NOVEMBER 9, 2020
Know Your Rights for Tenants
NOVEMBER 16, 2020
Sepa Sus Derechos para Inquilinos
NOVEMBER 20, 2020
Understanding Medicaid Managed Long-Term Care for Advocates
NOVEMBER 21, 2020
Deadline to register for Economic Impact Payment
DECEMBER 1, 2020
Project Warmth Opens for Emergency Heating Assistance
Call 2-1-1 after Dec. 1
DECEMBER 2, 2020
Nassau County Department of Social Services Public Forum
DECEMBER 4, 2020
Landlord-Tenant Update for Advocates
JANUARY 4, 2021
Nassau Property Tax Exemption Deadline
Know Your Rights for Tenants
In Partnership with the Brentwood Public Library
Monday, November 9, 6:00-7:00 pm
Presented by NSLS Senior Staff Attorney, Marissa Luchs Kindler
Many tenants have questions about their rights during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially now that landlord-tenant court proceedings are starting to resume. This webinar will explain the basics of landlord-tenant law in New York, including leases, the landlord-tenant court process, and eviction. Changes in the law and court procedures to protect people who are experiencing hardship during the pandemic will also be discussed.
While all are welcome, this program is designed for tenants. This program will be offered on separate dates in English and Spanish. Please see below for information on the Spanish-language session and help us share this information with the community.
Sepa Sus Derechos
como Inquilinos
In Partnership with the Brentwood Public Library
Lunes, 16 de noviembre, 6:00-7:00 pm
Presentado por NSLS Staff Attorney, Paola Arango
Muchos inquilinos tienen preguntas sobre sus derechos durante la pandemia de COVID-19 especialmente ahora que procedimientos de la corte han reanudado. Esta conferencia en línea explicará los conocimientos básicos de la ley de propietarios e inquilinos en Nueva York incluso contratos de arrendamiento, el proceso de la corte y el desalojo. Discutiremos cambios en la ley y procedimientos de la corte que protejan personas pasando por dificultades durante la pandemia.
Aunque todos son bienvenidos, este programa está diseñado para inquilinos. Este programa se ofrecerá en fechas separadas en inglés y español. Consulte la información previa para obtener información sobre la sesión en inglés y ayúdenos a compartir esta información con la comunidad.
Understanding Medicaid Managed Long-Term Care
for Advocates
Friday, November 20, 12:00-1:00 pm
Presented by NSLS ICAN Unit Staff Attorney, Amanda Davis
ICAN, or Independent Consumer Advocacy Network, supports people in Medicaid long-term and managed care plans who need services in the community, like home attendants or adult day care. This presentation for advocates and health aids will describe Nassau Suffolk Law Services' ICAN Unit and the assistance, advocacy, and representation we provide for Long Island residents receiving long-term care services in the community through Medicaid. Learn about the benefits and services Medicaid long-term care programs provide, how to access those services, what rights a participant has, and how to address quality issues or denials of services.
Bring your questions about what to expect after the 2020 Medicaid amendments go into effect next year!
Landlord-Tenant Update
for Advocates
Friday, December 4, 12:00-1:30 pm
Presented by NSLS Senior Staff Attorney, Marissa Luchs Kindler
Advocates are on the front lines of assisting people facing housing insecurity in the wake of the pandemic. Even advocates familiar with eviction procedures and tenant protections prior to the pandemic may have questions about how landlord-tenant proceedings are being handled. This webinar will review post-COVID tenant protections, including the Tenant Safe Harbor Act, Executive Orders and the CDC Moratorium and address how the Courts have been implementing these protections.
While all advocates are welcome, this presentation is designed for more experienced advocates and is not meant for the general public.
Contact Cathy Lucidi at clucidi@nsls.legal or 631-232-2400 ext. 3324 with any questions.
Philip Parlante, Esq.
The Pro Bono Project is pleased to honor Philip Parlante, a Nassau Suffolk Law Services alumnus, as November’s Attorney of the Month. Parlante recently represented a Pro Bono Project client after her husband stabbed her 17 times and left her for dead. She ultimately recovered after countless surgeries and even returned to work. Parlante and his colleagues at Horn and Horn were able to get complete ownership of the marital residence for her. Another of the many DV cases Horn and Horn handled involved a client whose spouse made dozens of unfounded complaints to Child Protective Services. Ultimately with the advocacy of Horn and Horn, the Court found that the client’s spouse could have supervised visitation only.
