Branding your company as an "employer of choice" is no easy task. Social Media, the Internet and TV only scratches the surface. Achieving brand awareness with top candidates requires a targeted approach to reach un-tapped networks. You can reach more candidates by utilizing the professional representation of a quality professional search firm.
Introducing our Professional Representation...

Interview Inc. benefits your company by delivering persuasive recruitment presentations to targeted top professionals. We accelerate the talent acquisition process by sourcing candidates that are not posting resumes or reviewing job boards.
• 80% of the workforce is not actively interviewing or looking for a new job.


• 75% of the workforce would consider changing jobs if a better opportunity presents itself.
We help brand our clients as an employer of choice in their industry by delivering your corporate message to top professionals at all levels.
Interview Inc. offers a competitive advantage to corporations by assisting in sourcing and interviewing the best talent available. Our services can help accelerate your hiring results by accessing the “Passive Candidate” talent pool. We match their skills and experience to your exacting job specifications.
Contact us today... we can help meet your hiring goals!
Our Services
Interview Inc.
22809 Pacific Coast Highway
Malibu, CA 90265

Phone (424) 234.7700
Toll Free (888) 378.5519