F A L L  2020


Letter from the General Manager - Jim Clemens
On the positive side, I am happy to report that we haven't experienced significant flooding for quite some time now. In a normal year that would take the number one challenge off the table. As you know this was anything, but a normal year. Just about the time we were gearing up for spring launch we realized that we would have to be proactive in our planning and execution as we moved into the boating season. Several operational changes were made and an effort to educate our members and customers was initiated.

No one knew what to expect as the boating season began. Many industries were decimated and we had fears that our operations and usage would follow suit. Interestingly enough, when you eliminate team sports, parades, vacations, and fairs; boating becomes the go to pastime for EVERYONE!

It should come as no surprise, that the increase in boating has created some problems. Several days this season our launch line has extended past the intersection of St. Croix Trail & 32nd. We have been forced to turn away launchers several times this season. Parking has been at a premium and we have even had congestion in the harbors with multiple boats arriving and departing at the same time.

If I could ask one thing from our membership, it would be, to remain courteous to other members during these challenging and stressful times. Please consider standing by outside harbors or in your slip if a disabled vessel is being towed. If you have guest vehicles parking between the harbors, please double park with your guests if possible. Our biggest parking challenge occurs on "D" dock where the spots are at a premium. Please be considerate of other members and park additional vehicles outside the primary "D" dock parking if possible.

This year's pandemic has forced us to make changes, some of which will become normal practices. We certainly hope that other changes are temporary. On behalf of the Windmill Marina staff and the Board of Directors, we greatly appreciate our members' patience as we attempt to stay safe while getting the job done. 
Jim Clemens
General Manager

Fall Gas Dock Hours
Our fuel dock will close earlier as the days become shorter. We are open every morning at 8:00 a.m. and will close at dark throughout fall. Our fuel dock will remain open until late October or when we have all of our expected boats serviced and all other work is complete. Call the office to confirm closing times before you come over for gas or pump out. Pump outs are $7 per tank. Take advantage of a FREE PUMP OUT with a gas purchase of over $200. *Free pump out is to be used at the time of gas purchase. No banking of pump outs.
If you are bubbling your boat this winter, you need to bring your boat to the gas dock for your final pump out. Ask for a "HEAD HAS BEEN PUMPED" tag from the dock attendant and secure it on the helm of your boat.


Winter Boat Storage Tips 
  • Drain plugs are to be left by the helm of the boat - please do not remove or take home. Remove all food and perishables
  • Leave fenders, lines and batteries in the boat.
  • Condensation is a constant challenge in cooler climates. To control excess dampness, use dehumidifier crystals, such as Damp Rid and No Damp, which are sold in the Ship's Store
  • Put sheets of fabric softener around the inside of your boat, in cabinets and drawers. This will help keep your boat smelling fresh and help with rodent control.
  • Use Kanberra Gel, an airborne tea tree oil, to remove and control mold, mildew and odor. This is also available in the Ship's Store. 

          Fall Pull Out, Winterizing Requests & Service Orders
                             Make sure to fill out your winter forms located below!
  • Is your boat leaving the marina for the winter? Do we perform any winterizing services before you take it away?
  • Does your boat stay for the winter but we DO NOT service it? You are a do-it-yourselfer
  • Is your boat staying for the winter and WE DO the winterizing?
  • Do you want your boat shrinkwrapped? Do you want a zipper door?
  • Do you need any other mechanical services or winter work?

*** Please fill out a form even if your boat leaves and we DO NOT service it. We need a form for every boat at Windmill Marina!


Please leave keys in the boat!


Leave batteries in the boat! In order to provide winterizing services, batteries must be in the boat. If your batteries are not in your boat, we have to use our shop batteries to winterize your boat and you will be charged an additional $50 for this service NO EXCEPTIONS.


Battery removal (if desired) is the boat owner's responsibility. Windmill Marina does not remove or store batteries. Boats are shrinkwrapped as winterizing is completed. If you want to remove your batteries, you must make arrangements to do so. ***This will delay shrinkwrapping!  


If you feel you have a bad battery, it is your responsibility to remove it. Good, healthy batteries are made to withstand winter weather and it is not necessary to remove them. 


After parking your boat/trailer in your designated spot, pull the hull plug and put it in the cup holder by the steering wheel, with excessive rain your boat can sink on land!

Pull Out, 
Service Orders


Submit a form for each boat. 
Please visit our website to

*The last weeks of Pull Out fill up quickly so get form submitted as soon as possible! 




5% OFF
repairs over
10% OFF
repairs over

Services Include: Fiberglass/deck/gel coat repair, bottom/blister repairs/bottom painting and engine/transmission repairs-replacement, drive line, props, struts, strut bearings.

