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March 8th, 2023

You Don't Want to Miss...

  • March 8th: Report cards emailed
  • March 11th: Spirit wear
  • March 12th: Dining for Dollars - Mountain Mike's Pizza
  • March 18th: St. Joseph's and St. Patrick's wear (Green or red tops with uniform bottoms)
  • March 19th: All School Mass at 8:15 am
  • March 27th: Divine Mercy Chaplet at 11:30 in the Church
  • March 27th: 12:30 pm dismissal - Easter Break

Please read all the way to the bottom!

Principal's Message

Dear families,

As we embark on the journey of third trimester, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the dedication and resilience demonstrated by each member of our school community. Together, we have navigated through challenges and celebrated triumphs, embodying the spirit of faith, perseverance, and excellence that defines our Catholic school.

As we enter this new phase of the academic year, it is important that we remain focused on our goals and aspirations. Trimester 3 offers us a fresh opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to academic excellence, personal growth, and spiritual development. I encourage all of us to approach each day with enthusiasm, determination, and a steadfast belief in our abilities to overcome any obstacles that may come our way.

In the midst of our academic pursuits, we are called to make time for prayer, reflection, and acts of kindness, allowing the love of God to guide us in all that we do. By fostering a deep connection with our faith, we strengthen our resolve and find the courage to face any challenges that may arise.

As we embark on this new trimester, let us remember that we are not alone on this journey. We are surrounded by a supportive community of teachers, staff, parents, and fellow students who are here to uplift and encourage us every step of the way. Let us lean on one another for support, drawing strength from our shared values and common goals. May we approach each day with a sense of purpose and determination, knowing that with God's grace, all things are possible.

In faith and fellowship,

Mrs. Grant

Report Cards

Dear families,

Report cards are going to be emailed out shortly after this Dolphin Chatter. I am not sure whether to feel proud or annoyed, but I have stumped FACTS with a couple of report card related issues. The FACTS support can't solve my problem and neither can our Diocesan representative so, they have elevated our case and it will be resolved by the end of the school year in time for the final report card. Not every report card will have an issue, but a few are missing grades for specific classes. This mostly affects middle school students in the STEM and ART wheel. All students in those electives passed the class-phew!

If you have any questions about a specific missing grade, please let me know and I can update you. Once the issue is resolved, I will email the correct report cards to those affected.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused!

In His Service,

Erin Watson

Lenten Activities


Eucharistic Revival 2024

Revival & Spirit Wear Days



LiveSchool Store

LiveSchool is the behavioral tracking app for 3rd through 8th Grade. Students will be able to "purchase" things in the store on specific dates. Please contact Coach Matt ([email protected]) for more information.

LiveSchool Store - students who have enough points can redeem them for snacks, candy, and miscellaneous toys/prizes. If you would like to donate to the Liveschool store please reach out [email protected].

Coach's Corner

Introducing Girls Flag Football!

Spring sports are underway! 

If you are playing in Beach Volleyball or Girls Flag you should have communication from your coaches, know your practice schedule, and if you have questions please let me know! 

  • Early dismissal Girls Flag Football - Monday, 3/8th - 2:30 pm
  • Girls Beach Volleyball - Tuesday @ Huntington State Beach

The Athletic fee is $125 and will be charged to your FACTS account in March. 

Please be on the lookout in next week's Dolphin Chatter for the Concussion & Medical Forms via Google Forms. 


Coach Karen and I are gearing up for the Track Meets! 

If your student is interested in competing at a PAL Track Meet please fill out the following form! Grades 1-8 only 

Track Meet


Sign Up Here!

! Auction News !

Auction Item Highlights  

Thank you for your responses to attend the 2024 Lights! Camera! AUCTION! You should have received an email with a link to register. Please register by Friday, March 8th. 

We have lots of exciting baskets, live auction items, games to play and class experiences to sign up for at the Auction. 

The night will kick off with the VIP Hour, with our very own SSJ Alumni Timmy McKeever! Timmy recently signed with Droptine Recordings and is headed to Nashville to continue his music career. We are so blessed to have Timmy joining us for an hour of entertainment. 

We know there has been a lot of buzz about the 2024 Fund-a-cause. So drum roll please:

Procurement Letter and Forms

Summer Academy

Sign Up!

Dining for Dollars


Choice Lunch


Stay Connected!

Make sure to follow our School Google Calendar!

All School Google Calendar

From the Nurse's Desk

Report Absences

Mrs. Watson Wonders...

Did you know...

In honor of our 8th Grade field trip to the Reagan Library:

  • Ronald Reagan was legally blind.
  • Reagan worked as a lifeguard for seven years—he saved 77 people in that time.
  • Reagan’s favorite flavor of jelly beans was licorice.

Around our Parish

Parish Bulletin
Baked Goods
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Saints Simon & Jude

Pray for Us!

See what's happening on our social sites:

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