - 500 4 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T2P 2V6
Eastern Canada (Toronto) 
820 - 2 Carlton Street
Toronto, ON M5B 1J3 
Atlantic Canada (Moncton)
137 Goldleaf Court
Riverview, NB E1B 5V3