Touring the Green Mountain State Since 1986!
Green Mountain Region
Virtual Holiday Cocktail Party and
Saturday, December 5 at 6:00 p.m.
Opening Entertainment with Vermont's Jon Gailmor
Your Green Mountain Porsche Club Board is planning some fun holiday events and we hope you will participate!
Given the restrictions due to the Covid pandemic, we will not be having our annual (in-person) holiday dinner as in previous years.
But---we have decided instead to host a virtual cocktail party on December 5 at 6:00 p.m. using the Zoom meeting platform. Members who RSVP with their intent to join our virtual party will be sent a Zoom link to the meeting.
The meeting will start with a brief “virtual concert” presented by Jon Gailmor!
Many of you may know Jon. He’s a Vermont singer / songwriter, an “artist in residence” for Vermont schools, and an entertainer who has played many venues in our state: clubs, weddings, concerts, and more. Jon will open up our party soon after the party starts by singing a few “car themed” songs. Learn more about Jon by visiting his website: You can also look up Jon in Facebook or on YouTube and hear him perform some of his songs.
We ask members to consider sharing their favorite cocktail recipe, beer or wine. We intend to assemble the submissions and share this information with the other party goers. As we plan the meeting, we’ll find a way for attendees to vote on their favorite recipe / wine / beer selection, and the club will offer an award for the best cocktail / wine selection! Stay tuned in for more details.
Please RSVP to if you plan to attend the virtual party. And while it's not mandatory for joining the party, don’t forget to include your favorite cocktail recipe, beer or wine selection when you RSVP.
GMR-PCA Fundraiser
Your GMR-PCA club is holding a fundraiser to benefit the Vermont Foodbank with the club matching the total member donations up to $2,000. You may not be aware that foodbanks are able to purchase more food per dollar than the average consumer making this a great way to help fellow Vermonters who may need support during these challenging times, and for the holidays. We have established a fundraising goal of $1,500, so please help to provide food to Vermonters facing hunger by making a donation to the Vermont Foodbank through this link ( The process is fast, easy and secure.
Raffle for Fundraiser Contributors!!
Your donation will be recognized as part of the GMR-PCA fundraising drive. Additionally, every club member donating to the Foodbank fundraiser will be eligible to win a prize of $50! It just so happens that the national PCA is raffling a new Porsche 911 Targa and each ticket is also $50. So, the winner of our raffle will have the choice to use the funds to buy a national PCA raffle ticket or something else! Donations must be submitted to the Vermont Foodbank by December 3rd to be entered in the raffle.
Mark your calendars!
So, mark your calendars for some holiday fun on Saturday, December 5th at 6.00 p.m .and send your RSVP to The Zoom logon information will be sent to you via email a day or two before December 5. And remember to share your favorite cocktail beverage and maybe a nice digital photo of your Porsche in your email.
See you then!
From your Green Mountain Region Board of Directors:
Carl Wulfestieg, Pres
David Whittall, VP
Christina McCaffrey, Treasurer
Peggy Larson, Secretary
Sandy Gilmour, Communications Chair
Duffy Miller, Events Chair
Don Jones
Brad Kennison, Membership Chair
Bill Root, Past President
Alessandro Iuppa, Next President - term beings Jan. 1, 2021
Board Member Alessandro Iuppa, Brownsville, Named
President at Green Mountain Region Annual Meeting October 27
The GMR Annual Membership meeting took place virtually as scheduled on October 27 via the Zoom platform. While attendance was limited, the Club was able to complete its required business.
Carl Wulfestieg, President, made opening remarks and acknowledged the work done by Board members and other club members. Further, he stressed the need to find replacements for Peggy and Duffy as Treasurer and Events Chair, respectively
The minutes of the 2019 Annual Members meeting were approved.
Christina McCaffrey, Treasurer, recapped the financial condition of the club for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020. In short, we began the year with cash balance of $14,645 and ended with $15,759. The Treasurer’s report was approved.
Brad Kennison, Membership Chair, provided a membership report. Despite the COVID-19 challenges GMR’s membership numbers were steady ending with 186 active members.
Duffy Miller, Events Committee Chair, provided an overview of the 2020 Tours. Despite the public health restrictions our participation rates increased as the summer progressed.
