Reminder: Upcoming events on growth, housing options and more begin next week

City planners have started shaping community feedback into the draft recommendations that will eventually become the Near Northwest Area Plan. They are also identifying key issues that need additional input. If you have weighed in already, great! This is your chance to stay up on the planning process and see how your comments and ideas have influenced the plan so far. If you haven't, this is a perfect time to get involved and have a say in the future of your Near Northwest neighborhood. 

Over the next few months, we will be talking with community members in Chaffee Park, Jefferson Park, Highland and Sunnyside. All participants will get an early check-in on draft recommendations and discuss key issues.

Join us virtually this coming Wednesday, September 21.

In-person options begin September 29.

Online surveys are coming soon!

Register for Virtual Workshop: Wednesday, September 21

In-person workshops will give neighbors a chance to have focused conversations on the areas they care about most. The events will begin with a 30-minute presentation followed by an open house.

  • Thursday, September 29 - Jefferson Park and Highland
  • Saturday, October 1 - Chaffee Park
  • Wednesday, October 5 - Sunnyside
Get full details on in-person workshops

Tell all your friends!

Download our bilingual flier and share with your neighbors to help us ensure we hear from as many people as possible. 

Visit the plan webpage
En Español
About the Near Northwest Area Plan
The Near Northwest Planning Area is made up of the Northwest Denver neighborhoods east of Federal Boulevard: Chaffee Park, Sunnyside, Highland, and Jefferson Park. As part of the Neighborhood Planning Initiative, this project provides an opportunity to create a long-term vision for these neighborhoods that furthers citywide goals and priorities while addressing local neighborhood needs.
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