Fix My Gut Webinar on 08/10/22

Hello Tiffany,

Did you know there is an aspirational stool? Did you know that you should have 1-3 bowel movements daily?

My goal is to help you feel better and have better health through healthier digestion. Early Bird Registration for the Fix My Gut program, kicks off this week with the Fix My Gut-Top 3 Tips Webinar on Wednesday August 10, 2022 at 11:00am-11:35am. Free Registration is here for this webinar. 

You will learn and apply 3 points of my 10-point checklist. You will have tips to take away immediately. 

3 of 10 point checklist

1. Water and Fiber

2. Determine HCL levels for the stomach and saliva in the mouth

3. Remove or reduce gut infections

4. Remove Food Sensitivities

5. Test Enzyme and PRObiotic need for the small intestine

6. Test PREbiotic need for the large intestine

7. Test for Leaky Gut

8. Test for Gi Immune levels and inflammation

9. Address Vagus Nerve support for the Gut (brain to gut connection)

10. Improve Stress management and mindful eating (nervous system balancing)

If you have tried everything and you are tired of struggling, this is for you. If you believe that you have more severe issues, leaky gut, weak gut immunity and more, then you can now have a custom intervention to get you feeling better before the holidays. The webinar will help you to understand your symptoms and help you to decide if you are ready for healing. 

During the webinar you will learn which foods to remove, which foods to add for digestion, what you can try!

Let's start with a little DIY now, using the chart below, where are you compared to where your stool needs to be?

This chart can be a great benchmark for where you are vs. where you are going. Remember that your goal is 1-3 bowel movements every single day, instead of 1 bowel movement every 3 days. 

This is the beginning of a great opportunity for you to feel normal! The Fix My Gut webinar workshop is valued at $59 but is free! 

Keep your eyes peeled for the registration link, to have a happier belly this summer!

p.s. If you want to go right for the custom Fix My Gut program, Early Bird registration will open this week!

~ Be Well, Dr. Tiffany