So many reasons to attend our Annual Meeting this Sunday. 

1.Doing the important business of the church, including voting on our new Vestry Class. 

The annual meeting is our opportunity to conduct essential church business, including the election of our new class of Vestry members.

We must have a quorum of 165 parishioners, so please make every effort to be at this vitally important event. 
Vestry nominees left to right: Billy Baxter, Dick Fowlkes, II, Andy Sherrod, Emily Stock , Brooke Taylor and Wilson Trice

If you didn’t get a chance to meet our Vestry Nominees last Sunday, or you just want to know more about them, you can click here to see the bios of every nominee.
2.Saying goodbye to John as he begins
his Sabbatical. 

This Sunday will be our rector’s last Sunday morning at St. James’s as he prepares to begin his sabbatical this coming week. His last day in the church office will be Wednesday, February 1.

Please join us this weekend as we celebrate our past year of ministry at our annual meeting and bid John farewell as he begins this time of rest and renewal for his ministry to our parish
3.Honoring Poconna Thiel's 50 years of service to the church.

Part of the Annual Meeting will be spent honoring Poconna Thiel for her 50 years of service to St. James’s as our Financial Manager. There will be a large card for Poconna in the narthex that you can sign. You’re also invited to bring your own card and leave it in a basket in the narthex. (No financial gifts, please.) 

Poconna’s dedication to this church is extraordinary – and it should be matched by our enthusiasm to thank her. Please be a part of this special tribute. 
Keep scrolling there's lots of news in this week's eChimes ...

Tuesday, January 31
Tuesday Men's Bible Study - 7:30 am, Valentine Hall
A weekly hour of fellowship, discussion of the bible and good food.
Contact: Patrick Strickler, [email protected]
     Stephen Spraker, [email protected]

Young Adults - 5:45 pm, location varies
We'll gather for a combination of fellowship, prayer, and Bible or book study.
For more information and/or to get on the GroupMe, contact the Rev. Blake Singer.
Contact: the Reverend Blake Singer, [email protected]

Wednesday, February 1
Living Faith Bible Study - 10 am via Zoom
This opportunity for fellowship, study and discussions that help to make
our Christian faith a “living faith” and apply the witness of the Scripture
to our everyday lives. Please contact Betsy for the Zoom link.
 Contact: Betsy Trow, [email protected]

Wednesday Noon Eucharist
in the Chapel

Singing Class with Mark Whitmire - 6:15 pm, Children's Choir Room
If you think you can’t sing, think again.
When it’s done, who knows, maybe you’ll sing with gusto or join a choir.
Contact: Mark Whitmire, [email protected]

Thursday, February 2
Thursday Men's Breakfast Bible Study - 7:30 am
This group meets every other Thursday to read and discuss the Lectionary Readings
for the upcoming Sunday. It’s a great way to learn the scriptures and
build deeper relationships with other St. Jamesers.
Contact: the Reverend Dr. Mark Cooper, [email protected]

Brown Bag Book Group - 12 noon via Zoom
This popular book club meets the first Thursday of each month.
Please contact Linda Owen to join the group and receive the Zoom link.
February book: Crossroads by Jonathan Franzen
Contact: Linda Owen, [email protected]

Keep scrolling there's more to read .....
This week's eChimes features
  • Wednesday Nights at St. James's
  • Share your thoughts on the future of our Mission Work
  • Get your Mardi Gras tickets and come join the fun
  • Next Youth Family Social
  • Upcoming Music Events
  • Looking Ahead at Adult Formation
  • DOERS doing in the community: REAL LIFE Valentine Day Bags
  • Prayers of the People
  • Virginia Diocese information
Our new Wednesday Night Class & Dinner starts
this coming Wednesday.

Welcome to St. James’s Fun-“Do”-Mentals Class. Whether you’re new to the church or were baptized here, join other St. James’s “Doers” for a Wednesday evening class exploring the fundamentals of Christianity, the Episcopal Church, and life at St. James’s.

When: Wednesdays, February 1 thru March 29 in Valentine Hall
5:30-6:30 Community Dinner and Fellowship
6:30-7:30 Fun-“Do”-Mentals Class

The Community Dinner is just that, a dinner for the St. James’s community. And you’re welcome to join us for dinner whether or not you are participating in the class. The suggested donation for dinner is $5 per person, with a $20 maximum per family.

