People infected by Leviathan will act higher, better and more superior than you. They will have a high-and-mighty attitude. They will fight unusually hard to be right at your expense. James 4:6 says God resists the proud, but He honors the humble. God wants His humble people in the high places, not those people who are ruled by pride.
When LEVIATHAN hooks you, you will get offended thinking you are right about something and everyone else is wrong. Nobody can convince you otherwise. It's a very haughty, mocking thing.
☑️ Here is a check list to help you identify pride in your life.
If this is you, you'll need to begin repenting and closing the door to pride (this list is from Debbie Berteau, “Back to the Altar”):
• Arrogance/haughtiness
• Self-centeredness
• Self-righteousness
• Resistant to God’s will
• A condescending/critical attitude toward others
• Bragging/self-promotion
• Unable to receive correction/instruction
• Inability to admit wrong or say “I’m sorry”
• Will make excuses/shift blame
• Will not take responsibility for their actions
• Makes comparisons with others
• Keeps secrets/lacks transparency
• Is an interrupter/controls conversations
• Talks about themselves all the time
• Not a good listener
• Needs to be important
• Tries to be noticed
• Oversensitive
• Defensive
• Argumentative
• Harsh spirit
• Demands their way
• Refuses advice
Because of the nature of Leviathan, you have to go low in prayer and fasting to overcome it when it attacks you through a person or group of people. You ask the LORD to do the following:
- Hook it so it can’t flee. Job 41:1 🪝
- Crush its heads, which stops division. Ps. 74:14
- Plunge His sword into it which means He cuts it down with His word Is. 27:1. 🗡
A general prayer to pray often for your church, business, household:
• That the spirit of leviathan would not rise up against us from those outside or those inside.