Volume 119 | September 2019
Emerging Research on the Rise of Celiac Disease Raises More Questions than Answers
To help search for patterns that might explain the rise in celiac disease (an autoimmune reaction to gluten) researchers followed 8,676 newborn babies who were genetically pre-disposed to celiac disease in Finland, Germany, Sweden, and the United States for 5 years. This study, which was just published in JAMA , found that babies eating more gluten in their first few years of life were significantly more likely to develop celiac disease.

However, these findings contradict previous studies that found no relationship between celiac disease and gluten intake. In fact, other studies have found that delayed gluten introduction may also be linked with type 1 diabetes risk in children, and that gluten-free kids’ foods are no healthier than regular kids’ foods. Maureen M. Leonard, MD, and Alessio Fasano, MD, of MassGeneral Hospital for Children and Harvard Medical School in Boston also questioned the significance of the JAMA findings, noting that “the prevalence of celiac disease in Finland is higher (1%-2.5%) than in Italy (0.7%-1.1%), yet wheat consumption in Italy is much higher than in Finland; this is also the case in Greece.”
It's Not Too Late to Celebrate Whole Grains Month
Don't let Whole Grains Month slip away without trying a new-to-you whole grain or whole grain recipe! Sign up to receive a whole grain recipe delivered right to your inbox daily until the end of this month.
How to Cultivate More "Friendly Bacteria" in Your Gut Microbiome
Scientists are learning that having a beneficial mix of "friendly bacteria" in our gut microbiome is linked with numerous health benefits, including a healthier weight. While the research is still young, eating fiber-rich foods (like whole grains!) is one of the most well-documented relationships with a healthy gut microbiome.
Take Our "Guess the Grains" Quiz
Are you a quinoa connoisseur or a fan of farro? We're challenging all whole grain enthusiasts to test your skills on our Guess the Grains Quiz. This free quiz is also a fun addition to health fairs, tabling events, and presentations.
Rice and Wild Rice Recipes
The “Three Sisters” refer to corn, squash, and beans – three crops that Native Americans grew in harmony with each other, that made up the basis of many meals throughout the Americas. In this recipe, we toss the three sisters with wild rice (another crop native to North America), and one of the Whole Grains of the Month for September.

An Oldways recipe
Is there anything more comforting than a warm, cinnamon-spiced bowl of rice pudding? We don’t think so. Here, we’ve boosted the nutritional value of this classic southern dessert by using brown rice, one of the Whole Grains of the Month for September. You can add raisins for bursts of fruity sweetness. 

An Oldways recipe
Moujaddara is a popular Arabic dish made of pureed lentils and spices. In this version, we let the slow cooker do the heavy lifting, allowing the lentils and rice to soften and the flavors to meld together.

An Oldways recipe