*NEXT WEEK, 1/13 - 1/17: AMICO & ROSEN
- January Events
- PFA President's Message
- Counselor's Corner
- The Stand FUN-raiser
- PFA Meeting
- Winter Enrichment
- Dolphin Dash is coming this month!
- Talent Show
- Yearbook orders
- News you can use
- Box Tops
- Be a BL Sponsor
MON 1/6:
*The Stand - Restaurant FUN-raiser,
11am-9pm, Calabasas location only
TUE 1/14:
*Coffee & Conversation with Principal Cortina & Mrs. Baldi,
8am, MPR
*January PFA Monthly Meeting,
8:30-9:30am, MPR
MON 1/20:
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
MON 1/21:
*Kickoff assembly for 2020 Dolphin Dash
(formerly Jog-A-Thon) w/APEX
MON 1/27:
Staff Development Day
WED 1/29:
*5th Grade panoramic photo
, wear your 5th grade t-shirts
FRI 1/31:
*2020 Dolphin Dash Fun Run Event Day
sign up to volunteer
during your child's class time, see times below)
--8:30-9:30am: TK/K + 3rd
--9:30-10:30am: 4th + 5th
--10:30-11:30am: 1st + 2nd
A Note from our PFA President, Dawn Sue-Dare
Welcome to a brand new DECADE, Dolphins! Can you believe it's already a new year? I hope you all were able to spend some quality time with family and friends during winter break!
to the following parents for their help with these important PFA events in the month of December:
Krissy Freeman, Samantha Barnett,
Tricia DeTuno
(All-Star Sports Fest).
to the Bay Laurel cast of "Matilda", on TWO fantastic performances on December 13th and 14th! Way to go!
Don't forget about our
Back-to-School Restaurant FUN-raiser TOMORROW (Monday, 1/6/20)
Join your Dolphin friends & family at The Stand Calabasas for lunch or dinner, bring (or show)
the flyer
, and 20% of your bill will be donated back to the Bay Laurel PFA! Use it as a reason to catch up with friends! :)
I am definitely looking forward to seeing everyone at our upcoming
January PFA Meeting
(happening Tuesday, 1/14 @ 8:30AM in the MPR). If you're a Room Parent, we want you there! The PFA will be hosting its FIRST ever "Room Parent Forum" -- to help us better understand what's needed by each grade/class/etc, and to learn from YOU!
Finally, our
Dolphin Dash
is coming up this month! This is our fundraising event,
formerly known as Jog-a-Thon
, that promotes fitness to our students! We will be partnering with APEX Leadership Company to run the event this year, so keep an eye out for more information, coming home in the next couple of weeks!
Remember, our PFA Elections are approaching quickly! If you are interested in a board or chair position, please contact me directly!
Thank you all for making Bay Laurel such an amazing place for our kids!
Dawn Sue-Dare
2019-20 PFA President
Counselor's Corner with Ms. Baldi
January 2020
Hi Bay Laurel Families! I wish you a very Happy New Year, and hope you had an enjoyable holiday break surrounded with loved ones, as well as memorable moments made to cherish always. This month we will focus on the character disposition of Persistence and Grit. It takes persistence to stay on course despite challenges and barriers and keep on trying regardless of obstacles. It’s partner, grit, inspires one to utilize their intrinsic passion and courage to be resilient, in efforts to achieve things thought impossible, to maintain fortitude in meeting short or long term goals despite roadblocks, and allowing ourselves to reach for our dreams. Here are some people that we are happy they persevered:
- Walt Disney was fired from his first employment because his cartoons weren’t creative enough.
- Steven Spielberg was rejected from the SC School of Theater, Film and TV 3 times.
- Bill Gate’s first product was a huge failure called the Traf-O-Data.
- J.K. Rowling’s first manuscript of Harry Potter was rejected 12 times.
Many times we may witness our children giving up because something may seem too difficult. However, this is a time when we can help guide them to realize that a temporary failure is really an opportunity for growth and if they stick with it anyway, it can instill a sense of confidence, accomplishment, patience, self-resilience and tenacity that can last a lifetime. And as we reflect on our past year, it’s helpful to think about what we can do in our own lives to model persistence and grit to our children so that we too can take on life’s challenges with gratitude and demonstrate the skills that can help our kids succeed in many ways.
“Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” Nelson Mandela
Getting back into the swing of school can be difficult after a holiday break, so keeping sight of persistence and grit is extra important. Here as an article that may be of help:
Parenting Tip:
After the hustle and bustle of the holidays, remember to take care of YOU! It’s ok to take time out of your day and be kind to yourself. As parents we seldom stop and allow ourselves time to relax, breathe and just sit and reflect. It’s important to recharge so that we can be truly present for those we care about.
Thank you for stopping by the Counselor’s Corner. I look forward to working with your children and invite you to contact me with any questions, concerns, or thoughts. I am on campus on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00am to 3:00pm, and Wednesdays from 9:00am to 12:30pm.
Thank you,
Cheryl Baldi
School Counselor
TOMORROW is our first 2020 restaurant FUN-raiser at The Stand in Calabasas .
