VNH Celebrates the Holidays During Uptowne High Point Holiday Stroll        


 photo VNH_holiday2_zps18e7a00a.jpg photo VNH_Bullet_zps81afa904.jpg Join Veronica Neal Home on December 7th for the Uptowne High Point Holiday Stroll! There will be lots of fun, shopping, food, music, and activities for the whole day! Visit for a complete schedule of events and more information. 



 photo VNH_Bullet_zps81afa904.jpg   The Harry Deaton Interiors event has been rescheduled to follow the holidays.  Check the Veronica Neal Home Facebook and Google+ pages for regular updates on scheduling, events, and special offers.   



 photo VNH_Bullet_zps81afa904.jpg    photo UltrasonicDiffuser_zpsef2d4282.jpg Christmas is just a few weeks away and Veronica Neal Home  wants to help you find the perfect gifts for your loved ones. VNH offers an eclectic catalogue of home goods, including Young Living Essential Oils and diffusers. Transform your loved one's homes into a personal aromatherapy oasis! The elegant diffusers work with almost any decor. 

Order your home goods and gifts for the upcoming season and receive a 20% Discount per pre-order.   


For more information about Veronica Neal Home Furniture products & Upcoming News and Events, contact us at 828.277.3737 or email 

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Style and Comfort Come Together
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419 North Hamilton Street
High Point, NC - 828.277.3737