A newsletter from Johnson County Mental Health Center
Mental Health Moment
Johnson County Park & Recreation volunteer at JPCPRD Kids Triathlon
Studies have shown that volunteering is great for your mental health. It has been shown to decrease stress levels, decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety, and boost your overall health and satisfaction with life. When you help others, it activates the reward center in your brain and releases dopamine (the pleasure-seeking chemical), serotonin (the “feel good” chemical regulating your mood), and endorphins (chemicals your body releases when it feels pain or stress).

Some other mental health benefits of volunteering include:
Meeting new people based on common interests and building an additional support system. There is evidence that having healthy social connections and increasing social interaction promotes resilience and reduces the risk of several negative health outcomes.
Decreased risk of disease by improving both physical and mental health. Volunteer activities get people moving and thinking at the same time, which leads to better overall health, fewer hospitalizations, higher self-esteem, and a better ability to manage chronic illness. Volunteering also can reduce the risk of high blood pressure, stress, and chronic pain.
Developing a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in something bigger than yourself. Volunteering allows you to become the hands and heart for someone or something else. This may be especially helpful during personal times of turbulence.
Volunteering is something that we can all agree on. It doesn’t have to be something that requires formal training although some volunteering opportunities do. Pick something meaningful to you and your life. Get creative! You could donate your time to someone or something in your neighborhood. VolunteerMatch is a great organization that helps match a volunteer with nonprofits and opportunities to make a difference.

Are you interested in becoming a volunteer? There is a wide variety of volunteer opportunities in Johnson County:

Resources for your mental health
Upcoming events
Parent Connect is a meeting for support and problem-solving on issues with which your family and child are struggling. This group is strengths-based, meaning we will focus on the strengths of your family and child to help find solutions and encourage self-care.
Mental Health First Aid is an interactive 8-hour course that presents an overview of mental illness and substance use disorders in the U.S. and introduces participants to risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems, builds an understanding of their impact, and overviews common treatments.