"Sisters, Servants, Soldiers"
Creating Outstanding Vacation Bible Schools This Summer!

Sisters in Christ Know the Value of Teaching Children!

"Whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me, but Him who sent me." Mark 9:37

I have visited several congregations that were having Vacation Bible School in June. I have seen auditoriums filled with children! I have been amazed and overwhelmed knowing the prayer, thought and hard work that has gone into teaching children about the love of God and His Son, Jesus, through Vacation Bible School. I have seen several great themes such as: "Finding Jesus" (with a complete under the sea motif), "The Greatest Show," "Be Our Guest" and many others that the children have enjoyed.

Many years ago, I would have been one of those "strange" children that members of the congregation did not know. They would not have known my family. Most of my exposure to God and Jesus was during the summers in various Vacation Bible Schools. There were five of us children and we attended every VBS in our area. At that time, most VBS's were 5 days a week from about 9:00 AM until noon. I am sure that was a good break for my mother during those long summer months.

However, I will always be grateful for those who worked so hard and taught the "community children" about the love on God on those hot summer days. (I also looked forward to the refreshments. Kudos to the people who take care of the refreshments as well!) It is all a part of caring enough and "sowing the seed" in the hearts of the children.

As the word goes out about our Sisters, Servants, Soldiers Ministry , we will be finding more and more areas in which to sow the seeds of the Kingdom! I hope you are praying and preparing for your next opportunity to get out of your "comfort zone" and "serve The Lord with gladness" in some new area of service. You will grow spiritually and God will be glorified!

"Yes, I ask you also, true companion, help these women, who have labored side by side with me in the gospel together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life."
Philippians 4:3 ESV

That word, "labored" means "worked" ladies! Let it be joyful labor as a result of our love for THE LORD and people!
History Proves Our Nation was Founded by a God-Fearing People . . . Happy 243rd Birthday America!
On this 4th of July, I think most of us realize that the true and unbiased History of our Nation is not being taught in our public schools today. It is our responsibility, then, to make sure it gets taught at home!

I highly recommend this book "God and Government" by Dave Miller. It is available from Apologetics Press at http://apologeticspress.org/ . It is a wonderful compilation of essays replete with facts and quotes from our Founding Fathers. It helps us understand the truth about illegal immigration and the poor. It discusses the "unalienable rights" given to us by God. He discusses fully the biblical purposes of government. You will find many insightful quotes from our Founding Fathers. This book needs to be on your bookshelf for reading, teaching and reference.

Also, it is my prayer that when technology fails (and at some point, it will) someone will actually pick up these wonderful historial, biblical resources, hold them in their hands and READ THEM and know what made America the light of freedom to the rest of the world!

"America is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere."

Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States of America


The Gospel Patriot . . . A Great Resource!

The Gospel Patriot is a website that was created and is run by brothers Ben and Sam Stevenson. It strives to use a biblical worldview to take a look at political and historical issues. We have allowed our culture to "compartmentalize" our Christianity and in doing so, have given it over to secular humanism, progressivism and every other ungodly "ism" that raises its head. This site emphasizes the biblical world view in relation to the topics listed below and many more!
Curing Political Anxiety:   https://gospelpatriot.com/home/the-worry-cure
Ben and Sam were brought up in the Lord's church and continue to serve Him to this day. They hope that those who visit the website will do so with an open mind and perhaps gain a different perspective than they had before. There is one worldview that makes the world a better place to live!   

* I hope you will bookmark the Gospel Patriot website
for future reference.
Also, I hope you will share many of the thoughts
in these publications and websites on Social Media.
We need to be flooding hearts and minds and Social Media
with the good stuff !
"Sisters, Servants, Soldiers" and our Christian Worldview Strengthens a Nation!

Since the 4th of July , marks the creation of our Nation and having myself served 8 years as a State Representative, I thought this July Newsletter was appropriate for highlighting the work of Christians in addressing the culture and the political climate in which we live. I read this book " The Political Conscience of the Christian " "and also Dave Miller's book featured above before publication and wrote a recommendation included in each of them.

Ben and his brother created the "Gospel Patriot" website mentioned above. There is so much great history and information for Christians in the resources we are highlighting in this July Newsletter! I hope you will save it for future reference!

Here is a link to " The Political Conscience of the Christian " :


 UPCOMING 2019 "Sisters, Servants, Soldiers" SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS
July 11-13th, Faithbuilders, Washington State
July 21-26, Taylor Christian Camp, Scottsville, KY
August 3rd, Clinton, IL
August 10th, Lithia Springs, GA
August 16-22, Polishing the Pulpit, Sevierville, TN
August 24th, Clarksville, TN
September 6-7, Waterford, Michigan
September 14, Bumpus Mills, TN
September 20, Cheaspeake Bay, VA

Sheila Butt
FB: Sheila K. Butt

Please visit our Website at: www.sistersservantssoldiers.com
News, Notes, Reports and Events
The 2019 GBN Power Lectureship will be held at Southaven Church of Christ in Memphis on July 21-25th. The Topic: "The Politically Incorrect Church of Christ." I hope many will try to attend.

Our Lord was crucified by the "powers that be" due to their fear, jealousy and envy. As Christians, we shouldn't be surprised when the world tries to silence us as well.

(1 John 3:13)
In Rome, Christians were considered the most subversive enemy of the state simply because they believed in God and His Kingdom and would not bow to the Emperor. Men, women and helpless children were killed and many times fed to the lions for sport. Yes. They were politically incorrect and multitudes paid for their faith with their lives.

We need to open our eyes! Many around the world are now being burned alive, beheaded, tortured and buried alive for confessing Christ as the Son of God. Will we be strong enough to confess our Lord and Savior no matter what comes?

Here is a link to a trailer for the Lectureship and information for those who would like to attend:

Mission Report from Sister Judy Baker . . .

"Our June Mission trip to Costa Rica was remarkable! I was the ladies Team Leader and we conducted 141 Bible studies , had 6 baptisms and 3 restorations ! It would have been impossible for me to go on this life changing mission trip without your generosity and prayers!"

Judy loves teaching the Bible "one on one" and it is a joy being able to support our sisters in every area of service through "Sisters, Servants, Soldiers." To Our Father be the glory!

Will You Support your "Sisters, Servants and Soldiers" in Christ?

We are constantly finding talent, energy and willingness to serve among our sisters in Christ. We are stronger together! SSS is helping with biblical teaching, prayer, encouragement and resources. Won't you be a part of this great work? Please send your tax-deductible contributions to :

Anderson Bend Church of Christ
Attn: Sisters, Servants, Soldiers Mission Fund
P.O. Box 1283
Columbia, TN . 38402-1283
P.O. Box 1283
Columbia, TN 38402-1283