Offer good from Nov. 1, 2020
through March 31, 2021

*Does not apply towards winterizing services, oil changes, tune-ups and drive service
*Does not apply to sub-labor services

The Boat Doctor
The Shrink Wrap Advantage--100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
Due to the current economical constraints in the recycling world, finding a place to recycle shrink wrap has become increasingly difficult and expensive. Our $1 per foot recycling fee ensures that the used shrink wrap gets recycled and does not end up in a landfill. On your fall shrink wrap invoice you will see the $1 per foot charge that covers spring removal and ensures recycling of the plastic.

Believe it or not, the time has come to think about The Boat Doctor's shrink-wrap advantage
The Boat Doctor is by far the premier shrink-wrapping company, with over a decade of experience and thousands of boats wrapped! Let this experience guide your boat through another nasty winter.
The Boat Doctor will wrap your boat on time and keep a watchful eye on it until we uncover it in the spring. Trust the name that was here long before the competition and will be here long after them.
The Boat Doctor staff is looking forward to shrink-wrapping your boat this fall--just check the box on your fall winterizing sheet in this issue of Dock Lines or email/call Julie at the marina office.
Advantages of The Boat Doctor services
- Shrink-wrap is hassle & worry free for you
- Protects your boat from harmful ultraviolet rays and fallout
- Snow slides off wrap so there is no weight or ice buildup
- Keeps elements out but is ventilated to let in fresh air
- Affordable: tarps and canvas deteriorate and have to be replaced regularly
- Environmentally safe, we recycle our wrap in the spring
- Price includes unwrapping in the spring (NOTE: if your bill is not paid in full to the Boat Doctor by January 1, 2021 there will be a $25 removal fee in the spring of 2021)

2020-2021 Shrink-Wrapping Prices
Length of Boat
Price Per Foot
Up to 23'
24' to 29'
30' to 34'
35' to 37'
38' to 44'
45' to 49'
50' & Up

$50 for a normal sized door
$75 for XL door (6' tall)
$75 surcharge for WHITE shrinkwrap
$1/ft Spring recycling Fee

The Boat Doctor will not reuse saved zipper doors. If you save your old zipper door and install it yourself, your shrinkwrap guarantee is VOID.

The Boat Doctor guarantees its workmanship but is not responsible for vinyl enclosures, Plexiglas, windscreens, equipment mounted to radar arches, hard tops or pulpits (spotlights, radar, antennas, etc.) nor is it responsible for acts of nature, i.e. heavy snowfalls, high winds, etc., and poorly maintained or old boats or old boat parts. If you do not contact us directly we will assume you are responsible. The Boat Doctor will not be responsible for any damage which may result from shrink wrap being in direct contact with any materials on your boat. The Boat Doctor must be told if your boat is finished with any material other than gel coat so that we can determine how these materials will react to being in contact with the shrink wrap and the heating process. 
The Boat Doctor will not be responsible for any boat that has been cut into or altered in any way.

You will be billed directly by the Boat Doctor 651.436.4490
Boat Owners are not allowed to shrink wrap their own boats or use an open flame of any kind on docks or boats at Windmill Marina

AEDEmergency Response Equipment
Windmill Marina Association has an automated external defibrillator device. 

The AED will be located in the hallway of the bathrooms/showers of the Ship's Store.


Wakes on the River: A Reminder from the MN DNR
  • Be aware of your environment and what is going on around you--this applies to all types of boats, including paddlers and those on and around the water
  • Stay at least 200 feet away from shorelines, docks or other structures. Backing a boat up to a riverbank or lakeshore can damage the area and lead to erosion. Travel slowly in shallow waters.
  • Minimize repetitive passes. Once you've run a line, move to another area. Comply with all signs and respect barriers.
  • Respect the rights of others so everyone can enjoy their time on the water--keep the noise down, be courteous to other boaters and show consideration to all recreationalists on and around the water.

Marina Staff 

Summer Staff

Board of Directors
 General Manager
 Jim Clemens
Abby Armstrong
Ted Zinner - President
Office Manager
 Julie M. Ulrick
CJ FredkoveJoe Riley - Vice President
Office Assistant
 Kelly Little
Tucker Giambrone
 Scott Lindall- Treasurer
Service Manager
 Scott Baken
Skylar Glass
Tom Bystrzycki
Service Parts
Craig Baken
Roan Hickey
John Deverell

 Bryan Spychalla
Sam Hoffman
Jim Goren

 Broc Leslie
Alison Kenkel
Marcus Peterson

Megan McAllister

River Foreman
 Levi Schoenecker
Troy Nelson
 Yard Foreman Dave LittleLevi Prunty
Marina Maintenance
 Troy Brown
Paul Rougeau 

 Alex Duncan
Johanna Teegarden

 Ian Keller 
Aidan Martin

 Jason Johnson
Amelia Brower

 Dave Lynch

  Weekend Management Jacob Riley

Marina Security
 Steve Allen 

 Bill Norrish

 Dana Hansen

Marina Gardener
 Chris Wold
   Tammy Waldon  

