We have many training sessions available for our Medicare Advantage (MA) and Cigna Healthcare Supplemental Benefits (CSB) brokers in March. You don't want to miss out! Scroll through the training sessions below to view all the trainings available by topic. Make sure you register for your spot!

MA Broker Training

Choosing the Right Enrollment Period for MA (SEPs)

Do you have questions about MA Special Enrollment Periods (SEPs)? You are not alone. Join us for this informative training to help you understand how to leverage SEPs to increase your sales throughout the year.

Monday, March 4

11 a.m. – 12 p.m. ET


Wednesday, March 6

4 p.m. – 5 p.m. ET


(Español) Elegir el período de inscripción adecuado para Medicare Advantage (SEP)

¿Tiene preguntas sobre los períodos de inscripción especiales de Medicare Advantage? Usted no está solo; Únase a nosotros en esta capacitación informativa que lo ayudará a comprender cómo aprovechar los períodos de inscripción especiales para aumentar sus ventas de Cigna Healthcare durante todo el año.

Lunes, 18 de marzo

11 a.m. – 12 p.m. ET


Exploring CignaforBrokers and Producers' University

CignaforBrokers provides you single sign-on access to Producers' University, CustomPoint, Salesforce, and more. Producers' University is your one-stop shop for many resources to help elevate your sales. Ideal for brokers new to Cigna Healthcare, this training will help you learn how to navigate both sites. 

Monday, March 4

4 p.m. – 5 p.m. ET


Thursday, March 14

10 a.m. – 11 a.m. ET


Enroll with Ease Using ConnectureDRX

Learn how to use one of Cigna Healthcare's online enrollment tools, ConnectureDRX. This informative training will prepare you to conduct compliant enrollments both virtually and in-person.

Tuesday, March 5

10 a.m. – 11 a.m. ET


Monday, March 18

4 p.m. – 5 p.m. ET


Salesforce Lead Management

Unsure about how to manage and disposition your Salesforce leads?  Join us for this training to learn how to correctly manage your leads and increase sales.

Tuesday, March 5

4 p.m. – 5 p.m. ET


Wednesday, March 20

10 a.m. – 11 a.m. ET


How to Resolve Objections

Objections don’t have to be an obstacle to success in sales. Join us to learn how to resolve objections by asking the right questions to help your customers feel their concerns are addressed while increasing your chances of closing the sale.

Wednesday, March 6

10 a.m. – 11 a.m. ET


Tuesday, March 19

4 p.m. – 5 p.m. ET


Get a Clear View: Cigna Healthcare MA Vision and Hearing Benefits

Along with dental benefits, vision, and hearing benefits are often deciding factors in making a plan decision. Drive sales by learning how to position these key benefits.

Wednesday, March 6

4 p.m. – 5 p.m. ET


Wednesday, March 13

10 a.m. – 11 a.m. ET


Positioning to Increase Sales

It's not enough to know plan benefits; successful agents understand the importance of positioning plan benefits to meet customer needs in a targeted way to increase sales, retention, and customer satisfaction. Join us for this training to learn more about positioning skills.

Thursday, March 7

10 a.m. – 11 a.m. ET


Wednesday, March 20

4 p.m. – 5 p.m.


Cigna Healthy Today Card

Join us to learn more about the Cigna Healthy Today card which provides a one-card solution for easy access to many of our MA supplemental benefits.

Thursday, March 7

4 p.m. – 5 p.m. ET


Wednesday, March 13

4 p.m. – 5 p.m. ET


Tuesday, March 19

10 a.m. – 11 a.m. ET


Cigna Healthcare MA Dental Benefits: A Deep Dive

Dental coverage is often one of the deciding factors in choosing a MA plan. Join us for a deep dive look at our MA dental benefits to learn how to position these benefits to meet your customer needs and grow your business. 

Friday, March 8

11 a.m. – 12 p.m. ET


Thursday, March 21

4 p.m. – 5 p.m. ET


Special Needs Plan (DSNP)

Learn more about how Cigna Healthcare’s Dual Special Needs (DSNP) plans can help you grow your business year-round. 

Monday, March 11

11 a.m. – 12 p.m. ET


Ordering Sales and Marketing Materials in CustomPoint

Have questions about ordering sales and marketing materials in CustomPoint? Join us to learn how to navigate CustomPoint to generate customized marketing materials to grow your Cigna Healthcare business all year long.

Monday, March 11

4 p.m. – 5 p.m. ET


Using the Strategic Provider Directory

Have questions about looking up Cigna Healthcare MA providers? If so, join us for this demo on how to search for providers using our redesigned Strategic Provider Directory and our provider spreadsheets to locate in-network providers.

Tuesday, March 12

10 a.m. – 11 a.m. ET


(Español) Uso estratégico del Directorio de proveedores

¿Tiene preguntas sobre cómo buscar proveedores de Cigna Healthcare Medicare Advantage? Si es así, únase a nuestra demostración sobre cómo buscar proveedores utilizando nuestro Directorio de proveedores y nuestros archivos de proveedores para localizar proveedores dentro de la red.

Lunes, 4 de marzo

11 a.m. – 12 p.m. ET


Low Income Subsidy

Join us to learn about changes in the Low Income Subsidy (LIS) program and how these changes impact Medicare beneficiaries, while learning how to leverage the LIS Quarterly Special Enrollment Period to build your business throughout the year.

Tuesday, March 12

4 p.m. – 5 p.m. ET 


Positioning MA Transportation, Fitness, & Meals Benefits

Learn about the transportation, fitness, and post-discharge meal benefits included with our MA plans.

