July 2015                       Issue 15
In This Issue
Vernon Public Works Day
Protecting Workers from the Effects of Heat
Tips from Tony
Sign Installation and Maintenance
Road Work Map
2nd Annual Vernon Public Works Community Day

On Saturday, May 30th, the Vernon Public Works Department held their 2nd Annual Public Works Community Day with the assistance of other town departments and organizations. Their Shred Event generated 6 tons of shredded paper and they collected 300 food items and $247 for the HVCC Food Pantry. Thank you to CT DOT for sending Safety Sam!

  Safety Brief: Protecting Workers From the Effects of Heat
During routine public works activities workers may be required to work in hot environments, sometimes for extended periods of time. When the body is unable to cool itself by sweating, several heat-induced illnesses can occur, and can result in death. Learn how to keep your crew safe with our Safety Brief Protecting Workers From the Effects of Heat and beat the heat this summer.
Tips From Tony: Sign Placement at 

Here's a tip from our Safety Circuit Rider Tony Lorenzetti:

Incorrect Installation
CORRECT Installation
Question: I have a T-Intersection. Can I install a stop sign across the intersection?

Answer: No, it has to go on the right hand side. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Section 2B:10 says that the stop sign, "...shall be installed on the near side of the intersection on the right hand side of the approach to which it applies." The MUTCD is a federal document recognized as the standard for traffic control. It has been adopted as Connecticut regulation under Connecticut General Statute 14-298 and should be followed.

Images shared with permission from T2, Kentucky Transportation Center
Sign Installation and Maintenance

Do you know how to properly install traffic signs and sign supports? If you're unsure or could use a refresher, register for our Safety Academy course Sign Installation and Maintenance. The class will be taught by our Safety Circuit Rider Tony Lorenzetti and will be offered in Windsor on September 30th and Litchfield on October 1st. This course will cover everything from choosing the proper sign and material to where and how to install signs. To brush up on your skills at home, check out Maintenance of Signs and Sign Supports from the Federal Highway Administration.
Find Out Where Road Work is Happening Throughout the State

Are you or your residents making summer travel plans and wondering where road work is happening throughout the state? Use this link to find out where there will be active construction and get more information about the types of projects you should expect to see.
If you have any ideas or suggestions for future Connecticut Crossroads topics, please feel free to email the designer Nicole Creaturo at creaturo@engr.uconn.edu.