October 2023

Contact Clancy & Associates

October 2023

Difficult Decisions

In our September issue, we talked about decision making and the various tools parents can use to support their child. This month, we turn to our fellow parents and the very difficult decision to divorce. The decision to divorce is never easy -- especially for special needs moms and dads already managing complex parenting roles. As a special needs parent, your divorce issues are unique. If you are considering a divorce or going through the process now, we have some important tips to share with you. Read on for our tips on Expertly Navigating Special Needs Issues in Divorce.

📢 Check out our Fall Seminars and Fairs!

Options Fair 2023 (In-person - Public welcome)

"Planning for Transition: Legal Issues"

Presented by Clancy & Associates at 6:15PM

October 11, 2023 6:00PM-8:30PM

York Community High School, 255 W. St. Charles Road, Elmhurst, IL

Don't miss this highly anticipated annual event! This Resource Fair is geared toward high school and transition-aged students with disabilities and their families. Browse the fair to meet agencies, certificate, college and vocational options, employment services, and many more resources for your transition-aged student. There are usually 80+ booths to visit and gather valuable information under one roof! These connections provide insight to a wide range of agencies that serve the transition and adult age span. You'll be glad that you went!

See the Options Fair website for more information.

Transition Series I: "Decision Making: Exploring Guardianship and Powers of Attorney" (ZOOM - Public welcome)
Presented by Clancy & Associates
Hosted by Giant Steps Autism Organization

October 24, 2023 6:00PM-7:00PM

Participants will learn how to prepare for their child's 18th birthday, when a child needs decision-making support, how to assess the type of decision-making tool for their child, all about Supported Decision Making, Powers of Attorney and Guardianship, and court processes. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer session. This is the first presentation in our 2023 Transition Series!

Please email jsagrati@mygiantsteps.org to register. Check our website under the "Events" tab for updates.

Transition Series II: "Special Needs Trusts and Financial Planning" (ZOOM - Public welcome)

Presented by Clancy & Associates

Hosted by Turning Pointe Autism Foundation

November 1st, 2023 6:00PM - 7:30PM

Learn all about Special Needs Trusts: What is a SNT? Why does my child need a special needs trust? How do SNTs protect government benefits? Who are the people I should choose to guide my child when I am gone? How does a SNT work? We'll also discuss how to save for your child's future, what government benefits can provide for your child, and tips and tricks to build assets for your own retirement as well as your child's future.

This is the second presentation in our 2023 Transition Series!

See Turning Pointe's website for updates on how to register.

"Legal Planning for the Special Needs Family"

Presented by Clancy & Associates

Illinois Statewide Transition Conference

Thursday, November 2nd, 2:15PM-3:15PM

Learn about about Decision Making tools like Guardianship and Powers of Attorney, Special Needs Trusts, and Government Benefits. This seminar is geared toward families whose children are approaching the Transition age of 18. Jennifer Sabourin, attorney and parent of a child with disabilities, will be presenting. Presentation is open to all!

This presentation is offered through the Transition Conference which promotes effective, person-centered transition planning to address all aspects of adult life for those with disabilities.

See the website for more information.

Transition Series III: "Transition Tips - What to know about turning 18" (ZOOM - Public welcome)

Presented by Clancy & Associates

Hosted by Giant Steps Autism Organization

November 14th, 2023 6:00PM-7:00PM

This presentation covers all things Transition! Our panel of experts will address key questions and tips that you need to know for your teen turning 18. If you're worried that you're behind on your "list", this is the seminar for you. Learn about what you still need to do and meet the experts you need to help you complete your tasks.

This is our third and final presentation in our 2023 Transition Series.

Please email jsagrati@mygiantsteps.org to register. Check our website under the "Events" tab for updates.

The BEST Fair

A Resource Fair hosted by Niles North High School (In-person - Public welcome)

November 15, 2023 6:00PM-7:00PM Presentations

7:00PM-8:30PM Resource Fair

This Resource Fair hosts agencies, certificate, college and vocational options, employment services, and many more resources for your transition-aged student. These connections provide insight to a wide range of agencies that serve the transition and adult age span. This in-person resource fair is for students with special needs, their parents/guardians, and professionals.

See the BEST Fair website for more information.

Be sure to check out our Events Page regularly for newly scheduled events.
News You Can Use!

Child Support and Supplemental Security Income: A Primer

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federal program that provides cash assistance to people with disabilities who have very limited incomes and resources.

Learn more here.

Will Divorce Affect Child Support in a Special Needs Family?

Depending on which statistics you believe, between 40 percent and 50 percent of first marriages will end in divorce or permanent separation, and second marriages fare even worse.

Learn more here.

Am I Legally Required to Support My Adult Child with Disabilities? Maybe.

The New York Times Magazine's weekly The Ethicist column recently explored a difficult question that may challenge many parents of adult children with special needs.

Learn more here.

Contact Clancy & Associates
Planning for individuals with special needs and their families.
Clancy & Associates, Ltd. is Illinois's only full-service special needs planning law firm dedicated to supporting individuals with special needs and their families. Our mission is to help families protect and empower their loved ones with a disability through streamlined, comprehensive planning. We use our innovative full-service approach to both identify opportunities and secure solutions and benefits for our clients at our Firm. We “keep watch” for families so they can attend to the daily priorities of their loved one’s life and leave the legal planning to us.
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March 2023 | clancyassociates.com | ​773-929-9000