February 2023

Volunteers serving America’s communities, saving lives, and shaping futures.
Inside This Issue: Indiana Wing cadets enjoy flying, Cadet alumnus demonstrates MQ-9 Reaper, South Carolina airmen donate uniforms to CAP squadrons, volunteer hours employee grants support CAP units, Silvered Wings: Sportster B, Married with children Alumni Spotlights, Final Salute, and more.
Airmen Support Local
CAP Squadrons with Uniform Donations
South Carolina Air National Guard members donate more...

Though just a collection of sewn cloth, a uniform is more than the sum of its humble parts. Military uniforms provide a physical commonality to members of the same group, force, or country.

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If you would like to support a local squadron with donated uniforms and boots, please contact Donate Uniforms or contact a local squadron near you.

Acceptable donations include unused or gently used Air Force service dress/blues and Airmen Battle Uniform (ABU) items including outer garments and black low-quarter combat boots.
Do you have retired uniform items to donate to help a squadron in your area?
Yes, I plan to organize a donation drive on my base for CAP.
Yes, thank you for the contact information. I will reach out to donate.
No, but thank you for sharing this need to support CAP squadrons.
CAP Cadet Alumnus/Senior Airman
Demonstrates MQ-9 Reaper
Meet Senior Airman Deyton Talley of the Texas Wing's Ellington Composite Squadron, a former cadet who's an MQ-9 sensor pperator from the Texas Air National Guard's 147th Attack Wing. He recently demonstrated the MQ-9 Reaper to teachers attending the Space Exploration Educators Conference in Houston, TX. Video courtesy of Susan Mallett.
Our Members Really Know How to Serve!
February is Matching Gifts and Volunteer Hours Grant Month
Many companies will double or even triple your support to Civil Air Patrol including for retirees. Search our easy online tool to see if your employer has a matching gift/volunteer hours grant program.
Indiana Wing Cadets Flying High

“Flying at higher altitudes is relaxing,” Feltz says. “I find flying a plane to be a peaceful experience that is incredibly enjoyable.”
Student Spotlight - Cohen Hansel and Jack Feltz

Two Westfield Middle School students, Cohen Hansel and Jack Feltz, are flying high after learning they will be studying in an aviation program in the fall at the Indianapolis Executive Airport. Hansel...

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'Sportster B' Painting
Featured from CAP's National Artist
Kinner "Sportster B", NC14201
  • Capacity: two
  • Length: 24 feet 2 inches
  • Maximum speed: 112 mph
  • Cruise speed: 98 mph
  • Range: 440 miles
  • Service ceiling: 15,000 feet

Built in 1934 by the Kinner Airplane & Motor Corp. in Glendale, California, the “Sportster B” offered several improvements over the earlier “K” model. Among other ....
Will You Be My Valentine?
Cadet Alumni Spotlights

That's what happened to these two couples while they were in Civil Air Patrol
Col. Richard Griffith, National Headquarters
Lt. Col. Jamie Griffith, Indiana Wing
How did you meet? Jamie was visiting the squadron where I (Richard) was cadet commander. Thirty years later, the squadron commander runs the National Emergency Services Academy. Jamie was the squadron commander from 2006-2009, and our older son is now cadet commander of that same squadron.
Who was the senior cadet? We met when I was the cadet commander and a college freshman, and Jamie was a high school sophomore and a new cadet. We started dating when Jamie was a college freshman.
Tell us a little bit about each other (school, career, children, interests). We got married in 1999. Since then we've lived in five states; I am an Air Force veteran and a healthcare administrator for the Department of Veterans Affairs; Jamie has helped start a squadron and been a group commander and wing vice commander; and we're both incident commanders. Our five children are amazing: our eldest is studying in Rome with Duke University this spring, and our youngest is in forth grade, and we enjoy all kinds of amazing activities in between.
My uncle, U.S. Army Air Corps Lt . Col. Kenneth Griffith, was assigned to oversee CAP during World War II, and today four members of our immediate family are members. Our younger daughter will join this spring.
CAP remains important for both of us and something we do support every day. We are also working on our next vacation to somewhere warm and are deciding whether to take up golf or pickleball!
How long have you been married? Since the Revolution, apparently. Actually 1999, so 23 years.
Words of advice? CAP is important, but family comes first. Not all of your children may want to be cadets. Buy a house big enough for a "regular clothes" and a "uniform clothes" closet. If mommy is doing flight releases, don't bug her.

