Chicagoland Pro-Israel Political Update

Calling balls and strikes for the pro-Israel community since 2006

July 12, 2020
114 days till Election Day

If you remember nothing else, remember this:

  • Republican leadership repeatedly engages in anti-Semitism and supports policies harmful to Israel.
  • Last week, Trump again accused a subset of Jews of trying to rig the election.
  • If you know anyone who thinks the Black Lives Matter movement is anti-Semitic, ask them h0w they'd respond if someone refused to support Zionism because of the Zionist Organization of America.
  • Joe Biden has laid out a solid pro-Israel foreign policy.

Read to the end for Twitter threads on DeSean Jackson and an explainer on legislation that would condition aid to Israel. I love when you tell me about mistakes--consider it a quid pro quo.

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If you are concerned about not supporting a movement that is anti-Semitic, then I hope you are not supporting the Republican Party, whose leaders continue to openly and unapologetically engage in anti-Semitism and policies harmful to the State of Israel. The Trump campaign and Republicans in leadership positions continue to traffic in the anti-Semitic trope that Jewish money controls elections. It has happened too long over too long a period for it to be anything but what it is: anti-Semitism, not from Republican supporters who don't hold office, not from the least senior Republicans, but from Republican leadership, starting at the top.

A thought experiment for anyone still obsessing about anti-Israel language on one Black Lives Matter website: Imagine if someone said that they could not support Israel or Zionism because of what some view as racist and bigoted comments made by Mort Klein, the head of the Zionist Organization of America. You'd probably reply that yes, Klein has made comments that some consider racist and bigoted, and that’s why you don’t support Klein and you don’t support one particular organization that supports (its version of) Zionism, the Zionist Organization of America.

You'd point out that many organizations support Zionism, and because one organization has the word "Zionism" on its website doesn’t make it the spokesperson for Zionism and won’t prevent you from proudly supporting Zionism. You'd probably be right if you suggested that many Americans who support Zionism have never heard of Mort Klein or the Zionist Organization of America, and among those who have, many are unfamiliar with Klein’s statements. You might point out that it is nonsensical to hold all Zionists accountable or responsible for Klein’s comments such that they are somehow obligated to respond every time he opens his mouth.

So why is it hard to understand that the existence of one Black Lives Matter website with anti-Israel language buried deep within it is not representative of the protesters marching for the concept of Black Lives Matter? If you don’t like the language in that website, don't support that website. If you march for Black Lives Matter you are no more supporting that one website than you are supporting the Zionist Organization of America if go on the Walk with Israel. If you walk with Israel, you support Zionism, not any particular organization or website, and you support Black Lives Matter--the principle, not any particular organization or website--if you march for Black Lives Matter.

Rep.Karen Bass (D-CA), the Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus and a good friend of the Jewish community, was recently asked about anti-Semitism in the Black Lives Matter movement on a call convened by the Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA). She said that the entire group should not be held accountable for what a few might be saying and that most Black Lives Matter supporters think of Black Lives Matter as a broader concept, not as a particular organization. She said that a large majority of the protesters have no idea about the website or what's on it and that if you asked most Black Lives Matter protesters about any anti-Israel language, they would have no idea what you were talking about or even that it existed at all. That's not why they are protesting.

We should not look for specious excuses not to support the Black Lives Matter movement or let anyone drive a wedge between the Black and Jewish communities. Too much is at stake. We can’t expect others to help us if we won’t help them. Let’s be our best. Black Lives Matter.

Demonstrators did not chant anti-Israel slogans at a recent Black Lives Matter rally in DC. Right-wing publications and groups like the Republican Jewish Coalition spread this misinformation because it suits their political agenda, but the truth is that there was a Palestinian Days of Rage rally where, in addition to the anti-Israel slogans you'd expect at a rally like that, some of the marchers changed Black Lives Matter slogans, which is part of their strategy of attempting to create alliances with other groups. I'm not defending the anti-Israel slogans chanted at this Palestinian Days of Rage rally, but claiming that this was a Black Lives Matter rally where anti-Israel slogans were was chanted is a lie that should not be repeated.

We are entering silly season . At this time 12 years ago, our Republican friends were warning us that Barack Obama was anti-Israel because if elected, he would hire Samantha Power, and they claimed that Power wanted to eliminate aid to Israel and send military forces to impose a settlement on Israel and the Palestinians. Obama appointed Power U.S. ambassador to the UN in his second term, but amazingly, he never got around to using the U.S. military to impose a settlement, and instead of cutting aid to Israel, Obama took it to record levels. But who knows what Obama would have done if he could have run for reelection. Thank goodness for term limits.

Look for Republicans, desperate to win Jewish votes, to resume playing guilt by association and make stuff up (in the real world, Power did not advocate eliminating aid to Israel or using the military to impose a solution ) .

Presidential campaigns hire hundreds of people, not all of whom think alike. Believe it or not, not all of them are in charge of developing policy toward Israel. Some of them may have said things that can be taken out of context or that even in context, don't reflect Biden's views. They work for Biden--Biden does not work for them. Biden's views on foreign policy in general, and Israel in particular, have been honed by decades of active engagement, and he has faith in his judgment. Unlike Trump, Biden will not formulate policy based on what the last person he spoke to told him (or what he saw on his favorite TV channel). If you want to know where Biden stands on Israel, read where Biden stands on Israel .

Tweet of the Week. Robin Williams on Keith Richards .

Twitter Threads on DeSean Jackson. David Schraub and Sarah. Read both.

Facebook Post of the Week. James Tabeek.

Political Ad of the Week. Trump's Saudi Connection.

Video Clip of the Week. Dave Specter: March Through the Darkness .

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The Fine Print : This newsletter usually runs on Sunday mornings. Unless stated otherwise, my views do not necessarily reflect the views of any candidates or organizations that I support or am associated with. I reserve the right to change my mind as I learn more. Intelligent, well-informed people may disagree with me; read opposing views and decide for yourself. A link to an article doesn't mean that I agree with everything its author has ever said or that I even agree with everything in the article; it means that the article supports or elaborates on the point I was making. I take pride in accurately reporting the facts on which I base my opinions. Tell me if you spot any inaccuracies, typos, or other mistakes so that I can correct them in the next newsletter (and give you credit if you want it). Advertisements reflect the views of the advertisers, not necessarily of me, and advertisers are solely responsible for the content of their advertisements. I read, value, and encourage replies to my newsletters, but I don't always have time to acknowledge replies or to engage in one-on-one discussion. Don't expect a reply if your message is uncivil or if it's clear from your message that you haven't read the newsletter or clicked on the relevant links. © 2020 Steve Sheffey. All rights reserved.