The Fun-“Do”-Mentals class will be taught by the Rev. Amelia Arthur and the Rev. Blake Singer, and will feature presentations each week followed by a small group discussion and fellowship. We encourage you to register for the class and plan to attend each week to make the most of the experience. This class will also fulfill Confirmation/Reception requirements.

Please register for the class here.
Please share your thoughts on the future of Mission Work at St. James’s.

St. James's has a long history of engaging in Mission Trips both here and abroad. While we have continued to financially support several of our historic Mission partners, following the pandemic several factors have impacted our Mission efforts. Some of these factors include: 
  1. Many of our former partners are no longer safe to visit or they have changed how they receive visitors.
  2. Many of our former mission leaders or members of the Mission Committee have transitioned into engaging with other areas of our church life. 

Given these realities, the leadership of St. James's has decided that now is a great time to enter into a period of intentional discernment around how God may be calling St. James's to engage in Mission Work going forward -- beginning with this survey.
Please take a few minutes to fill out the following survey to aid us in this discernment.

You can take the survey when you click here or scan the QR code with your smart phone's camera.
Tuesday, February 21
at 6 pm in Valentine Hall

Fabulous foods, drinks, and an exciting live auction and raffles (even childcare). Join us in person for one of St. James’s legendary parties and help us fund Outreach and Missions. 

Go here to purchase tickets or make a donation.

Then come back to the site to see our fabulous auction items and/or buy raffle tickets. 

Saturday, February 11

The next Young Family Social is Saturday, February 11 from 4 to 6 pm at Rev. Amelia Arthur’s house (3918 Hanover Avenue). St. James will provide snacks, water, and lemonade. Parents are encouraged to bring a favorite beverage. We hope to see you there!


Sunday, February 19, at 11:15 am 
Choral Eucharist featuring Parish Choir with strings
Haydn’s Little Organ Mass

Wednesday, February 22, at noon & 7 pm
Ash Wednesday Service with Soloists at noon and West Gallery Choir at 7

Sunday, February 26, at 5 pm
Evensong with the Saint Singers, Kerry Court and Greg Vick, Directors

Sunday, March 19, at 9 am
Dylan Mass with West Gallery Choir and Guitar Ensemble

A look ahead at Adult Formation. 

Adult Formation will be back in full force beginning NEXT Sunday, February 5, when our Missions Committee will be discussing what missions has looked like and what the discernment process will entail. 

  • On Sunday, February 12, which is Youth Sunday here at St. James’s, there will be a combo Youth Sunday reception and Valentine Gift Bag assembly for REAL LIFE. 

  • Then on Sunday, February 19 (Transfiguration Sunday) we'll begin "The Power of Community in a Season of Transformation." For the next 6 weeks Adult Formation will feature conversations with St. James’s different partner agencies (REAL LIFE, Caritas, Peter Paul) as we talk about the work they do and where they see transformation in their work.

  • And during Lent, The Rev. Doug Wigner will be leading the Sunday Lenten Gospel Study during the fives Sundays of Lent.

Check upcoming eChimes for more details.

in the community:
REAL LIFE Valentine's Day Bags

Our outreach partner REAL LIFE serves individuals who have been affected by incarceration, homelessness, or substance abuse disorder by giving them an opportunity to overcome the personal and community barriers that hinder their pathway to a thriving life.

Our goal is to provide Valentine Treat Bags for the 140 adults who are residents of the 12 REAL LIFE residences. Review and signup below for the items needed for the Valentine Treat Bags.

This is a great opportunity to involve people of all ages (especially treat and valentine making!). Also, feel free to join us on Feb. 12 in Valentine Hall during Formation/Sunday school hour (10am-11am) to help pack the bags and make more valentines. 

Signup here to donate items here by Thursday, Feb. 10th.


Here are the names of those we're remembering in our prayers this week.

We do our best to keep this list current, but if you want your name added or removed, please email Mary Brown or call her at 804-355-1779, ext. 313.
For Diocese of Virginia news and information, visit:
You can always find the eChimes at