Question of the Week:
Inspired to Clean for Pesach?
Inspired to Clean for Pesach?

I understand (somewhat at least) why Hashem sends people difficulties in life. Life is not meant to be easy. What I'm having a problem with is why He will make it difficult for us when performing a mitzva. 

For example, the car breaks down just when you're doing someone a favour, or the oven stops working on Friday when you need to cook for Shabbos, or your boss schedules an important meeting that you must attend, but you can't because of all days it just happens to be on Yomtov. 

I've heard answers like Hashem wants you to pray harder, or the harder the mitzva the greater the reward, but these just seem like cop out answers. 

The Talmud says Hashem helps people do what they choose to do, whether it be bad or good. If that's the case, why does He put stumbling blocks before people who set out to do good?


Imagine you're in the middle of a heavy work out at the gym. Pretty exhausted, you turn to your personal trainer and say, "You have asked me to lift these dumbbells. I am more than happy to do it. But why do you keep on adding weight to them? You're just making my job harder."

The trainer responds, "Yeah, that's the point. Every time you sweat, you burn calories. The heavier the load, the more you burn. I don't just want dumbbells to be lifted, I want you to work for it! The stronger you get, the more resistance you need to make you sweat."

It is similar with G-d's commandments. If He just wanted these things to get done,  then it would be ridiculous for Him to make it difficult for us. You don't give someone a job and then put obstacles in their way. You don't ask someone to lift something, and then make it heavier. 

But our mission is not just to get the mitzvos done, it is to battle evil and change the world for good through doing mitzvos. Every good deed we do brings a ray of divine light into the world. Anything that gets in way of us doing a good deed is a layer of darkness trying to block that light. When  we overcome that obstacle, the powers of light have vanquished a little corner of darkness in the universe. And every victory over darkness, no matter how small, is a step closer to the ultimate goal, creating a world of goodness and light. 

If you are facing a lot of resistance to doing a mitzvah, that is a sign that you are doing a great job. The more hurdles you jump, the more darkness you banish and the more goodness you achieve. As you win more battles and your light gets stronger, you are sent new obstacles, because you now have the spiritual stamina to overcome them.

So expect the obstacles, even welcome them. This is what you are here for, to burn away the darkness and bring more light. So next time your car breaks down and you have to get out and run to do a mitzvah, remember, G-d loves that. Your personal trainer might like it too.  

Good Shabbos, 
Rabbi Moss 

Zohar Terumah 128
Tanya Chapter 27

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This week a miracle happened. The recent storms caused a flood in the basement of the building. We expected to have lost many tools to water damage, but upon inspection we found that our tools were 1cm above the water level. Some of our tool boxes were even floating on top of the water. Thank G-d we lost nothing to the damage!
Shabbat Shalom


Sponsor a Kiddush 
FRIDAY NIGHT  5 April or 3 May:
SHABBOS DAY 6 April or 4 May: 

Email with any questions
Friday, 29 March 2019 |22 Adar II 5779
Candle Lighting............ 6:37pm (Not before 5:44pm)
Shabbos Service........... 6:30-7:20pm
Kids Program .............. 6:30pm
Kiddush sponsored by Lani Elder in honour of her late husband Bertrand Elder.
Shabbos Day, 30 March 2019 |23 Adar II 5779
In depth parsha class ...................... 9:00am
Shabbos Service............................ 10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program ................................ 10:30am
Kiddush sponsored by Rita Super in honour of her late mother, Ida Flora Bat Aziza Benjamin.
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis ......6:30pm
Gematria and Story by Rev Amzalak..... 7:00pm
Shiur with Rabbi Moss......................... 7:15pm
Shabbos ends.................................... 7:31pm
Followed by Havdalah
Mon - Friday....................................... 7:00am
Sunday.............................................. 8:00am
Latest Shema this week...................... 10:00am
New Moon/ Molad.............. Friday 5 April 1:25:17am
Rosh Chodesh Nissan......... Shabbos 6 April

L'Chaim sponsors:  Anonymous, Malka Kurta. 

Care Package Sponsors: Anonymous, Malka Kurta, Robyn & Irving Weinberg, Lana & Rob Goldshaft, Richard Skimin, Harry Fester, Josh & Shiran Garber, Mandy & Gavin Shnier, Nicola & Justin Rosenberg, Kevin Levine, Dani & Paul Milner, Helene & Gerard Solden, Karen & Michael Martin, Ron & Libby Moss, Stephen Brookes & Robyn Greenstein.

General Purim Sponsors: Anonymous, Karin Puels, Michael Basserabie, Harry Fester, Robyn & Irving Weinberg, Henich & Esther Hirschowitz, Ron & Libby Moss, Shlomo Bension, Joshua Susskind, Harriet Ziff, Karen & Gary Lazarus, Rabbi Chanoch & Sarah Chana Sufrin, Marvin Weinman, Dvora Markovits, Yacov Richter, Chaim Bondar, Dovid Deitz, Elka Feldman.

Big thank you to Aron Sufrin for his assistance collecting tzedakah!

Daniel and Megan Lazarus, Harriet Ziff, Charlotte Ziff, Kirsty White, Mandy Shnier, Gavin Shnier, Maxine Radus, Chana Michla Deitz, Adam Ensly, Malka Kurta, Nadine Saacks, Shiran and Josh Garber, Karen Uziel.

Thank you Dov Meguedeche for setting up the Shul for our party!

AND A HUGE THANK YOU TO TZVI COHEN for organising, catering and managing our amazingly successful Purim this year!