CAP can be a great way to do something together: Build the marriage and support the community.
Col. Bryan Cooper, National Headquarters
Lt. Col. Karen Cooper, Northeast Region
How did you meet? We met as cadets at the annual Rhode Island Wing encampment in 1976. I (Karen) was the cadet encampment commander, and Bryan was attending encampment for the first time. At one point during the encampment, I found some of the males’ uniform shirts in the female barracks (one of the flight commanders had talked the girls into doing the sewing for the boys). I grabbed the nearest shirt, which happened to be Bryan’s, went out to the flight, and asked the flight commander, “Which one is Cooper?" The flight commander wasted no time pointing him out. I threw the shirt at Bryan, turned to the flight commander and said, “I don’t ever want to find the boys' clothes in the girls barracks again.” That was our first meeting.
Who was the senior cadet? I was the senior cadet, joining CAP almost four years before Bryan did.
Tell us a little bit about each other (school, career, children, interests). Bryan is a high school business teacher and has his mmaster’s degree in education and a bachelor’s degree in business administration. I recently retired as a systems engineer, where I worked as a civilian for the U.S. Navy. I hold a master’s degree in computer science and a bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics and physics. We have one son, Justin.

Besides CAP, I volunteer at my church in the music ministry and at the local zoo (especially enjoy the otters!), with an added interest in genealogy. Bryan’s interests, also besides CAP, include Masons, sports and wildlife photography, and tabletop games.
How long have you been married? We have been married 38 years, as of last September.
Words of advice? Volunteer-by-marriage. This is the term we use when we support each other both in CAP, as well as any of our activities and hobbies outside of CAP. We both have pursued our own interests in CAP, which although they are complementary, they are not identical. Consequently, we have never struggled to determine who was in charge at an event, and it could be either of us, depending on our current duty assignments and interests.  However, we always support each other, which gives us a lot of opportunities to work on things together.

Marry your best friend. Common values and goals make a marriage much easier. When it comes to making a choice, your spouse’s best interest comes first.
How did you meet your partner?
I met my partner in Civil Air Patrol.
I met my partner during my military service.
I met my partner somewhere else.
No partner, but I've adopted a few lifelong pals along the way.
Start 2023 With an Act of Care

Your generosity allows CAP to serve America’s communities. Your kindness is deeply felt, and we want to encourage you to show yourself the same care in 2023.

Through our partnership with FreeWill, you can create your will for free and begin 2023 with an act of care for yourself, your loved ones, and Civil Air Patrol. By prioritizing this act of care, you can start the new year with the peace of mind that all that you love is protected.
Civil Air Patrol recognizes its partnership with Women in Aviation International in advance of Women in Aviation Week, March 6-12.

Several CAP National Headquarters staff members will exhibit and attend this month’s WAI Conference from Feb. 23-25 in Long Beach, California.  Participants are invited to stop by the CAP booth — No. 536.

The partnership, established in 2022, promotes interest in aviation, aerospace education resources, and provide opportunities for youth to experience flight. Like CAP, WAI’s diverse membership includes astronauts, ...
Remembering Those Who Have Passed
CAP offers friends and family the ability to make gifts in memory or honor of someone special. Tribute/memorial gifts made through the link below are listed in each issue of Civil Air Patrol Volunteer.
Civil Air Patrol - Development
Kristina E. Jones, M.A., CFRE, Chief of Philanthropy
Gloria Negrete, Deputy Chief of Philanthropy
Col. John M. Knowles, Deputy Chief of Alumni Relations
Donna Bass Maraman, Development and Donor Communications Manager
Rebecca Armstrong, Donor Database Specialist

(334) 953-9003 Direct
(833) IAM-4CAP Toll Free
Interested in talking about the legacy you want to leave?
Contact Kristina Jones, Chief of Philanthropy, at [email protected]
More Ways to Support Civil Air Patrol