n an effort to reduce the use of paper and the redundancy of documents collected at the time of Section 8 Management and Occupancy Reviews; we added typed-in notes as to what we specifically need to collect in paper and what we just need to view on-site to the “Addendum C-Documents to be Made Available by Owner/Agent”; which is part of the Addendum B packet that is sent out with the Review scheduling email.
The next time you receive an Addendum B packet, please read the Addendum C typed-in notes so that you aren’t providing more than necessary during the on-site review.
Please don’t give the Asset Manager copies of the following, they only need access to the originals or project files:
- Work order journals and logs
- Annual Unit Inspections
- Fact Sheet-How your Rent is Determined
- Resident Rights and Responsibilities Brochure
- Operating Procedure Manuals
- EIV Coordinator Access Authorization Form
- EIV User Access Authorization Form
- EIV Owner Approval Letter
- EIV Rules of Behavior
- Copy of TRACS Rules of Behavior
- Copy of the TRACS and EIV Security Training Certificate
- The monthly and quarterly EIV Reports with notes on agent action to discrepancies for the last three years.
- Recent Advertising, last advertisement and/or apartment brochure
- Fair Housing logo and Fair Housing poster
- Documentation for any applicable Elderly Preference
- Income Targeting and Tracking Log
- Security Deposit Ledger and a copy of the most recent bank statement (the Asset Manager will need the Ledger at the start of the file review)
We do require paper copies of the following:
- The completed, signed and dated Addendum B
- Project Profile that shows the occupancy demographics-please provide a generic report that does not contain individual resident data or personal identifiable information
- Current Wait List (please have an historical wait list available to review on-site)
- EH&S Certification if there was a REAC inspection within the 12 months prior to the review, if applicable (the REAC may not have resulted in any Exigent Health and Safety deficiencies)
- The most recently approved Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan
- Any owner designed and issued Lease Addendums-No Smoking Policy, etc.
Please also have copies of the following documents (unless you are one of the management companies- EastPoint, EJL, Keene Housing, SPM-who has sent the following documents to Marie and keeps her apprised of updates when revisions are made)
- Application packet
- Resident Selection Plan
- EIV Policies and Procedures
- Pet Rules, if applicable
- House Rules, if applicable
- VAWA Emergency Transfer Plan
If you have more than one Section 8 property and you utilize the same Application Packet, Resident Selection Plan, EIV Policies and Procedures, Pet Rules, House Rules and VAWA Emergency Transfer Plan for all properties (or each is the same with just the property name the only difference) and you want New Hampshire Housing to retain electronic copies of each so that you don’t have to provide them for each property at each Review, please submit them to Marie, she will review and keep on file. If you choose to do this, please be cognizant to send her any revisions that are made so the latest and greatest versions are reviewed and stored.
If you would like to further reduce the transfer of paper documents, you are more than welcome to and encouraged to send the following documents, via email, to the Asset Manager prior to the on-site review:
- The completed, signed and dated Addendum B
- Project profile-as long as it does not include any resident personal identifiable data
- EH&S Certification, if applicable
- The most recently approved AFHMP and any updated Plans that are pending HUD approval
- Owner Lease Addendums
- The Application packet
- EIV Policies and Procedures
- Pet Rules
- House Rules
- VAWA Emergency Transfer Plan
If you have any questions, concerns or comments, please contact your Asset Manager or Marie.
Asset Management Staff