It's time to raise your vibration!
So many things coming this spring to Uplifting Connections!
We have tons planned this year! Be sure to catch all of our newsletters for all updates coming this Spring and Summer!
Do you constantly see triple numbers on licence plates, the clock, receipts and more? The universe is speaking, are you listening?
The way we interpret the numbers for ourselves has to do with whatever we are thinking or doing, or the nature of our circumstances, at the time that the number appears.
Here is a very simple cheat sheet to use as you begin to notice triple numbers in your own life. The primary resource I used for the number interpretations was Drunvalo Melchizedek’s list of triple numbers and their meanings from pages 88 & 89 of his book,  The Serpent of Light, Beyond 2012.  The next step is to begin to notice when these triple numbers as they turn up in your life.

111 — Energy flow. Money, sexual energy, movement of energy from one place to another. Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think about what you want, not what you don’t want.

222 — The beginning of a new cycle. Our newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality. Keep watering and nurturing them, and soon they will push through the soil so you can see evidence of your manifestation. In other words, don’t quit five minutes before the miracle. Keep holding positive thoughts, keep affirming, and continue visualizing. Sometimes the next triple number you see will give you a clue to as to what the new cycle will look like.

333 — Decision: You have a decision to make. The decision will lead to either 666, which means you must repeat the lesson again in some other way, or it will lead to 999, which is completion and you have learned the lesson.

444 — Triple fours indicate study related to the ancient wisdoms of the world. I interpret this to mean that help and resources are available to us.

555 — This number indicates that you have pushed through or will soon push through a major life change and will have mastered the lessons you needed to learn.

666 — Triple sixes ask us to pay attention, be aware, slow down, look around. If we see more than one instance of 666, we might want to consider being very careful. This number sequence asks us to balance our thoughts between spirit and service, and to know that our material and emotional needs will automatically be met as a result.

777 — Congratulations, you’re on a roll! Keep up the good work and know your wish is coming true. This is an extremely positive sign and means you should also expect more good things to come your way.

888 — This sign encourages you to move on in your life. Stop procrastinating.

999 — Completion. This is the end of a big phase in your personal or global life. It also encourages you to take what you have learned in your life and share it.

000 — A reminder you are one with the Universe, and connected to all things. It is a sign that a situation has gone full circle.

Now that you know the numbers you'll be shocked when they show up!
Events and classes coming up in the next 10 days.
Sat Date: Mar 24 2018 From: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Location: Uplifting Connections

People tell us all the time they love the Law of Attraction Workshop.
Then they tell us the biggest obstacle they have is they forget to put what they learned into practice. At this circle we will remind you about the law of attraction and help you practice and fine tune your vibration so what you want can manifest. Using law of attraction is like learning a whole new language. If you don’t practice and work on it how will you ever become fluent at it?
 Come to the Law of Attraction Development and Practice Circle and reinforce, fine-tune, and develop what you’ve learned.
Join me, Ed Langan, author of Creating With The Law of Attraction: 10 Principles That Will Change your Life. I am a Law of Attraction Expert, Psychic, certified Master Coach & Mentor, and Spiritual teacher. I will teach you how the law of attraction works, and how to use it so you can start manifesting the things you want in your life.

Investment $ 25

Mon Date: Mar 26 2018 From: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Location: Uplifting Connections
1355 Pleasant St Bridgewater MA. 02324

The Mediumship Development Circle is a place to come together with like minded people to raise our vibration and open up to our intuitive capabilities.

You will learn to connect with your Spiritual teachers, guides and loved ones who are now in Spirit.
The objective of this monthly development circle is to offer students the ongoing opportunity to develop and unfold their spiritual, psychic and mediumistic gifts.
Each month we will open with a meditation, call in our spirit guides, and work on different techniques such as building intuitive skills, individual and group spiritual readings, angel card readings, and psychometry.
The class includes discussions of individual experiences and ends with a meditative prayer.

