Connections: February 14, 2022
Dear Beloved Community at CCSM, 

Happy Valentine's Day! Please know that whether this occasion is a festive and celebratory favorite or brings up hard feelings such as loneliness or loss, we are one community and holding you in love and prayer however you may be feeling this day. 

As we focus in our services this season on faith beyond boundaries and borders, I've been thinking a lot about how, like God, love can cross all sorts of those: differences of nationality, race, religion, social expectations; our own understanding of ourselves, sexual orientations and gender identities, and even the line between life and death. At the same time, love must be loving and good boundaries can ensure respect, safety, and justice. And, even though society puts a lot of emphasis on romantic relationships, we know that love cannot be constrained to that form alone and that friendship, fellowship, mentorship, spiritual community, and more can all be powerful expressions of love and deep care. 

Thank you so much to those of you who joined us for worship yesterday, whether online or in-person. Rev. Keyona's inspiring message really touched me and I was so moved by her own authenticity and call for justice rooted in faith, interweaving of the wisdom of many important civil rights leaders and ancestors. If you missed it, please do go back and listen—it was a powerful service also with gorgeous music, readings, liturgical art, and more. Also, please follow us on YouTube and Facebook and share our videos to help others to find us and to expand our community both in-person and virtually, around the world. 

This coming Sunday we are so privileged to have Pastor Álvaro Duran preaching at our service. Pastor Duran is an Anglican theologian, pastor, and LGBTIQ+ Human Rights defender, the first and only openly LGBTIQ+ religious leader in El Salvador. In 2015 he co-founded Libres en Cristo, the first organization of LGBTIQ+ Christians and heterosexual allies in Central America. Since 2019 he has been the Warden and Precentor of La Comunidad de Magdala, a radically inclusive faith community.

I know that this service will open our hearts and minds to see how the Spirit is working to cross boundaries and borders all around the world, and showing us our own callings to be a part of this movement.

Blessings of peace and love to you this week -

Join us this Sunday
February 20

Pastor Álvaro Duran
from El Salvador

Pastor Álvaro Duran is an Anglican theologian, pastor, and LGBTIQ+ Human Rights defender, the first and only openly LGBTIQ+ religious leader in El Salvador.

Between 2009-2011, by appointment of the late Bishop Martín Barahona, then Bishop of the Anglican Church of El Salvador, coordinator of the Specialised Pastoral of Inclusion - Ministry of Sexual Diversity, the first initiative in the Central American region that promoted the welcoming, affirmation, and inclusion of LGBTIQ+ people in the Church and society. 

Since 2011 he is the presiding religious leader of the ecumenical devotional "Plegaria Rosa" the annual public national event that commemorates the victims of homophobia and transphobia organised by the LGBTIQ+ Human Rights organisations in El Salvador.

In 2015 he co-founded Libres en Cristo, the first organisation of LGBTIQ+ Christians and heterosexual allies in Central America that works to educate and empower religious leaders, faith communities, and human rights defenders on issues relating to religion, human sexuality, and culture for full LGBTIQ+ inclusion and the eradication of religious prejudice. That same year, in a historic event, he inaugurated the XIX El Salvador LGBTIQ+ Pride March by leading participants in a moment of reaffirmation and prayer.

Since 2019 he is the Warden and Precentor of La Comunidad de Magdala, a radically inclusive faith community founded by late Bishop Martín Barahona that also promotes his legacy of LGBTIQ+ Full inclusion, Interfaith Actions for Peace and Human Rights advocacy.

And since 2020 he is the motivator of the National Board of Interfaith Actions to promote Human Rights, Non-Discrimination, and Secularism in El Salvador.
Faith Beyond
Barriers, Boundaries, Borders

Feb 20 - Pastor Álvaro Duran
Feb 27 - Rev. David Vasquez-Levy
Friday, February 18 at Noon
Kloss Hall

Music and Art will meet in person this month! Bring your own bag lunch, but beverages and dessert will be provided. We are honored to have for our program CCSM-ers and Music and Art members Stephen and Susan Bell, performing music on the Celtic Harp and flute.

Since we are meeting in person for the first time in 2022, strict COVID safety protocol will be observed. We will be checking your vaccine cards to verify that everyone is fully vaccinated and “boosted.” N95 or KN95 masks will be worn except when actively eating or drinking. (We will have a limited number of masks available if you don’t have one). Also, seating at tables will be limited to 5 persons per table. Guests are also welcome to attend, but reservations are REQUIRED so please RSVP to Susan Duty:, or phone: 650-533-6830.    

Second Hour on February 27 with Rev. David Vasquez-Levy:
Spiritually Rooted Leadership for a Time of Change
11:45am • Buckham Room or Zoom

This Sunday February 20th, Chuck and Jordan are hosting a Sound Bath in the Sanctuary. The Sound Bath will help you quiet your mind and relax your nervous system.
From this place you can reach into the sacred and fill your reservoir by connecting to source.

Annlee has been attending the sound baths and shared this, "A sound bath is sublime. It requires zero effort to get maximum benefit. Just lie down or sit and let the music flow in and around you. My body relaxed and my thoughts quieted within the first 5 minutes, and by the end, I felt a deep peace. It filled my inner reservoir and I was able to draw on this peace for days after.”

Click HERE for tickets and more information. CCSM members receive a $5 discount. Tickets for sale
225 Tilton Avenue • San Mateo, CA 94401
(650) 343-3694