The Stand will be giving 20% back to Bay Laurel PFA
for every dollar spent on
Monday, January 6th from 11am-9pm
. Just mention you are with Bay Laurel so they can count your purchase toward our fundraiser.
-- This is a great reason to get your class together and meet at The Stand to catch up on your winter break activities! Bring your family, tell your friends, and let's all head over to The Stand tomorrow to help Bay Laurel and celebrate the first day back at school in 2020!
Come by after drop off to enjoy
Coffee & Conversation
with Principal Cortina and Ms Baldi, our school counselor, on
Tuesday, Jan. 14th @ 8am
in the MPR. Then stick around for our Monthly PFA Meeting
from 8:30 to 9:30am
We welcome all parents at this meeting! Come and get educated on our school happenings, and hear about our upcoming school events, too!
Take a look at the variety of Winter Enrichment activities sponsored by the Boys & Girls Club! Registration has been
extended to Monday, January 6th
! These classes are available for ALL Bay Laurel Dolphins, even if your student is not a Boys & Girls Club member. Classes are 1 hour long and are offered for 8 week sessions. Sign up today at
Dolphins, get ready to run, walk, and jog, because the
2020 Dolphin Dash
is coming! This year, we are partnering with APEX Leadership Company to run the event -- they're focused on leadership qualities and are well-versed in our Student 360 character traits!
The event will kick off on Tuesday, 1/21 with an assembly for all grades, explaining the event and our partnership with APEX. All students will begin to collect pledges from 1/21 - 1/31, and will culminate in the Dolphin Dash event on 1/31. We will need parent volunteers on the day of the event, so
check out the SignUpGenius
and sign up to help! Grade-specific event times are listed on the SignUpGenius page.
Attention all 4th and 5th Graders! Bay Laurel's Got Talent, our annual 4th/5th Grade Talent Show will be
Friday, March 13th at 6pm
in the MPR. Everyone should mark their calendars now as this is a fun even for everyone to attend!
Auditions will take place on
Wednesday, February 19th
. Come prepared to show us your talent! Acts should be no more than 5 minutes long. More information to follow.
Ring in the New Year with this year's best memories! Order your Bay Laurel 2019-20 Yearbook today. The yearbook highlights every class and all of the major activities that took place over the school year.
A VERY limited number of extra yearbooks are ordered each year (usually 2 cases or less), so if your child wants a yearbook, NOW is the time to order!
Click the button below to get yours ordered today.
This month, let's talk about Enrichment options. Bay Laurel students have lots of ways they can get enrichment outside of the classroom.
Boys & Girls Club (BGC) Enrichment:
As advertised above, the BGC sponsors enrichment classes for all ages throughout the year. You do not need to be a member of BGC throughout the year, but you can get a discount on the enrollment fee if you are. These classes are held on campus and are usually taught by specialists who come in just to teach that class. The classes vary from sports to musical arts to science. Winter class enrollment is open now. Deadline is tomorrow! Click
to register.
Coach Dante:
If you are focused on sports, then you will want to enroll in one of Coach Dante's after school sports classes. He offers flag football, basketball, and dynamic sports. What is dynamic sports? It's just about any fun sports game that kids love to play - like Dr. Dodgeball or Capture the Flag. What's great about Coach Dante's program is that your child will learn good sportsmanship along with the rules of game. Kindergarten has it's own group so the little ones don't get lost with the older kids. Winter enrollment will be updated soon so check back
for the details.
JAXX Theatricals:
Students in Grades 2-5 who have an interest in theater should consider participating in JAXX. The Spring musical this year will be "Willy Wonka". Tryouts will begin February 11th and culminate in a 2-day Spring performance. If you have never seen one of these performances, you are missing out! These kids do all of the singing, dancing and acting. It's truly a professional production and fantastic experience! Stop by our
for more information on JAXX.
On Campus Clubs:
Did you know we have student-lead clubs here on campus? They meet during lunch or before/after school. Although they have a faculty or parent supervisor, they are developed and run by the students. You might have seen one of these clubs in action as you are doing morning drop off - the Carline Club! These kids are out wearing their safety vests helping to wave cars down to the end of the line. Ask your Dolphin if he/she is aware of these student clubs and how to get more involved!
For the ’traditional’ Box Tops, please continue to turn them into the office Collection Box labeled with the student’s name/teacher’s name.
You can continue to receive credit for your Box Tops when using the app to scan your receipts. To "Give Credit" make sure you have the latest version of the Box Tops app, scan your receipt, then tap the star icon to enter your "Give credit" memo.
Questions? Please contact our Volunteer Parent Box Top Coordinator at
and check out this
for more information on box tops.
Do you have an amazing business and you want to get the word out? Become a 2019-20 Bay Laurel Sponsor and promote your business on our marquee, in the weekly PFA newsletters, on the PFA website, and in the Digital School Directory!
Options start as low as $500 for the whole year!
Special thanks to our PFA Bookkeepers:
Contact the Bay Laurel PFA: