Vol. 11, Issue 1, November 7, 2019
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition: New Living Wage announced for Hamilton; Exploring the future of employment; Hamilton Chamber launches business clothing drive for women.
living wage logo
Celebrating Living Wage Week in Hamilton, Nov. 4-8/19

From November 4 - 8, Living Wage Hamilton is joining with twenty five other communities from the Ontario Living Wage Network to celebrate the over 230 employers in Ontario who have joined the Living Wage movement.  

In Hamilton we are celebrating over thirty employers!
A living wage is the hourly wage a worker needs to earn to cover their basic expenses and participate in their community.

For consistency, each community calculates the living wage based on a national framework. It is based on a family of four, two parents and two children.  

The new living wage for Hamilton in 2019 is $16.45.  

What is not included are items like debt repayment, home ownership, retirement saving or savings for children’s education. 

Strange ideas about the future of employment from the Brookfield Institute 

Jessica Thornton and Heather Russek, Ryerson University, Brookfield Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, were the keynote speakers at the Our Future Hamilton Summit which took
place on Tuesday, November 5/19 at Hamilton's Liuna Station.

The duo shared information from a Brookfield report called "Turn and Face the Strange" which looks at trends that will change the world of employment in the future.

The report found 600 signals for change, which equated to 100 possible trends.

At the summit they spoke about 13 trends which they see as looming on the horizen.

1. Creative AI: Movies have been created by AI and art work, perhaps creative services will become more accessible to all in the future
2. Working Retirement: As people live longer and need more money seniors will keep working, maybe even up to 80 years old!
3. Humans, Augmented: Companies are starting to develop brain enhancements that will be used to connect our brains to our smart phones

Hamilton Chamber of Commerce launches Women Excelling in Business clothing drive

The Hamilton Chamber is partnering with Good Shepherd and CF Lime Ridge for a clothing drive to aid clients of Good Shepherd who need suitable clothing for job interviews and office work. 
Donations will be accepted from November 14th - 28th at the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce office, 120 King St. West, Plaza Level, and at the Guest Services desk at CF Lime Ridge, 999 Upper Wentworth St.
Those who donate clothing are entered for a chance to win one of two $50 CF Lime Ridge gift cards.
Labour Force Information, Hamilton, September 2019
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| [email protected] | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca