Visit our new redesigned DiverseBrains website.
University of Texas Southwestern
Medical Center at Dallas

“Adaptation of hippocampal and cortical circuit dynamics to novel experience requires the memory associated gene KIBRA”
Wake Forest University School of Medicine

“The interaction of early-life stress
and mesolimbic dopamine function on vulnerability to heroin self-administration”
Location: Hess Seminar Room B and via Zoom.
Hosts: Zach Penninigton, PhD and Aya Osman, PhD

Brown University Professor Emerita and fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science

September 29th 3-4pm
Chief, Division of General Pediatrics; Professor, Pediatrics, and Environmental Medicine and Public Health;
ISMMS Biomedical Laureate

November 30th 4-5pm

PhD Candidate, University of California, Irvine. Founder and President of
Black In Neuro

Date: Fall 2022
Mount Sinai Neurosurgeon Elected as The First Woman Chair of North America’s Preeminent Brain Tumor Association
Isabelle M. Germano, MD, MBA, has been elected Chair of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons and Congress of Neurological Surgeons (AANS/CNS) Section on Tumors, making her the first woman to be elected to the leadership role since its establishment in 1984. PRESS RELEASE

Elected into the National Academy of Sciences
Helen S Mayberg, MD
Professor of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Psychiatry
Yasmin Hurd, PhD
Ward-Coleman Chair of Translational Neuroscience
Professor of Pharmacological Sciences, Neuroscience and Psychiatry
Neuroscience Mentorship Distinction Awardee (NMDA)

Hala Harony-Nicolas, PhD
Assistant Professor
Director of the Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP)
The Department of Psychiatry
The Department of Neuroscience
Seaver Autism Center

Diversity in Neuroscience (DiverseBrains) Awardees
Ashley Cunningham
Nestler Laboratory
Aya Osman, PhD
Kiraly Laboratory

Exemplary Citizenship Award

Zach Pennington, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Cai Laboratory

Hala Harony-Nicolas, PhD
Aya Osman, PhD
Joe Simon
Trevonn Gyles
Chris Guevara
Our Mount Sinai Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Community
The Committee Against Anti-Asian Bias and Racism (CAABR) was formed to address the growing concerns and fears over discrimination and violence aimed at AAPI communities and to engage stakeholders from both the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and the Health System. Email: CAABR@mountsinai.org
The South Asian Medical Students Association (SAMSA) is committed to promoting research initiatives and advocacy efforts, and to addressing the needs of the South Asian American community in supporting its students. Email: sinai.samsa@gmail.com
The Asian Resource Network (ARN) is an employee resource group that focuses on inclusion, representation, equity, advocacy, and resources to support Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander employees at the Mount Sinai Health System. It comprises and is open to all employees from around the system. To join, fill out this form.
* Favorite these playlists. Check out more videos as they are added.
Diversity in Neuroscience Mission Statement
Our goal is to support highly innovative and productive research in basic, translational, and clinical neuroscience by promoting an exciting, equitable, diverse and inclusive environment that empowers all members of our community to contribute to scientific discovery and clinical translation. Our goal is to generate an environment that fosters creative approaches to fully understand brain and nervous system function and develop therapies and cures for disease and eventually preventive measures. We commit to listening to and learning from the many diverse voices of our community in order to remove barriers to opportunities and success for everyone.

Have a publication, event, lab or person that you would like to promote? Submit here.

Learn more about the Friedman Brain Institute.