Test yourself each week as I challenge you to answer the question below. I mean this. Sit down and write an answer. Don't wait for my answer next week. If you have been reading my Weekly Questions and Answers for the last six months, you should be in a position to do this. Send your answer to my team at:
Why should you bother? Because it will help you focus. There is probably a comparable question in your life that needs answering... or will be. If you can gain insight into how to go about answering a practical question that is loosely related to your problem, this exercise will help you answer your nagging question. Then read my answer. I want all of my students to learn to be better trainers than me.That's good for you and good for horses!
~ Monty
I board my horse at a sanctuary/boarding ranch, and we have a horse that got here from a feed lot rescue, being unloaded from a trailer and set into the pasture. She’s been in this pasture for 3 years, untouched. She is fat and happy and wore her feet on her own. But needs vet work done...the owner has had multiple people out here to work with this horse and they have roped her to get her into a round pen and tried all sorts of things. The slight raise in our hands she is terrified. No one has been working with her for some time now and the owner and I were able to herd her into a smaller pen in the pasture.
We have a nice gentle women who will just sit with her or and try to gain her trust. But like I said a slight raise in our hands or anything she cowers. This horse obviously had some sort of trauma and so far the closest we can get trust in 3 years is feeding her a treat and a slight touch on her nose. I have seen mustangs less afraid... what should the owner do?