Do You Want Some Coffee With Your Cup Of Plastic?

Is there any way to do a little tweak...



This week’s newsletter is for all of the coffee drinkers out there. This is not about the pros and cons of coffee drinking. Rather, it is just something to think about moving forward. We all know, especially if you listened to the Casey and Calley Means podcast, that we are getting bombarded by poisons from every aspect of life. Our water, our food, our air, our soil, the chemicals, the plastics, the list goes on and on. So, any place we can minimize these poisons, the better.


I think we just assume that someone is looking out for us. I’m sorry to say, that is not the case. We have to look out for ourselves and each other. Just because a company makes a product, does not automatically mean that product does not contain harmful ingredients. We have to wake up and really look at what we are buying and putting into and onto our bodies.


What I have noticed in the past decade is that the K-cup aka Keurig coffee pods are a very popular convenience item. I think almost all of the coffee companies are now putting their coffee blends into this single cup, easy to use mini plastic pods. I admit, when they first came out, I fell for the allure too.  


However, upon more critical thinking. One day, many years ago, I was holding the pod and was like, oh my goodness. Look at this thin, cheap plastic that I am forcing extremely hot water through into my cup and then am drinking it. What in the world am I doing? How about a little coffee with my cup of micro plastic? I immediately threw the rest of the pods out and donated by Keurig coffee maker. 


In addition to the K-cups, the paper cups at the coffee shops like Starbucks, are lined with a harmful chemical that leaches into your drink and into your body. How else does a paper cup hold hot water without leaking? It has to be coated with a chemical. 


I don’t think we even know about all of the harmful affects that plastics are having on our bodies. We do know, however, that micro plastics cause more than ten categories of serious disease. Here are a few diseases on this list:


·       Fetal development issues

·       Male and female infertility

·       Endometriosis

·       Hormone imbalance in men, women, children, infants, and fetuses

·       At least 3 forms of cancer

·       Abdominal pain, bloating and changes in bowel movements

·       Metabolic dysfunction

·       Lung disease

·       Doubles the risk of heart attack and stroke


The list goes on and on, but I think you get the picture. The New York Post published an article in early 2024 asserting that microplastics contribute to a $250 billion yearly health crisis in the US. Look at that number? This is a HUGE problem. 


So, regardless of whether or not, you should or shouldn’t be drinking coffee, if you are, do you really want a concentrated blast of plastic in your cup? This is actually a rather easy change to make in your daily routine that could stop feeding major health issues that you are experiencing. The ideal way to make the coffee with the least amount of plastic would be by using a French press or espresso machine. Short of this, the regular 10 or 12 pot coffee maker is a good choice. It is, of course, made of plastic. The type of plastic is different than the K-cups and the lining of the paper cups, so the leaching will not be as much. The longer the pot is used, the less it will leach plastic. The coffee pot is made of glass, so once it is made, it won’t be marinating in plastic. 


I know part of the draw of the k-cup is that it makes just one single serving. Well, you don’t have to make an entire pot of coffee with the coffee maker. You will only get out what you put in, so only make 8-12 ounces. Once made, either enjoy the plastic free coffee in your favorite coffee mug or take it to go in a Yeti or some other glass, ceramic or stainless-steel container. If you have a favorite coffee shop, ask them if they can put it in your to go container instead of the chemical laden paper cup. 


I encourage you to slow down and really think about the daily habits you have. Is there any way to do a little tweak in the way you perform those habits that will reduce your contact with the vast number of poisons in our world? It is something to think about. I hope maybe you had an aha moment today. Have a wonderful week.


Toni Eatros, Acupuncture Physician


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