Parlante decided to become a lawyer after reading the part of Henry Drummond in "Inherit the Wind” as a youngster. After graduating from the University of Delaware, Parlante attended New York Law School and interned at the New York Civil Liberties Union. Parlante first came to NSLS as an intern and was then hired to work in the Mental Health Unit. During this time, Parlante became interested in practicing family law and transferred to the NSLS Domestic Violence Project. Although he was shocked by the volume of cases, in the Domestic Violence Project Parlante discovered his true legal passion. Parlante greatly enjoys working with people in crisis to untangle the complex knot of legal and personal issues that are almost always lurking in a matrimonial case. Since then, family law became the primary focus of Parlante's career.
During his time in the Domestic Violence Project, Parlante decided to join Jeff Horn’s practice. Horn and Horn was the only firm that Philip considered because he knew could continue working with DV survivors there. Parlante has now worked at Horn and Horn for over 17 years. Jeff Horn and his colleagues at Horn and Horn have been honored several times as the Pro Bono Attorney of the Month. On behalf of their many pro bono clients, we express deep gratitude for the wonderful advocacy this firm has provided for decades. The attorneys at Horn and Horn relish taking on some of the most challenging cases that are presented to the Pro Bono project, and we deeply appreciate their efforts and acumen.
When Parlante takes on a matrimonial case, he tries to prevent his clients from worrying about housing, child custody and the other issues that are embroiled in the typical divorce. Instead he encourages his clients to focus on the ways their voices can be heard. Sadly, many of our divorce clients come to us with a distrust of our legal system. Many find the Courts both terrifying and inexplicable and conclude that the system is unfair. Part of Parlante’s effort is to regain his clients’ faith in the system. He also tries to give his clients dignity and get them through the divorce in a healthy fashion. Parlante’s main goal is to have his clients find their own answers as he concentrates on giving a voice to their arguments. In this way, Parlante strongly believes that his legal practice has a therapeutic element.
We are so inspired by Parlante’s dedication and determination to help as many of our clients as possible with respect and compassion. It is with the utmost regard that we award Mr. Philip Parlante the distinction of November’s Pro Bono Attorney of the Month.
The Suffolk Pro Bono Project is a joint effort of Nassau/Suffolk Law Services, the Suffolk County Bar Association and the Suffolk County Pro Bono Foundation. These agencies have joined resources with the goal of providing free legal assistance to Suffolk County residents who are dealing with economic hardship.
If you are an attorney and would like to volunteer, please contact Carolyn McQuade, Esq., at 631-232-2400, ext. 3325 in Suffolk County or Susan Biller at Susan Biller, Esq. 516-292-8100, ext. 3136 in Nassau County.
NSLS Adult Home Unit Provides a Legal Lifeline to Isolated Residents
Click to view NSLS Staff Attorney Erika Verrill's video on the essential services her unit provides during the pandemic.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a severe financial crisis for many Long Islanders. Civil legal services are essential to making sure our neighbors have access to justice in cases affecting their basic needs--shelter, food, education and health care -- as well as COVID-19 related legal issues. Walk the path of justice with us by symbolically adopting/ honoring a NSLS Unit so we can continue to “Do What’s Legally Possible to Create a Just World.” Your donation will support the critical civil legal services Long Island communities need to thrive again. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of Long Island’s most vulnerable residents.
Please visit our website at nslawservices.org for unit descriptions. Ads & videos will be displayed NSLS’ Commitment to Justice webpage and all NSLS social media outlets (ads will show your support for NSLS and may be used on all your social media outlets).
Supports all NSLS’s units. Logo and Branding Included on NSLS website, Social Media, Campaign Emails + 2 Center Spread Virtual Ads + 30 second video about why you support NSLS.
Supports four NSLS’s units. Logo and Branding Included on NSLS website, Social Media, Campaign Emails + 2 Full Page Virtual Ads + 30 second video about why you support NSLS.
Supports three NSLS Units. Logo and Branding Included on NSLS website, Social Media, Campaign Emails + 1 Full Page Virtual Ad + 30 second video about why you support NSLS.
Supports two NSLS Units + 1 Full Page Virtual Ad will be displayed on our NSLS website + NSLS social media outlets.
Supports one NSLS Unit + Half Page Virtual Ad Unit 1 FRIENDS OF JUSTICE - $300 Supports an NSLS employee + Quarter Page Virtual Ad
NSLS is committed to helping people in need vindicate their rights under the law. We provide free legal services in thousands of civil cases each year as well as legal support to community advocates to ensure that low income, disabled and disadvantaged individuals have equal access to the civil justice system on Long Island.
631 232-2400 | 516 292-8100 | 631 369-1112