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We believe that everyone who discovers The College of Psychic Studies does so at exactly the right time. It is divine guidance, divine timing. All our events support you in developing your capacity to hear and honour this guidance - which some might call inner wisdom, or intuition. We consider this to be the most valuable education of all...
Divinely guided

Spirit portraits are an extraordinary expression of spirit communication in action. As our hand is guided to draw, spirit faces begin to appear in our doodles... it is an experience like no other. Come and try out this extraordinary way to commune with spirit - no artistic experience necessary, just an openness to try something new. LEARN MORE.

When you connect with your intuitive, spiritual self, you can access wisdom and guidance that enriches your everyday life. Your intuitive self reveals new possibilities about current situations, strengthens self-belief and aids decision-making. Learn to live by your intuitive self in this online workshop. LEARN MORE.

During times of uncertainty, angels and ascended masters can help us transform worry into wonder. Join Archangel Chamuel and Ascended Master Merlin in this online workshop and learn how to turn difficulty into wisdom & uncertainty to love. LEARN MORE.
Just added!

In this fascinating livestream talk, UFO expert Michael Schratt presents a highly illustrated lecture focusing in on the most obscure cases in the field of UFOlogy. Michael, a pilot and aviation historian, has been researching UFOs for more than 25 years, and has more than 50k cases to draw on for this jaw-dropping talk. LEARN MORE.

Ever seen trance mediumship in action? It's a fascinating and rewarding form of mediumship in which you can ask questions of the spirit communicator. In this online demonstration, College Tutor Sarah Tyler-Walters invites her spirit communicator, Master Chou, to step forward and give the demonstration. Have your questions ready! LEARN MORE.
4 unmissable tarot highlights

Laetitia Barbier is Head Librarian at New York's Morbid Anatomy, and has a special interest in historical tarot cards. This online course takes you on a colourful illustrated journey through tarot's past imagery and symbolism, with ground-breaking insights into how we arrived at the Major Arcana we know today. LEARN MORE.

The foil to the Bible's Eve, Lilith has long captured the collective imagination. In this illustrated online talk, Concordia University's Dr Steven Muir tells her vivid and evocative story through the lens of the tarot cards. It's a masterful retelling of a tale that has striking parallels to our relationship with the divine feminine through history to the present day. LEARN MORE.

FREE FOR MEMBERS, this online tarot demonstration illustrates how the tarot can be used as your very own psycho-spiritual guide; a tool to empower and uplift your life with helpful insights and introspections. Join Avril for this fun and engaging livestream event to find out what, exactly, the cards are trying to tell you. LEARN MORE.

Have you booked your ticket for our autumn tarot conference yet? It's the tarot event not to miss - some of our most treasured creators, thinkers and academics in the field of tarot are coming together to bring you series of enriching and eye-opening tarot adventures. LEARN MORE.
"A very special atmosphere"
Have you ever visited our beautiful College in South Kensington, London? You are very welcome on our College pop-in days to browse our library, meditate in our Sanctuary and treat yourself to a treasure from our crystal shop.

Alternatively, to really soak up the special atmosphere of this place, join us for an in-person workshop. Our College lecture hall is cool and airy, and in our humble opinion, there's no better way to spend a day in London! Here are just a few of our upcoming in-person workshops...

To be grounded is to have improved health, physically, emotionally and spiritually. When we are ungrounded we can often lose our centre and feel powerless to all that is going on around us. Join Lucy at our London College to learn how to how to ground and protect yourself, as well as the reasons some of us experience difficulty grounding, and priceless techniques to keep us grounded and protected. LEARN MORE.

Who am I? Why am I here?
These are questions many of us are all too familiar with. In this workshop at our London College, Sarah will teach you where to find your answers - in your Soul. Join us to learn about the Soul, how to relate to it, and how to live by its wisdom. LEARN MORE.

Practice makes perfect! Come and develop your skills - whether they be tarot, mediumship or intuitive and angel readings - with a small, friendly group of like-minded souls. This practise session will be skilfully guided by College Tutor Maria in our beautiful, airy lecture hall. LEARN MORE.

Are you predominantly clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient or claircognisant? Find out in this foundation-level workshop at our London College, where you will be guided through fun exercises and techniques to activate your sixth sense and reveal how your intuition uniquely speaks to you. LEARN MORE.

Join Arcturian Starseed Carol Nayach for this workshop at our College in London to bask in the radiant energy of the Arcturians. You will receive the Arcturians' energy transmissions, raising your light quotient and accelerating your ascension process. LEARN MORE.
The dazzling tarot tales of Laetitia Barbier
In our latest blog post, Morbid Anatomy's head librarian, Laetitia Barbier, invites us into her home and shares the details of her enduring love affair with the tarot. It's a fascinating adventure!

Author Mya Spalter, who some will recognise from NYC's oldest occult store, Enchantments, offers an approachable compendium of magical wisdom in this online workshop. She will equip you with two essential ingredients for an effective magical practice: how to construct your personal altar, and how to cast effective candle spells. Tune in to learn the fundamental building blocks of a personal magical practice... and infinite possibilities are yours! LEARN MORE.
Your beautiful creations
We are delighted to see so many diverse and varied entries coming in for our Inspiration from Dreams & Visions art competition.This art competition is an invitation to go within to seek inspiration... which, in turn, inspires us all! The competition is FREE to enter, with some prestigious prizes. It closes on 11 November so enter your artwork today. Pictured above is last year's competition winner, Energies 1 by Cara Macwilliam.
The perks of being a College member
As well as complimentary access to our Midweek Meditations and Awakening Wednesdays, College members join some of our online talks - like this one - for free! You also get great discounts on our events and a 15% discount on our crystal shop. Click here to learn how to become a member.
The College of Psychic Studies | [email protected]