Thursday, March 14

4 p.m. – 5 p.m. ET


Military Health Benefits & MA

Learn how Veterans can benefit from enrolling in a Cigna Healthcare MA plan in addition to using their VA or TRICARE for Life benefits. We'll show you how to grow your business while serving our Veteran Medicare beneficiaries. 

Monday, March 18

11 a.m. – 12 p.m. ET


Self-Guided Veteran's Presentation

We are excited about our recently released self-guided Veteran’s presentation designed to answer the questions our Veteran beneficiaries may have about pairing a MA plan with their existing Veteran health benefits.

Thursday, March 21

10 a.m. – 11 a.m. ET


Sales Performance Improvement (SPI) Q&A

Still have some questions from any of our March training sessions? Please join the Sales Performance Improvement team for a Q&A session to get your questions answered. 

Thursday, March 21

4 p.m. – 5 p.m. ET


CSB Broker Training

Filling in the Gaps with CSB Plans

Do you want to know the ins and outs of our Medicare Supplement plans? Let us give you a firm grasp on the basics so you can confidently and quickly compare plans, which, along with proper positioning, will get you into more conversations and close more sales. 

Tuesday, March 5

4 p.m. – 5 p.m. ET


(Español) Cubriendo las brechas de Medicare con los complementarios de Medicare de Cigna Healthcare

¿Quiere conocer los detalles de nuestros planes complementarios de Medicare? Permítanos brindarle una comprensión optima de los conceptos básicos para que pueda comparar planes con confianza y rapidez, lo que, junto con el posicionamiento adecuado, lo llevará a entablar más conversaciones y cerrar más ventas.

Miercoles, 6 de marzo

1 p.m. – 2 p.m. ET


How to Resolve Objections

Objections don’t have to be an obstacle to success in sales. Join us to learn how to resolve objections by asking the right questions to help your customers feel their concerns are addressed while increasing your chances of closing the sale.

Wednesday, March 6

10 a.m. – 11 a.m. ET


Tuesday, March 19

4 p.m. – 5 p.m. ET


Cover More of your Clients' Needs with Flexible Choice Cancer, Heart Attack and Stroke

Did you know you can ease a customer’s concern for costs associated with cancer or heart attacks? Join us to learn how to protect customers against unexpected expenses and out-of-pocket exposure with our Lump Sum Cancer and Lump Sum Heart Attack/Stroke policies, all while increasing your sales opportunities.

Thursday, March 7

2 p.m. – 3 p.m. ET


(Español) Cubra más necesidades de sus clientes con nuestro seguro para Cancer y Ataque al Corazón y Derrame Cerrebral

¿Sabía que puede aliviar la preocupación de un cliente por los gastos asociados con el cáncer o ataques al corazon? Únase a nuestra capacitación para aprender cómo brindarle protección a los clientes contra gastos inesperados y exposición de desembolso con nuestras pólizas de suma global para cáncer y de suma global para ataques cardíacos y derrames cerebrales, y al mismo tiempo aumentar sus oportunidades de ventas.

Jueves, 14 de marzo

2 p.m. – 3 p.m. ET


Positioning to Increase Sales

It's not enough to know plan benefits; successful agents understand the importance of positioning plan benefits to meet customer needs in a targeted way to increase sales, retention, and customer satisfaction. Join us for this training to learn more about positioning skills.

Thursday, March 7

10 a.m. – 11 a.m. ET


Wednesday, March 20

4 p.m. – 5 p.m.


Position an "All in One" Flexible Choice Dental, Vision, and Hearing

Frequently, customers may have medical coverage that does not offer dental, vision, and hearing benefits. Join our session to discover how our "all in one" plan can pair well with any medical plan to help provide complete coverage. 

Tuesday, March 12

4 p.m. – 5 p.m. ET


(Español) Posicione un seguro "todo en uno" para los servicios dentales, de visión, y audición

Con frecuencia, los clientes pueden tener cobertura médica que no ofrece beneficios dentales, de la vista y de la audición. Únase a nuestra sesión para descubrir cómo nuestro plan "todo en uno" puede combinarse bien con cualquier plan médico para ayudar a brindar una cobertura completa.

Miercoles, 13 de marzo

2 p.m. – 3 p.m. ET


Sell More with Flexible Choice Hospital Indemnity and Choice Accident

Have you wanted to get more clients and have more chances at referrals? Our Hospital Indemnity and Accident Plan products allow you to protect customers against costs while also helping you sell more Medicare plans and add additional referral streams.

Tuesday, March 19

4 p.m. – 5 p.m. ET


(Español) Venda más con nuestros seguros Flexible Choice Indemnidad Hospitalaria y Choice Accident

¿Ha querido conseguir más clientes y tener más posibilidades de obtener referidos? Nuestros planes de accidentes y de indemnización hospitalaria le permiten proteger a los clientes contra los gastos y, al mismo tiempo, le ayudan a vender más planes de Medicare y agregar flujos de referencias adicionales.

Miercoles, 20 de marzo

2 p.m. – 3 p.m. ET


Staying Focused on Recovery with Cancer Treatment Plans

Having the proper financial support for ongoing cancer treatment can help bring peace of mind to allow customers to focus on what matters the most – their recovery. Join us to learn more about the benefits our cancer treatment plans can offer and how to position them effectively within your sales process.

Thursday, March 21

2 p.m. – 3 p.m. ET


MA Brokers

Cigna Agent Resource Line (CARL)


7 a.m. to 6 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday

Spanish queue available

CSB Brokers

The Agent Resource Center (ARC)


8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday

Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna Healthcare. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2023 Cigna Healthcare.