Cost $30

Tue Date: Mar 27 2018 From: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Location: Uplifting Connections
1355 Pleasant St
Bridgewater MA. 02324

In this weekly group meditation we will combine a guided meditation with time to free journal on a prompted topic. When you combine meditation and journaling you can become more aware of your weaknesses and your strengths, and have a much more penetrating understanding of what you need to be working on.  In short, journaling helps to connect past, present, and future, so that our life seems more of an integrated whole rather than an assortment of disparate experiences.

This helps us to develop more integration, or integrity within ourselves.

Come join us for this weekly interactive meditation workshop you'll be sure to love!

Cost $20

Tue Date: Mar 27 2018 From: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Location: Uplifting Connections

Join Uplifting's own medium Lynne-Marie as she reconnects you to your loved ones on the other side. Lynne is one of our most sought after mediums at the psychic fairs and for private readings often booking up well in advance. Her messages are so validating that people keep coming back for more! Lynne's sense of humor and style are sure to keep you entertained while at the same time receiving spot-on messages.

JUST 2 Tickets Left!!
Cost $50

Wed Date: Mar 28 2018 From: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Location: Uplifting Connections

Chakra meditation will help to open, clear and also help align the Seven Chakras (which correspond to the major endocrine glands) the Reiki way. This workshop will help to purify/release any stored negative energy from your body/Aura, and also align to a higher frequency energy.

With regular practice just a few benefits are;

  • Anxiety decreases
  • Emotional stability improves
  • Happiness increases
  • You gain clarity and peace of mind

Chakra meditation will teach you the process of putting our “whole self” back together again.
This workshop will include but not limited to, meditation, visualization, essential oils, musical notes corresponding to each Chakra and mandalas. All materials will be supplied. Certificate upon completion of all 7 weeks. Pre- registration is required.

Investment: $35.00 per class or Save $20.00 and buy all 7 weeks for $225.00

Sat Date: Mar 31 2018 From: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Location: Uplifting Connections

Ever want to learn how to heal yourself and others. Usui Reiki level 1 class you will learn how to heal yourself through the Reiki energy. The history of Reiki and how it came about. You will learn about the chakras and what each one represents as well as what emotion is connected to them. There are 3 levels of Usui Reiki, this is the first class to help heal "self".  You will start to gain a connection to you as well as a connection to others. Our physical body is affected by our emotional body.

You will receive the level 1 attunment to Usui Reiki. A certificate is also presented to you upon completion.
Investment $120

Mon Date: Apr 02 2018 From: 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Location: Uplifting Connections

Table tipping is a time-honored tradition of physical mediumship that allows spirits to connect with us lovingly through the table. Loved ones, pets, spirit guides, angels, ascended masters, and even those we knew from past lives have the opportunity to step forward and tap out their heartfelt messages of love and healing to us.

With the intention for the highest good of all, each participant has the opportunity to see-feel-experience spirit communication directly. The table can tap, flip, hug, spin, dance, stomp, and shimmy with the joy of communicating with us! We invite you to open your minds and hearts and join us for an extraordinary experience with Spirit.

The evening is set up at two groups of 5 people.
The first group starts at 6:30PM and the second at 8:00PM
Space is limited.

Cost $45

Booking a service? Do it online and you'll be entered to win! When you book through March 22, 2018 - May 1, 2018 on our website, our mobile app, or our facebook page, and you will be automatically entered to win!

Good Luck!

Special Guests Coming to UC!

Gail Hicks Third Eye Awakening Rescheduled to May 19st!

Andrew Dee UCAMA Mediumship Academy Mediumship Circle!

Roland Comtois April 21!

Liam Galvin and Lori Sheriden coming soon!

Love this!
We have received many new crystals, skulls, hearts and more! These are golden Topaz!
Our intention is to produce inspiring and informative weekly newsletters similar to this one! We hope you liked it!

Jon and Kellie Hailey and the whole UC team!