Gallo School Pre-Proposal Submitted!

After more than two years in development, the pre-proposal for the Ernest & Julio Gallo School of Management was approved overwhelmingly by faculty from the three “Gallo School Departments”, and the pre-proposal was submitted to the Provost’s office on June 1, 2020, for preliminary administrative review. We expect that the pre-proposal will be sent to the Senate for faculty review at the start of Fall 2020, and will undergo systemwide review in Spring 2021. In Fall, we will need your help promoting the Gallo School plan with campus stakeholders, including faculty, staff, administrators, and community members. Stay tuned for information on how you can help!
New Website
The Division of Management and Information has a new website - . It is a work in progress. Check it out. Send comments and suggestions to We want to hear from you. Really.
Welcome New Faculty
Associate Professor
Management of Complex Systems
Dr. Abatzoglou studies climate science and climate impacts in the American West. His group additionally develops monitoring and forecasting technologies to improve the climate readiness of human and natural systems.
Assistant Professor
Economics & Business Management
Dr. Ballis works on topics related to education and inequality. Her job market paper explored the long-run impacts of special education programs. She has also studied the impact of DACA on educational spillovers among peers. Her current work in progress explores the role of infant health on educational outcomes.
Assistant Professor
Management of Complex Systems
Dr. Castro studies the performance limitations of human-machine systems. He focuses on the validity of behavioral and physiological metrics as measures for different aspects of workload, as well as for quantifying the risk of adverse outcomes due to these workload metrics in driving.
Associate Professor
Economics & Business Management
Dr. Grossman is a microeconomist who studies the impact of social and psychological motivations, as well as cognitive phenomena, on economic decisions. His approach is behavioral, reflecting an openness to how insights from psychology can help us understand economic behavior using both experimental and theoretical methods.
Assistant Professor
Management of Complex Systems
Dr. Kolden is a pyrogeographer who studies wildfire interactions with socio-ecological systems broadly. She is a former wildland firefighter and advocate for diversity in STEM. She likes to burn stuff.
Assistant Professor
Cognitive & Information Sciences
Dr. Marghetis traces the leaps and limits of human imagination. He studies people ranging from musicians to religious mystics, from mathematicians to military officers, and everyday folks around the world.
Assistant Professor
Cognitive & Information Sciences
Dr. Ryskin investigates how the human mind and brain create and process language - in particular, how seemingly effortless communication is achieved despite the noise and variability inherent in the linguistic signal.
Proposal for M.S. in Data Science and Analytics in Preparation
This summer, a small group of faculty members - Christian Fons-Rosen, Dan Hicks, and Alex Petersen - is starting to put together a proposal for a new self-supporting graduate professional degree program in Data Science and Analytics to be the first new program in the proposed Gallo School. There is not much to report yet, but if you are interested in helping out, please contact Christian , Dan , or Alex.
Some Recent News
John Abatzoglou's research on agricultural risks from changing snowmelt was featured in an article on UC Merced News.

Catherine Keske's " Fast food is comforting, but in low-income areas it crowds out fresher options " appeared in The Conversation.

Greg Wright discussed COVID-19's effect on the economy in a Q&A article on UC Merced News.

Carolyn Dicey Jennings published The Attending Mind (Cambridge University Press).

Michael Spivey published Who You Are: The Science of Connectedness (MIT Press).
COVID-19 Updates
Stay current on COVID-19 on campus - - a nd do your part -
The Division of Management and Information precedes the proposed Ernest and Julio Gallo School of Management at UC Merced, which if approved will combine the Departments of Cognitive and Information Sciences, Management and Business Economics, and Management of Complex Systems to focus on the complexity of real-world problems and systems; the need to gather and analyze data and information in real time; behavior and management of individuals, firms, institutions, and economies; and sustainability of coupled human-natural systems.