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Math for Genealogists
25 September 2024 at 8:00 pm central time.
Why did great-great-grandma get 34/99 of her late husband’s estate—when there was no will? We'll find out!
Attendance live will be via Zoom.
Topics included: Calculating probate fractions, dates and ages, Wolframalpha for genealogists, land measurements, money, and more. The math will be low-key, but ignoring the numbers can cause you to miss ancestral clues. Michael was a community college math instructor (teaching from basic arithmetic to calculus) in another life and brings that experience to the presentation. There is no math prerequisite for this class, but you are required to be interested in improving your genealogical skills and getting as much from ancestral numbers as you can!
Join us or get the recording/handout later!
Attend live on 25 September 2024 at 8:00 pm. Central time ($16)—register here.
Get recording for distribution on 26 September ($15)—pre-order recording here.