Dear Friends,
The adage “It takes a village” truly aligns with the efforts needed to end the cycle of violence. As we embark on another Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we reflect on the sheer force required to address this issue, collectively.
While domestic violence has been considered by many to be a “family issue,” the impact of violence stretches far beyond the walls of homes and seeps into the core of our communities. Domestic violence creates trauma, and the ripple of trauma is felt in our schools, community centers, businesses, and everyday interactions with our neighbors. It is often the catalyst that leads to bullying, unhealthy teen relationships, toxic work environments, and challenging interactions with strangers.
During the pandemic, domestic violence became a pandemic of its own as people faced the added pressures of increased economic insecurity, isolation, and limited contact with support networks. With our communities reopening and life returning to “normal,” these effects from this time will continue to impact our daily lives.
In order to counter the effects of domestic violence, we must collectively respond with resources to support those directly affected, education for communities to stop abuse in its wake, and the tools to prevent violence from occurring.
These measures would seem overwhelming if we were doing this work alone, but with this expansive village - our supporters, partners, and stakeholders we can bring an end to domestic violence.
We hope you will join us this Domestic Violence Awareness Month as we raise our voices together to call for an end of violence and exploitation.
With appreciation,