Carl provided the Nominations Committee report which was responsible for preparing the slate of candidates as officers for term covering 2021-2022. No nominations were made from the floor and the proposed slate was adopted by the members. The officers for 2021 – 2022 are as follows:
President – Alessandro (Al) Iuppa (Replacing Carl Wulfestieg who declined to run for reelection)
Vice President – David Whittall reelected.
Secretary – Peggy Larson reelected
Treasurer – Christina McCaffrey reelected
After the annual meeting adjourned, Carl introduced Mike Bryan, PCA’s Zone One Representative who provided an organizational overview of PCA nationally and regionally.
See our website for official minutes and treasurer's report.
Welcome New PCA Members!
Info updated Oct. 22, 2020
Please say hello to the following new Green Mountain Region Porsche Club members who have joined PCA here, or moved and changed regions recently, according to monthly data supplied us by national PCA. Note: if a member lets his or her membership lapse and then signs up again, they will appear as a "new member." In which case, welcome back!
Joshua Bewlay, Fayston, 1963 Red 356 (Transfer from Connecticut Valley Region)
Christopher Swift, Williston, 2012 Meteor Gray Cayenne Turbo
Name Tags: We recommend that new members and their spouses or partners purchase "official" Green Mountain Club name tags for wearing at all GMR events. Please email to request them for you and your spouse or partner, and our treasurer, Christina McCaffrey, will try to get them for you in time for the next event. The cost is $15.00 per name tag.
Member Highlight: John and Sue Fallone
In this newsletter we are featuring a highlight of a Green Mountain member. We urge you to send us information about you and your car(s), along with a photo or two of course, that we can profile here.
John and Sue Fallone have recently moved to Woodstock, and sent us photos of their not one, not two, but three Porsches. With their permission here is text from the email they sent to our membership chair, Brad Kennison, when they joined GMR:
My wife Sue and I are avid Porsche enthusiasts and have recently moved back to the Northeast from South Carolina where we were members of the Coastal Empire region. Having moved to Woodstock, we wanted to transfer our membership to the Green Mountain Region.
We currently own three Porsches. I have a 2005 911S, my wife has a 2013 Boxster, and we share a 2017 Macon GTS. Prior to this We‘ve owned a string of other Porsches including a 914 going way back, a 928 and several 911s. I raced SCCA for about 10 years and have an interest in doing some PCA track days to scratch that itch.
--John Fallone, Woodstock
Photos below: Sue's Boxster, the joint Cayenne and John's 911
If you have any comments or suggestions on the website, please contact our Webmeister, Al Iuppa
Your Green Mountain Region Club Officers
Carl Wulfestieg
Dave Whittall
Vice President
(802) 843-2482
Christina McCaffrey
Peggy Larson Secretary
Sandy Gilmour
Communications Chair
Alessandro Iuppa
Don Jones
(802) 359-3606
Albert "Duffy" Miller
Events Chair
(802) 613-3169
Bill Root
Immediate Past President
Brad Kennison
Membership Chair
About These Email Communications:
Replies to these GMT PCA emails come to me (Sandy Gilmour), not the entire membership; however, I can forward to President Carl Wulfestieg and other board members if needed. I always welcome any comments on any ways we can improve communications with GMT PCA members.
Join GMR PCA -- If you are receiving this email as a "friend of Green Mountain Porsche Club," please consider joining PCA. You get a great magazine, Panorama, and membership in Green Mountain Region is included in the annual dues of $45 a year. Go online at, or simply call headquarters in Maryland at (410) 381-0911.
We welcome any submissions to this newsletter and to our website by members who have some fun experiences, photos, tech stuff and other adventures to share! Email me at
Remember also, it's a volunteer organization. Any help you can provide -- especially with event planning -- is most appreciated by all!
~ Sandy
Sandy Gilmour ('99 Boxster)
Communications Manager
Green Mountain Region
Porsche Club of America
For other communications related to the Green Mountain Region website, such as the submission of photos, link suggestions, general interest Porsche stories, Porsche history items, commentary or other material of interest for the GMT Membership or this site, please contact webmeister Alessandro Iuppa.