It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in or the size of your company; recruiting and hiring new employees is hard today.
The reason why: There are currently 10 million job openings in the U.S., but only 6 million unemployed workers, according to the latest data from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
What’s to blame for this gap?
Industry experts say there are several reasons some of which include the Great Resignation, people taking early retirement due to the pandemic and a lack of access to childcare.
Recruiting and hiring new employees isn’t something to take lightly. It’s an expensive and time-consuming process. On average, the cost to hire a new employee is $4,700, according to research from Zippia, the career experts. Finding someone with the right experience and qualifications in the U.S. takes around 36 to 42 days. This is a big problem since most candidates are only on the market for 10 days.
With 15% of HR’s expenses allocated toward recruitment, you want the most effective and efficient process in place.
To help you do just that, here are 10 of the best hiring practices to secure top talent:
1.Focus on company culture
When you think about recruitment techniques, company culture isn’t the first thing that pops into your mind. However, when it comes to selling your company to job candidates, a strong company culture can seal the deal. People want to work for companies that have stellar reputations.
Companies that have a good brand communicate to candidates they’re professional and take their business seriously. Plus, people nowadays look up companies on social media and job posting sites that have reviews. If potential candidates read that a company doesn’t pay or treat their employees well, they’ll be gone faster than the speed of light. Typically, there are no second chances. Once they’ve read the bad reviews, their mind is made up.
Make sure your company culture is clear and concise because you want to attract people who are like-minded with your core business values. As far as social media goes, give potential candidates a look at what it’s like to work at your company.
2.Treat candidates like you'd treat your customers
You can’t get a second first impression, so whether the interview is via the phone, Zoom or in-person, make a great first impression. You want candidates to believe you’re excited to meet them. Would you want to work for someone who gives you a lukewarm reception?
Indeed says one of the best recruiting techniques is to treat interviewees just as you would your best customer. That means being respectful of their time – being prompt for interviews whether