What disasters are you worried about? Is it hurricanes? Extreme heat? Maybe you’re worried about how severe weather can pop up out of nowhere at any time - especially in Texas. We're worried with you!
But you also might feel overwhelmed by all the things you need to do to prepare. Where do you start?
Begin with the easy stuff. During National Preparedness Month (September), do some quick and easy things to be more prepared.
Here’s a simple checklist you can start with:
1. Download apps that provide weather and emergency alerts.
2. Get a weather radio for when the internet is down or the power is out.
3. Create an Emergency Ready Sheet so all of your information is in one place.
Once you do these easy things and build a little confidence, you can move on to other things, like getting a back-up power source, having enough medications, and being ready to cover unexpected costs that arise from a disaster.
Our website has many other disaster resilience resources to help people with disabilities be more prepared for whatever weather Texas throws at us.