January 4, 2024

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MES Upcoming Events Calendar

January 12

  • Submission deadline for artwork and writing for Dolphins Got Talent! Showcase

January 15

  • MLK Jr. Day: No School

January 19

  • 100th Day of School
  • Principal Coffee Talk

In This Issue

MES Upcoming Events

  • See left for the list of upcoming events

MES News and Reminders

  • PTA Nominating Committee and Next PTA Meeting
  • Save the Date for the Bust a Move Bash
  • Morning Carpool Drop Off Reminder
  • Principal's Blog

APS and Midtown Cluster Happenings

  • APS Board Education Meeting - January 8
  • Howard Middle School Principal Coffee Talk - January 12
  • Midtown Cluster Resources
  • APS Calendar Links

Dolphin Donors

Keep Up With MES!

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MES Family Directory (Membership Toolkit)

Digital Dolphin Archive

Support the MES PTA:

Become a member of the MES PTA

Sign up to volunteer via Membership Toolkit

Looking for more information about something and don't see it here? Check out the A-Z Directory on the MES website!

MES Weekly To Dos:

Submit your students' artwork and writing for inclusion in the Dolphins Got Talent show!

Click here for more details!

MES Upcoming Events

Friday, January 12th - Submission Deadline for Writing and Art Work for Inclusion in the Dolphins Got Talent! Showcase

One more chance to unleash your inner star during the return of the MES Student Talent Show, now with the new name: Dolphins Got Talent!

At our school, we believe every student possesses a unique talent waiting to shine, and that includes all of our writers and visual artists as well! The Dolphins Got Talent committee is currently accepting submissions of poetry, drawings, paintings, written pieces, and other physical artwork to be displayed during and after the talent showcase, which will take place on Saturday, January 27th, 2024 in the MES Auditorium! Materials for display can be dropped off in the designated bin in the Front Office now through Friday, January 12th. If you have larger items to submit, please contact Lindsey Checker to coordinate a pick up. For more details on the show, please visit the Dolphins Got Talent! webpage.

Any questions? Contact the PTA Dolphins Got Talent Co-Chairs: Blair Boyd Zant and Sanjam Duggal.

Monday, January 15th - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

In both honor and celebration of the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, all Atlanta Public Schools will be closed on Monday the 16th.

Friday, January 19th - 100th Day of School!

Our MES Dolphins are 100 Days Smarter! Please check your emails from classroom teachers to learn more about how each grade-level and class is choosing to mark this milestone day!

Friday, January 19th - Principal Coffee Talk

The next Principal Coffee Talk will be held on Friday, January 19th at 8am in the MES Auditorium! All coffee talks will also be live streamed to our YouTube channel if you cannot attend in person. Please join Principal Sofianos to learn more about all the exciting plans for the second half of the school year!

Please save the date for the remaining Principal Coffee Talks for this school year (all at 8am in MES Auditorium unless otherwise noted): February 9th (BYO Lunch & Learn at Noon), March 15th, and April 26th. There will also be a special coffee talk, to be scheduled, which will be focused on Howard Middle School.

MES News and Reminders

PTA Nominating Committee and Next PTA General Meeting

Mark your calendars for the MES PTA’s next General Meeting on Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 8am! The meeting agenda will be shared closer to the meeting date, but one thing that will be on the agenda for sure is the election of a Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee is charged with preparing the slate of PTA Executive Committee Officers for the 2024-25 school year. The Nominating Committee is composed of 5 members and 1 alternate. The work of the Nominating Committee is primarily done in February and March, with meeting schedules agreed upon by the committee once selected. You must be a member of the PTA to serve on the Nominating Committee.

Please contact Jane Myung Park before the January 25th PTA meeting if you are interested in serving on the Nominating Committee!

Save the Date for the MES Bust A Move Bash and Auction: Saturday, March 16th at The Carlyle

We're throwin' it back to the 80s and 90s - the days of neon windbreakers, boomboxes blazin', and gravity-defying moves. Clear your calendar, as we'll be rappin' about the good old days!

Our posse's been workin' hard but we need your help to make this a killer event! If you have or know someone that has potential interesting items or experiences to donate (i.e. sports tickets, fine art, sports memorabilia, gift cards, concert tickets, summer camps, private chef experiences, summer homes, etc) please contact our silent auction lead, Lori Brown at [email protected].

Let's bust a move for Morningside and make this the most bodacious bash the city's ever seen!

For questions about the Bust a Move Bash, please contact the event co-chairs Fabricio Moraes and Justin Hubbarth.

Morning Carpool Drop Off Reminder!

Friendly Reminders: The ONLY safe and acceptable method of dropping off students in carpool is through our designated carpool route. There is no drop off allowed on East Rock Springs Road as it is extremely unsafe with traffic patterns, especially as we are a major route to Emory. We have even noticed a few cars dropping off students in the middle of the street! This is extremely unsafe for our children during a very busy time of increased traffic. We also ask that you please be kind and considerate community members to our neighbors near the school. The use of their driveways is not acceptable and we have received direct complaints.

You can find the carpool route on the MES website Transportation page. Thank you!

MES Principal Blog

Principal Sofianos has been busy updating her blog this year, with some help from Assistant Principals Dr. Sinclair and Mr. Baron. Be sure to keep up with all the school news straight from the principal's desk by bookmarking her Principal's Blog and checking back often!

APS and Midtown Cluster Happenings

Atlanta Board of Education Meeting

The next monthly APS Board of Education meeting will take place on Monday, January 8th from 2:30-8:00pm. All meetings are held at the Atlanta Public Schools Center for Learning and Leadership Auditorium and are typically livestreamed via the APS Board of Education Facebook Page. Interested parties are welcome to provide comments during the Community Meeting portion (which begins at 6:00pm) by signing up in person from 5:00-5:50pm.

David T. Howard Middle School Principal Coffee Talk - Friday, January 12

David T. Howard Middle School Principal Dr. Hollis will host her next monthly Principal's Coffee on Friday, January 12th at 9:45am in the Howard Middle School Media Center. All Rising Rams families (or "Ramilies") are invited to attend these meetings in order to learn about life in middle school.

Rising Rams families, and anyone interested in following events happening at the middle school can subscribe to the weekly Rams Report newsletter here.

Stay Up to Date with the APS Midtown Cluster

Click HERE for resources directly related to our cluster.

Stay Up to Date with the 2023-2024 APS Calendar 

Click HERE to view the district calendar and start planning for all the breaks.

Click HERE to view the Atlanta BOE 2023 Calendar.

Dolphin Donors

Thank you to our 2023-2024 Diamond Dolphin, Dolphin, and Platinum-level sponsors for supporting our school!

For more information about Dolphin Donors, please click HERE.

The Digital Dolphin is a weekly newsletter managed by the Morningside Elementary PTA - Contact Editor