I hope you are enjoying your fall---the change of seasons is a welcome respite from the rain here in Baltimore!
If you're frustrated by technical difficulties (listen to what happened to me!)...maybe I have some words of wisdom for you! Deborah |
My heart went out to the head of my daughter's school last week when his laptop malfunctioned during Back to School night. Turned out the whole school was having technical difficulties and the English teacher found his laptop projecting into the Spanish room and others couldn't log on at all.
Some of the teachers and presenters were fine. They just said what they wanted to say. But a few of them got extremely distracted without their technology crutch. My mother lost all the contacts in her phone when she upgraded last week and another client had her hard drive crash.
And me...I was running a webinar on local search and GoTo meeting simply would not load on my computer. 33 people (ouch, were you one of them?) were waiting for me and I couldn't log on for 46 minutes! (Here's the recording link if you missed it!)
Lessons I've learned: - Always back up. (I synch my phone to Outlook daily and Carbonite backs up all my files automatically in the cloud.)
- Always have a Plan B. (Could I have done a teleclass instead?) I ran the session the next day.
- Know what you are going to say. Have printed notes in case the technology fails you.
It is easy to let the technology do the work for you, but remember it is a tool NOT a crutch. It doesn't take the place of the work of communicating with each other, it just facilitates it.
People are surprised when I come to a meeting without a computer, but in my mind, the computer is just a distraction. When you are meeting with someone it is to meet them,not to stare at a computer screen together.
Don't let the technology take the place of real connections!