Veterans and Active Military receive 10% off your regular priced purchase with ID
November 9th, 10th and 12th
Say hello to the holidays!
Shop wholesale Christmas lighting, Christmas decor, and gifts! 
With BUY 1 GET 1 Christmas Ornaments 
And pick up your coupon for a Marcum's live tree, poinsettias, and holiday greenery.

Thursday, November 29th
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
OKC Location
Just say no to fake trees and yes to an evening celebrating an old Christmas tradition. Pick out your Marcum's Christmas tree and enjoy live performances from Moore High School Choir, treats from Snow S'more Food Truck and photos with Saint Nick himself!  
We still have pansies, pumpkins and bulbs!
What you need to know about winter watering
1. When a sudden drop in temperature is in the forecast, adequately water all of your shrubbery, trees and beds. Doing this a day in advance will act as insulation to the plant's roots by allowing your soil to compact around them before the freeze comes.

2. Your plants still need water during the winter, but less than during the spring and summer. Water when dry spells continue past a few weeks.

3. Apply water down by the roots and avoid splashing water on the stems and leaves.

4. Lay mulch around your plants and trees to add additional layers for warmth.
  • Continue reseeding fescue.  
  • Remove diseased plant material from the landscape to reduce disease problems next year.
  • Drain and store water hoses and wrap hydrants. Clean up all tools. Coat metal surfaces with a thin film of oil to prevent rust.
  • Drain gasoline from power equipment or use fuel stabilizer before winter storage.
  • Scale insects can be controlled with Hi-Yield Dormant Spray. Apply when the temperature is above 40 degrees F in late fall and winter. Do not use "dormant" oils on evergreens.
  • Prepare your landscape for winter by mulching to protect roots from freezing.
  • November 15 to March 15 is the best time to prune most trees and shrubs.
  • Compost annual debris and leaves.
  • Test soil to correct nutrient deficiencies before winter. Soil testing may be done through the Oklahoma State Co-op Extension located at 2500 N.E. 63rd street in OKC. Bring at least two cups of soil to be tested. Phone: 405-713-1125.
  • Continue to control broadleaf weeds in well established warm or cool-season lawns using post-emergent ferti-lome Weed Free Zone.
  • Remove leaves from cool-season grasses or mow with a mulching mower.
  • Continue mowing cool-season lawns on a regular basis.
  • Purchase spring flowering bulbs and refrigerate or keep cool in dry spot (garage) until mid-November through December for planting when ground temps are 50 degrees or below.
  • Continue to plant pansies, kale, and cabbage.
  • Plant container trees and your Ball & Burlap (B & B) trees when they go dormant.
  • Apply ferti-lome Pecan and Fruit tree Fertilizer to fruit and nut trees.
  • In the first week, fertilize cool season grasses again using Marcum's Fertilizer 18-6-12
  • Illuminate and enhance your home's landscaping with commercial outdoor lighting. Consult one of our lighting experts for more details.

Goldsby Location | 405-288-2368 | 169 N Main Ave
OKC Location | 405-691-9100  | 2121 SW 119th
Norman Location | 405-447-3100 | 17550 S Sooner Rd
Ardmore Location | 580-223-1846 | 25 S Rockford Rd

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