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November 10th, 2023

You Don't Want to Miss...

  • November 13th : Turkey Trot !!! (Wear your Turkey Trot shirts!)
  • November 13th & 14th : Basketball Tryouts Grades 5-8
  • November 21st : Early Dismissal 12:30
  • November 22 - 27th : Thanksgiving Break
  • December 1st : Middle School Christmas Dance (5:30-8pm)

Please read all the way to the bottom!

Principal's Message

Hello all,

It is hard to believe that we are at the end of the first trimester. Time flies when you are having fun and learning! The portal to view grades will be closed until all the grades and comments have been posted. The report cards will be sent digitally via the email on FACTS at the end of the day on November 21st.  

On Thursday we honored our Veterans with a morning assembly. Thank you to the TYKE classes for their heartfelt singing of the song You’re a Grand Old Flag and the first and second graders for their rendition of God Bless the USA which touched the hearts of everyone! We love our Veterans and are honored and proud to have them in our community. If you missed it check out our social media.

As we move into the second trimester and the beginning of the holiday season I would like to reinforce how important routine is for our students. As you know our school schedule is broken up with the holiday breaks so it is vital that we honor the time the students are here at school and in class. Arriving late at school is difficult for students to settle in for their day and missing the “morning work” can make students feel anxious throughout the day. Similarly, leaving before the end of the school day also causes duress as students miss direct instruction and do not have closure. Of course, some interruptions can not be avoided but I challenge everyone to get to school before the second bell rings and see if you can make it to Christmas break without removing your student(s) before the last bell of the school day.

Last call for Turkey Trot! The turkeys will be let loose on the field on Monday and we only have three days left to obtain those pledges. Remember this is the first of our two major fundraisers and your opportunity to fulfill your family fundraising obligation. One hundred percent of the funds raised apply to your obligation.

Turkey Trot Dress Code: Students may wear their Turkey Trot shirt (or spirit shirt) and uniform bottoms and athletic shoes.  

The Men’s Club is once again selling Christmas trees but the deadline is VERY soon. Please see the flyer in Dolphin Chatter to order. Because of the costs involved only 25 percent of the cost of the tree can be applied to your fundraising obligation. The trees are gorgeous and very fresh. So why not order one from the Men’s Club?!

We are slowly going through the process of removing books from our collections in the library. We are removing books that have not been checked out in 10 years and the extra copies of a few of books in selected series.  Beginning next week we will offer gently used and some very well read books for the price of a donation of your choice. After school beginning on Tuesday books will be available outside the library. Stop by and see if there is one you might be interested in taking home. We will continue to offer books as we progress through our collection. Any books not bought will be donated to a cause. We will have new books available for purchase each week.

Thank you for reading all the way down to the end of this message - I know it has jumped around like a pinball in a game! Now I know you are thinking that this may also be the way my days have been playing out the last few weeks but I am working to keep a steady, even keel. We are moving into the holiday season when schedules get crazy and emotions can become high. So I will let you in on a little trick that I use: spend some quiet time with the Lord. No matter what “craziness” has happened before school, during school, or after school if I spend time just stilling my mind and talking with Jesus all is well.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

In His Service,

Mrs. Grant



Eucharistic Revival 2023

Revival & Spirit Wear Days


Turkey Trot Dress Code

Students should wear their Turkey Trot shirts, uniform bottoms, and athletic shoes on Monday (11/13).

LiveSchool Store

LiveSchool is the behavioral tracking app for 3rd through 8th Grade. Students will be able to "purchase" things in the store on specific dates. Please contact Coach Matt (mbutterbrodt@ssjschool.org) for more information.

LiveSchool Store - students who have enough points can redeem them for snacks, candy, and miscellaneous toys/prizes. If you would like to donate to the Liveschool store please reach out mbutterbrodt@ssjschool.org.

Coach's Corner

Hey Dolphins!

First, please return your washed and dried volleyball and football uniforms to me as soon as possible.

Second, students who are trying out for Basketball on Monday and Tuesday NEED to fill out the form below

Basketball Tryouts


Each trimester we do a different conditioning assessment. Trimester 1 is the PACER.

The following students are the top performers in the first trimester.

Landon Newell 7th - 126

Camryn Homer 7th - 124

Zac Cadena 5th - 119

Ethan Hill 5th - 119

SSJ Basketball 2023-24

Basketball Season HERE!

We will be having two days of tryouts

November 13th & 14th 3-4:30

This is a TRYOUT, being present does not guarantee a spot on the team.

Students MUST be Academically Eligible in order to tryout.

All teams will be capped at 15 players.

Selections will be based on skill, effort, attitude, and teamwork.

Any questions please email me mbutterbrodt@ssjschool.org.

! Auction News !

AUCTION 2024 – Lights, Camera... Auction!

 There are still sponsorships available to help make this Auction unforgettable! If you would like to participate in corporate matching, purchase a sponsorship, or have any questions, please email auction@ssjschool.org.

 Corporate Matching - Many companies match gifts made to registered 501(c)(3) tax-deductible charities. As an example, if you donate $200, your company may match with an additional $200. Please inquire with your Human Resources to see if this benefit is something you can take advantage of in your plans for giving. Saints Simon & Jude School's Tax ID is 33-003911.

Sponsorships - Monetary donations are always appreciated and accepted. A grateful thank you to everyone who has already fulfilled many of the 2024 Event Sponsorships! A list of sponsorships that remain available are as follows:  

Your Face Ought to Be in Pictures $2,000

Sponsor the 360-degree photo booth. Includes two Auction Tickets, two VIP Preview Cocktail Hour tickets, a full page advertisement, and a Walk of Fame Star (1 available) 

All Star Cast Table $1,500

Includes two Auction tickets, two VIP Cocktail hour tickets, bottle service with one premium bottle of wine, a half page advertisement, and a Walk of Fame Star (2 available)

The Hollywood $500

Walk of Fame Star sponsorship (Multiple Available) 

The Publicist $500

Full page advertisement sponsorship (Multiple Available)

The Storyboard $250

Half Page advertisement sponsorship (Multiple Available)

Reminder: The next Auction Meeting will be Wed 11/15/23 at 7pm in the Franciscan Room. Topic: Procurement! Please join if you are interested in learning more or helping in this area. All are welcome, and we hope to see you there! Questions? Contact auction@SSJschool.org.


Christmas shop and give back!!! The Second Annual Fashion Island Shopping & Dining Event is on December 9th from 11:00am to 6:00pm. Every $100 you spend at participating stores will earn you one entry into a drawing for VIP front row seats at the 2023 SSJ Christmas Concert. 

SSJ Christmas Trees

Dining for Dollars!



Mark Your Calendars

Make sure to follow our School Google Calendar!

All School Google Calendar

From the Nurse's Desk

Report Absences

Mrs. Watson Wonders...

Did you know...

Lemons don't need seeds to grow, they can cross pollinate and BOOM! They're there.

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Saints Simon & Jude

Pray for Us!

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