June 29th - August 20th
We are excited to be opening for the summer on Monday, June 29th. Our Summer Program will focus on fun summer themes; however, each age group will have specific goals and objectives based on social/emotional, cognitive, fine/gross motor, and language development.

In previous years, we have had a specific week that focused on kindergarten readiness. This year, for that age group, we will instead integrate those readiness skills throughout the summer to help prepare for September.

If you already registered for Summer Camp, please let us know if you will attend. Payments made will be put towards your new enrollment, or refunded.
Summer Preschool will run from June 29th through August 20th. Each week will run Monday through Thursday and include the following sessions:
  • AM session 8:45 AM - 11:45 AM 
  • PM session 12:15 PM-3:15 PM
  • Full day - 8:45 AM - 3:15 PM
There is no option to select individual days within a given week; enrollment is based on the four day camp week. This maintains the same group of 10 children together for the week, thus limiting contacts. 
Summer will be taught by our existing staff, including Miss Beth, Mrs. Fox, Mrs. Carle, Miss Carrie, Miss Melissa, Miss Julianne, and Megan. Teachers will be assigned to a group and remain with the same group of ten children all week. In many cases, these groups will include siblings.
The NJ Department of Child and Family, Office of Licensing, has provided us with HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS that dictate operational standards based on COVID-19.  We are working with the Office of Licensing to finalize guidelines around:
  • Screening Staff and Children
  • Group Sizes and Distancing
  • Use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Cleaning and Disinfecting
We will provide you with our final guidelines prior to the start of summer and will also host a Zoom meeting on Monday, June 15th at 8 PM for general Q&A.

Zoom Meeting
 Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81183823412?pwd=b3FWYzNIc1ZpdWUwMW52K1NYYzFVUT09
 Meeting ID  811 8382 3412 
 Password  8qPjpC
To register, please complete the online registration form and submit payment. Online credit card payments will include a 3% fee. If you would like to pay by check or ACH, an invoice will be emailed to you.

Note that when paying by credit card, the full tuition is collected during the registration process.  If Dogwood camp needs to close due to COVID-19, your payments will be refunded for any missed weeks.   

Payment for the first four weeks is due June 16th. Payment for the last four weeks is due by July 15th.

 Morning  Mon-Thurs, 8:45 AM - 11:45 AM  $220
 Afternoon  Mon-Thurs, 12:15 PM - 3:15 PM
 Full Day  Mon-Thurs, 8:45 AM - 3:15 PM

Children who are not currently enrolled at The Dogwood School must submit a medical form and immunization record prior to the start of camp.

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