Dear member,

As a premier health insurance provider, we always strive to offer you access to the most innovative in the field of medicine, thus guaranteeing your well-being and peace of mind.

  • Annual adjustments that take into consideration medical inflation and technological advances in the field of medicine are essential for Best Doctors Insurance to achieve this goal. Therefore, in our effort to enhance your renewal process, a new pricing model has been implemented, based on the “reached age”.


  • As we transition to this new format for 2023 renewals, you may notice some variations at this point. For some customers, this may result in a slightly more significant adjustment. If you find yourself in this situation, please rest assured that starting from your next renewal, the adjustments will be more gradual and aligned with your age.

  • This means you won't experience substantial increases in values due to changes in age groups. These smaller, incremental adjustments allow for more accurate projections of future rates, with realistic and more affordable prices. 


  • Unlike our prior rate structure, which was defined by 5-year age bands, the new model prevents long-term impacts on our members' premiums. 


  • We wish to reiterate our commitment to customer satisfaction and strict adherence to the terms and conditions as established in your contract.

A new and personalized approach

+ Each member will pay a premium based on his/her specific age and the risk associated with it.

+ Moderate variations in rates each

year will allow you to have a more predictable outlook on your plans, enabling you to make better-informed decisions about your financial future.

+ You will also experience greater transparency and equity in the cost of your insurance, as it will no longer be subject to an average price determined by their age group.

At Best Doctors Insurance, we seek to understand how the medical landscape evolves over time and to reflect those transformations in our rates to ensure that you pay a fair price that meets your needs and those of your loved ones, always.

We value the trust you place in us for your medical needs, and we are delighted to count you as a loyal member of the Best Doctors Insurance family.

Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact your insurance agent or call our customer service number: 1-866-902-7775.



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